Nov 23, 2005 13:34
For you laypeople in crowd HP4 stands for Harry Potter 4 aka Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I'm going to see it (FINALLY!) this afternoon now that the Petester has made her triumphant return from Cincy (? apparently she's now a local). I find myself a little overexcited considering I will be 27 years old next week.
To be fair I did quietly mock the adults and 6,000 children that were lined up on Friday night at the Ames pisshole excuse of a theatre as I went to see the critically acclaimed and Oscar worthy Walk the Line. But my reasons may surprise you. Mostly it was because I thought their costumes were not up to par. Especially the movie theatre employees. What the hell does an all-green ensemb represent in the HP world? A dragon? With striped socks though? I don't get it. I mean come on people. How hard is it to put on a crimson and gold tie and say you are in Gryffindor? Amateurs. If I were to dress up like HP I would clearly be Hermoine. I already have the sassy attitude, frizzy curly hair (sans product) and crush on Ron Weasley.
I have done very few productive things on break so far. I have played the Sims 2 for about 10 hours or more. And read about international adoption. And been to SuperTarget, heaven in a commercial form, twice. All in all, very good times.