Just a little pleasure~

Feb 01, 2011 20:59

Title: Just a little pleasure [One Shot]
Author/Artist: austriaspiano 
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Japan/China
Rating: M
Warnings: Slight Sexual Interactions,Omorashi Kink, and Yaoi Pairing.
Summary: Yao just wants to spend a day with his younger Japanese sibling. Yet distraction after distraction seems to have shown up during the day keeping the two from sharing any peaceful moment together. Kiku seems to have discovered something else as well about his Gege during these events and is desprete to drag it on and enjoy some little pleasures of his own.
Author's Notes: THEY ARE SO OUT OF CHARACTER! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! -weeps in corner- This is terrible. I am so sorryyy this is so terrible Miri. I kept you waiting so long and this happens. ; ;  It is offical I am not good at writing these. I'm so terribly sorry! ; A :

China nearly slammed the door shut behind the kitty headed man that had decided so greatly to visit him this fine day. "Ai-ya! So many visitors and so little importance of their matters aru!" He ran the temples of his forhead and let a soft sigh fall but quickly covered it with a gentle smile towards his guest. He had been busy but he was being rude to the one that had waited paitently event after event.
Kiku graced him with a content smile as a reply and motioned for him to sit back down across from him. "It is most alright Yao-san. I know how busy life can get." He picked up the beautiful tea kettle that was set nearby and poured his brother warm cup of tea. "We have yet to even share one glass."
A soft smile seemed to peek from the corners of Yao's lips as he made his way to kneel back down on the soft coushin. "Xie Xie aru." He let his thin fingers rub the soft porceline like glass of the cup never moving to pick it up, staring into the dark liquid, thinking. It seemed like this always happened when his more distant sibling came to visit. Limited time to speak,even more limited time to enjoy each other's company. He closed his eyes as he brought the cup to his lips to take a sip. "I'm glad you came today though Kiku aru."

The two spoke of the current times in their countries, allies and foes made over the years that even each other hadn't heard of. Affairs in the feild of love were left out as they always were,to much to speak of and not truly proper for the other to know. They spoke of cute things that their small furry pals seemed to do during certain times or even actions they seem to commit on a daily basis. They spoke for what seemed like hours and as they spoke the sun slowly began to sink into the moutains going unoticed as they continued their chatter.
Yao set his cup down empty of it's tea before nearly gasping as he spied the time. "Ai-ya aru! I have kept you so long!" He quickly stood to his feet expecting the other to follow as he normally did but to his surprise the Japanese nation remained on his knees cup still in hand. He had finished his tea some time ago but like a small child with a stuffed toy refused to place it back on the table.
Japan looked up at him with an almost aplogetic smile placing the cup down and standing to his feet bowing an apology. "Ah, sorry I was thinking" He replied it was then he spied it, that which he was thinking about as China spoke.
"Oh, about what?" China seemed rushed, a slight fidget to his movements and a little self controlled dance between the chinese nation's feet. He blinked in a confusion as he spied the sly little smirk that seemed to cross the Japanse nation's lips.
"Just a little something"
"A little...something aru?"
Japan let his head and his eyes shift to the open doors that lead out to the porch taking in the last glimsp of sunlight before it vanished behind the peaks. "Yes, just a little something"
China's head seemed to fall into a tilted state of confusion as the other spoke. Japan did this rather often actually, speak in such a way that even the wise nation that China was couldn't grasp onto what was in the younger's head. Then again, Yao had never seemed to be able to get into his head. He shifted his weight to one side as he waited for the other to turn his attetion back but as time ticked by it seemed Japan had been lost like the sun had. He shifted his weight back to his other foot and let his fingers grip the cloth of his sleeve.
"Kiku aru?" He spoke at last smiling as the other seemed to acknowledge the call of his name. "It is late, you should head home..yes?"
"Have you ever thought of how the moon..."
China let out an audioable groan which he quickly blushed and turned his head away cursing himself for the rudeness that escaped. His body seemed to turn in on itself slowly as the desire to relief himself made itself very apparent. His little dance seemed to shift to a faster pace but he quickly tried to cover it brought on even more so as he heard the soft chuckle of the younger.
"Yao-san are you alright?"
"Fine Kiku aru" He looked up to see the smile that the other possesed was not of the innocent kind as a sly smirk had seemed to eat away at the normally gentle smile that  the Japanese nation held.
"Are you sure?"
China bit his lip his eyes closing tightly as if he were to escape into the darkness the pressure on his bladder and that almost damned smile would vanish but it only made it worse. "I'm positive." His eyes snapped open as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he was met with the Japanese nation's eyes locked with his only a few inches apart, Kiku's breath heavy on Yao's lips.
It seemed almost as if it was an instict that Yao pushed him away similar to an embarassed girl which he mummbled under his breath that he despised acting in such a way. "Ai-ya Kiku aru! What are you doing!?" His cheeks were puffed up in his usual manner of pouting as he spoke eyes in a pitiful glare. "You scared me aru!" It was in truth that the younger hadn't scared him at all but the closeness had sent a chill of entirly different emotion thrughout him. An emotion that sent a spark of pressure through his member and instead of allowing any sort of sound related to that feeling escape he let it out in a single push that cast away the source.
"You seemed ill Yao-san I wished to check..." He was cut off as Yao shook his head his shaking seeming to cause the hold on his ponytail to slip only slightly. "It's fine aru. I'm fine!" He let his eyes glance towards the stairs that lead up to his personal restroom and then looked quickly back towards Kiku. On an average circumstance he wouldn't ask for the permission to be excused over such a matter. It was only respectful to show your guest out then take care of your personal duties. This time, however, Japan had seemed to draw out the conversation longer then just a soft good bye, wishes of a good night and blesing on the days to follow. "Kiku aru...I.." His voice was shaky as the pressure was becoming near to the feeling of bursting or so it felt or perhaps it was true.
"Yao-san...There is something that I need to speak of...suddenly" Kiku seemed to chime in with a tone of urgency this time around but was in no way surprised as he heard as soft whimper escape the Chinese infront of him.
"Can it...wait aru..Just a few moments?" He voice was nearly as quickly paced as Japan's had been with almost as much urgency if not for the whining that seemed to be entangled in the words. He dare not speak of why he needed the breifest of moments of reprise, the embarrassment was to much to bare so his lips remained sealed on the reason as to his desperation. He let his eyes glance once more towards the stairs but quickly turned back as he heard the sound of the wood on the floor creek under Japan's feet.
The younger had started to make his way towards him, at a rather quick pace. Yao took a step back but froze as soon as he did instinct bring his hands to grab at the cloth of his crotch a groan escaping his lips which he instantly bit back. Every step seemed to send a shock wave of agony that wasn't even painful but more so unbearable into his precious region between his legs. He had no time to avoid it or even wish things in other ways as he felt Japan's chest against his own, a hand brushing his soft fingers and the soft breaths of the Japanese nation on his neck.
"Kiku aru...I need to..."
"Getting desprete arn't you Yao?" Kiku seemed to chuckle to himself as he spoke his finger brushing teasingly on the smooth skin of Yao's fingers slowly working the fingers away from each other and pushing the elder's hand to the side. His own fingers seemed to push against the cloth to find what he searched for teasing it with gentle movements gaining very quick very high gasps and whimpers from the one he teased.
"Your sensative ton.."
"Kiku aru stop it!" Yao tried to push him away but was only met with Japan smirking up at him.
It was getting worse and Yao bit his lip harder drawing the slighest tinge of blood as he felt himself ready to burst,he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer.
"Kiku aru..."Yao's voice was strained but it was cut short as Japan's lips met his own licking the blood off. That kiss was enough to throw any sense of restraint off and Yao let out a whimper into the Japnese nation's lips as he felt himself let go.

Yao stood there his entire face covered in a blush, his legs wobbling under him from the comfort of release yet the embarassment of having that release infront of the other nation. "D-don't...look kiku aru" He tried to push the other away but was just met with soft laugh. "Why are you always so cute China-san?"
"How does this make me cute aru!? I have shamed myself infront of you...in such a..." He huffed his cheeks turning his head away.
"Shall we get a change of clothes?"
Yao didn't reply just tried to hide his face more against the wall. The silence that followed just gained another laugh from Kiku. "Always so cute ...Come on" He took the other's arm and began to lead him up the stairs.
China had always been busy, his days were not peaceful ones. Yet somehow,everytime he was graced with Japan's presence in his home...something like this happened. Over the years Yao started to wonder if he had done something wrong in the way he raised the younger. He couldn't grasp a hold of the things that made Japan pleased or excited him. In truth..perhaps he never wanted to understand it.

He let out a sigh as he looked down at the large maid like dress he wore, hair done up in a feminine style.
"Ai-ya! Kiku aru! You didn't tell me you'd change me into this! "

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