Loving dance again.

Mar 18, 2009 21:02

I don't know if I've written about this recently, but I am taking tap dance lessons again. I stopped taking lessons when I was in high school, not sure exactly when, but I know I had a car when I was taking my last classes.

At the time, I thought I was too busy to spend time doing one of the things I enjoyed very much. I also thought that I wasn't getting anywhere at the studio, but didn't think about moving on to another instructor and school. Now, I realize I was an idiot to stop.

There are very few things in my life from which I can extract such enjoyment and excitement. Tap dancing, driving competitively, and fixing problems. I think they marry pretty well and the gestalt indicates something about how my mind works and how I approach everything. All three of the aforementioned things share requirements of analysis, thought, planning, and change.

I will be participating in the recital in May. I'll post information as the date approaches and as I become comfortable with the routine we'll be performing. I know the routine will be to "Step In Time" from the Mary Poppins movie.
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