Aug 12, 2005 20:11
My two best friends are having fun in Georgia without me. I am feeling some loathing towards them right now, especially since neither of them will answer their phones so I can tell them how I loathe them. Judases. I can see them now, sitting at Tasty World, drinking and listening to some great new band. UGH! I am wicked jealous.
Then I am also saddened because I missed the yearly visit to the baseball tourney in Wichita with my dad. No matter what I've managed to make it (usually with a friend or two) to see a game. Last night Dad and Ashley called to say they were at the game and thinking of me. Damn it.
Growing up is hard. Even though I'm only 6.5 hours away from home, it still seems too damn far. So when I think about moving even farther away from the fam long term, I'm not sure how I will pull it off. I guess fly a lot.
Don't get me wrong I heart my roommates Legg and Leah and my other friends here and I am very grateful for them... ah I don't know. I suppose I'm just melancholy and decide to share it with the three people who read this lame blog. I do love my new place. I got the big bedroom and everything... I'll chalk this diatribe up to the mass amount of rain we've received lately.