Jul 30, 2004 16:36
Well. I just handed a complete draft of my thesis in at the office. My supervisor's already looked at the chapters individually, so this is more like a second or third run through. I hope they're OK - he's been impressed by the content so far, but introductions and conclusions are not my strong point.
I feel like I've been writing non-stop for three weeks. Actually, I think I have been. Low points included wading through the first volume of Wagner's collected works in the original, and in Gothic, trying to spell Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung at 3 in the morning, and trying to decipher the references in Ruth Andreas-Friedrich's Berlin diary. Leo Borchard (first post-war conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, who was accidentally shot by an American soldier two months into his tenure) is referred to as Andrik, if anyone ever needs to know.
I've got two weeks till the actual thing is due, so I'm going to sleep all weekend, and think about editing again on Monday. And starting the bibliography - it's just a matter of transferring material from the footnotes, but there are over three hundred of them...
Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm very, very tired.
Fact of the Day: as mentioned above, the first post-war conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic was Leo Borchard. The second was Sergiu Celibidache. Wilhelm Furtwaengler wasn't denazified and allowed back on the podium until 1947.