Apr 18, 2005 13:57
Friday was the sadest day for me b/c someone that is a close friend to me, his dad died and so i went to the funerald, which was really sad since everyone cried, even the guys, i tried to hide it so i put my sunglasses on and then afet all that i went to school to get my hw, chamberland talked to me to see if everything was alright and i think he saw that i was crying, so i guess thats why he asked but i said everything is fine, so after all that i was suppose to go to work but got the day off for the funeral, i have work today which sucks my hrs are getting longer now but hey its ok more money for me.
Sat, i stayed at the house mostly and then worked out, and that night went to go see Amityville horror which was a good movie, then went home and fell asleep.
Sun me and zack hung out i went to work out again and then went to get free tickets for the crawfish festival, zack calls his new gf which is ok looking and asked if she wanted to go, well she said yea and her friend was going as well i was like oh crap, zack says yea bring her we can have a double date with my friend, i was like zack are you kidding me ! Then i was like zack shes ugle isn't she....zacks says yea she is then says no shes hott like im gonna fall for that i was like ...zack no way im going to the festival with a date, so he was like whatever. When they came over to zacks house i just got out of the shower so all i had on was boxers and walked out the door and there they were i was like ok its not a big deal they probably wanna see my body haha so i walked out and dressed in front of them and watched a movie while zack takes a shower. Then we go to the festival which was ok .... Me and ryan hung out for a while we went to barnes and nobles which i was bored and then went to get his check and then went to the grand and then my house, where zack comes in. WE were suppsoe to eat but then ryan ditches me like usual but i didn't care so me and zack left and ate at raising canes which was good, then went to our building were leasing b/c i had the key and these people wanted to look at it so i went there and then we went to zacks which starts at the beginning of this paragraph.
Today i went to the dentist and then worked out, i was close to throwing up, i went to zacks ate and fell asleep and then went home and waiting to go to work so i'll see ya later
check ya later