I really should update this.

Jun 27, 2007 20:27

Okay, so I'm working at this R&D company... I was doing production but now I'm working on their website, and learning the odd thing for a role as Operations Guy or something. It's good. I was beginning to get a bit fed up with the smell of solder & flux, but now I'm not really even dealing with that.
My boss is really cool, really good to work for, and has a sense of humour (BIG plus). We have a black-tie event to go to, his company is up for the district award for best new innovative exporter or something. Could be interesting.
One of the guys I work with is a keen DDR player, or at least he used to be. He laments his gut since he hasn't played regularly in a while. I think I might tag along with him to the arcade weekly or something... even though I've never played DDR in my life, I can imagine it'd be the kind of thing I might like.

Oh, we got the house recarpeted/tiled in the past week. So it's sorta been the week from hell. I think I REALLY dislike rennovation type stuff... or maybe I just dislike doing it and having to deal with my parents - I think we were wallpapering when I started to have serious issues a couple of years back (wow, it's been that long?) Ibuki doesn't seem to know what to think when furniture gets moved around, she's either distraught or insatiably curious, the way she re-explores every part of a room once things have been moved around.

geekpulp.co.nz is doing pretty well, no thanks to my sluggish behaviour at writing reviews. The podcasts are going up every week in some semblance of regularity, which is great.
Reviews I have to write: Harley Davidson Motorcycles: Race To The Rally (PS2, and complete garbage), Everybodys Tennis (PS2, and really pretty good), Enchanted Arms (PS3, almost the same as the 360 game of the same name), Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 (PS2, compilation, semi decent). Then I've got Ridge Racer 7 and Blazing Angels (PS3 and seriously BOO to both) to write for Game Planet... I dislike the Game Planet submission site - it requires standard aspect ratio screenshots, which is a real pain since mot next gen screens seem to be in widescreen, and the site won't load at all in Firefox, and all but the most important part seems to load in IE7, so once I've done writing them I'll just have to e-mail the body to Martin I guess.

Oh, and my grandmother (the surviving one) managed to crash her car. Into a cafe. And another car. Barely missing two schoolchildren, witnesses say. She practically denies it all, harrasses the police, and gets agro at my parents when they take her license away. Seriously... I don't think I feel pity very often, but I pity her, for a wide variety of reasons.

That's enough for now.
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