Aug 27, 2005 01:52
Dear Diary,
Today was a good day. I'm in a new town, surrounded by strange and questionable creatures. Everything is new, and although its good to be in a new town, its somewhat alien, and difficult to get used to. First of all, there are people here with strange markings on their skin. When first I spied them, I naturally asusumed that they had ink on them, for most of their markings were black or blackish-blue in color.
On close inspection, I realized that these markings were actually somehow a part of their skin, and do not rub or wash off. I also began realizing that they were not the same on every person. At first I only saw people with "ink" on their lower backs - especially girls. At the time, I naturally assumed that these girls were a part of some monastic order. But no, to my surprise, I found that these markings can be anywhere, and may even be different colors!
Diary, I have finally realized that these are not humans as we know them, but rather a different breed all together. Just as the spots of a cheetah are not all the same, so too are the pelts of these creatures varied. What is truly amazing is that they talk and walk exactly the same as humans! However, certain differences stand out.
Other than their unusual markings, they have piercings all over their body, clearly some quaint religious custom along with the unwillingness to cut their hair. Also, they tend to congregate around rooms filled with loud music, always played live and in smokey bars. This appears to play a part of some sort of primitive tribal heirarchy, as the phrase "yeah, i'm in a band," carries a great deal of weight. These curious creatures also have a habit of inhaling some sort of smoke, produced by a fragrant green herb burned in small glass pipes of remarkable beauty and elegance. These pipes are especially amazing in light of the fact that they only posess rudimentary tools and science. Clearly, this species requires a great deal more of careful study and examination.
I have taken to calling them......Homo Austinite