Speaker's Program for AIChE NorCal

Aug 29, 2017 23:26

Helping out with the themes for this year's programs, a chance to share knowledge, skills, and provide a venue to help chemical engineers practice public speaking and presentation skills.

The themes this year are:

(I) Career Development in Chemical Engineering
What career development strategies do ChemEs use to advance their professional growth?

(II) Emerging Technologies in Chemical Engineering
How are chemical engineers adapting to new tools and technologies that will transform our entire profession?

(III) Case Studies in Chemical Engineering
What kinds of cool ChemE work you do? Which breakthrough results from your research or work projects would you like to share?

(IV) Chemical Engineering in Real Life
How do chemical engineers live beyond the profession? How do we handle wellness, work/ life balance, find new ways to innovate chemical engineering ideas as part of our personal and professional lives?

If you're an AIChE NorCal member, the submission link was sent out via email on 8/28/17!

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