Studying a lot, fighting the system, fucking the police! Being all protester and such. Viva la revolución!
Idk, man, my country is simply going to hell. Merkel is fucking us without lube. When I finally got into college, now I can't get a scholarship. ANYWAY...
Man, that sounds less than fun, I am so sorry =T We do get the occasional run down on what is happening in Spain in the news over here, but I can't imagine that we get the whole picture in all its horribleness. I will never understand how a government prefers saving up and taking stuff form its people (who probably have not much left by this point) rather than, I dunno, invest into them? But yeah. Fucking Merkel, man. These are the times when I am pretty glad we are not part of this whole Euro-debacle because holy shit.
And I'm fine, thanks. Trying to write a thesis to finally get a degree IS NOT A CAKEWALK as I have learned in the last year, who'd have thought man colour me surprised. Tough I did get a job in a children book's editions so at least I can afford food now so that's a step-up I would say.
... though I do not have to fuck the police, so I guess I am doing better than you right now omg zerobeans do please take care <3
Goode olde LJ times, where have you gone?
we just don't know.
in all seriousness, how you doing? I hope not too bad! ♥
Studying a lot, fighting the system, fucking the police! Being all protester and such. Viva la revolución!
Idk, man, my country is simply going to hell. Merkel is fucking us without lube. When I finally got into college, now I can't get a scholarship. ANYWAY...
How are you doing? <3 hope better than me!
Man, that sounds less than fun, I am so sorry =T
We do get the occasional run down on what is happening in Spain in the news over here, but I can't imagine that we get the whole picture in all its horribleness. I will never understand how a government prefers saving up and taking stuff form its people (who probably have not much left by this point) rather than, I dunno, invest into them?
But yeah. Fucking Merkel, man. These are the times when I am pretty glad we are not part of this whole Euro-debacle because holy shit.
And I'm fine, thanks. Trying to write a thesis to finally get a degree IS NOT A CAKEWALK as I have learned in the last year, who'd have thought man colour me surprised. Tough I did get a job in a children book's editions so at least I can afford food now so that's a step-up I would say.
... though I do not have to fuck the police, so I guess I am doing better than you right now omg zerobeans do please take care <3
fuck HTML.
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