Mar 16, 2008 01:03
not that people really read these, but i enjoy posting...makes me feel like carrie bradshaw. that's right, i said it. i am a sex and the city FAN.
my time here in charleston is growing thin. only 1.5 months left. after this it's off to hershey for 4 months. then DC. we'll see where LIFE takes me.
i'm rehearsing A Year with Frog and Toad right now. it's brilliant. as a bird i ride around the stage on a razor scooter. brilliant. genius, really.
i'll be in Huntington over easter weekend. i'm so pumped i can't even contain myself. it's ridiculous. when am i gonna ever make it back there again? it's pretty random that i'm going this time. my boss's brother lives in oak hill, so she asked if i wanted a ride. so, i'm comin huntington, watch out!
it's late. SNL wasn't too bad tonight. mariah carey? really? oh brother.
peace, ya'll.