Not a particularly inspired update, but I couldn't go past this quiz...
Take the Dead German Composer Test! Very, very funny, although that may be simply because I know the material so well, I could where some of the jokes were going. Actually, I may have fudged things slightly. Mahler is a fairly good match, but I consciously avoided going in the Schubert direction. It may be pretty close to accurate, but I'd prefer not to dwell on the possiblity of spending most of my life sick, poor, unappreciated and insecure, and then dying young.
On a similar note, welcome aboard
vonlooney. Nice to meet someone else who spends their time pondering (or being driven mad by) philosophical German interpretations of music.
Question of the day: Whose musical theories are more incomprehensible? Adorno or Wittgenstein
Should post about the government (ick), general state of knowledge about Germany among people who should actually know something (pathetic), Harry Potter (am too busy choking about the essay saying HP is not really British) or the job search (in progress), but I've got a steak on the grill. Vegetarians, avert your eyes!