NaNoWriMo or no NaNoWriMo?

Oct 16, 2010 12:00

On the plus side, I'd really like to be involved with a major creative effort, especially one shared by friends. I'm also decently good at coming up with storyline, plot twists, and picturing characters. I could use some serious work on endings. As those who have been in my Firefly games can attest, I suck at wrapping things up. It's why I'm not a salesperson...I can succinctly explain why a purchase makes sense and would be beneficial, but after having done that, the most logical thing to follow up with is a Tim Allen grunt-and-sweeping-gesture.

That's the sweet frosting side. The crunchy shredded wheat side says that I could use that same time to get things done around the house that need doing. I was a good girl and made a list of the needs and the wants this last week, and one major thing that is a strong want is to landscape the front and back yards. Lots and lots of labor that I won't want to do in the summer, and relatively cheap moneywise. And needs to be finished by the spring so I can plant, so I have a full year to see what does well where before April 2012, when I decide whether to refinance the house or move.
And landscaping a whole yard, small though it may be, is a major creative effort. But it would be just me. Rewarding, but not as much community.

Decisions, decisions...
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