Sep 12, 2003 09:52
Ha! Life is so uneventful right now I could puke! This week was very very boring. Class were so long and it is so damn hot outside! Why doesn’t it just snow? Why? Maybe Mother Nature didn't get the memo. So, tomorrow's Saturday, another home football game, another mascot to be molested by, ah but there's little hope Louisiana Tech is a bulldog and not a rodent (Thank God!)Let's recap last weeks fun filled adventure in Spartan Stadium...
Last Saturday -
... So I am standing down in the concourse at the entrance to student section #10. Its about 45 minutes or so until kick-off and here comes this kid. He's about my height, kind of pudgy (sorry husky, to be politically correct, bright blonde hair and drunk as a skunk. So he stumbles towards me and gets ready to climb the ramp into the seats. I'm like "Dude, your never going to make it, your drunk and its almost 80 degrees outside, your going to pass out." He said "Nope! I'll make it! I'm a man!" Ha, I about pissed my pants. not 20 minutes later the two guys standing at the top of the ramp yell down to me to find a police officers. Seems my buddy has keeled over onto the older couple in front of him and there could be a whole puking issue we'd like to avoid. So, as the cops are bring him back down the ramp (half carry, ect.) I shake my head and he just looks away. As I say "I told you so" He blushes as much more as he can since he's red from being drunk already, and mumbles something about "Yah I know". Why are kids so stupid? I swear you work hard and make it into State which is no small feat these days and then you turn into a raging alcoholic for 5 or 6 years when you could be out in 4? Man, your parent's would be soooo proud!
Tuesday Night -
… so there is this little issue with my entire backside…lol…I can hardly move let alone sit down and stand up. In my Broadway jazz class we do nothing but kick lines, my ass hurts so bad I’m thinking its never going to be comfortable again! So my Tuesday nights go something like 6:15 - 7:00 Tap, which isn’t all nice and cutsie slow either, its tap to heavy metal which is fast, hard on the feet, and strenuous on the legs, then from 7-8 I do kick lines in Broadway jazz, the bonus: were doing Chicago, the downfall 6 sets of 54 kicks in a row, and if there not high enough you start over from the beginning. And then 8-9 is my adult jazz class. I am so hyped about teaching this class, its very exciting. Think Michael Jackson “Smooth Criminal” and ladies with their hair slicked back into buns wearing suits and fedora hats and doing a lot of sexy moves. Boys Beware! Cuz there is just something about a bad girl that a man can’t resist. All my ladies are very excited about it as well.
Wednesday Nite -
… ANIMAL CROSSING… My favoritest Gamecube Game Ever! And Yes NICK, I am addicted. So in my little town on Animal Crossing which is “Durex” by the way (good name huh?) I went to the harvest moon festival and the mayor gave me a moon. What the hell am I supposed to do with a whole moon? Ah well the lottery is on September 30th (It’s a real time game so time in the real world is same as time in Durex Land). Hope I win the lotto! I got 6 tickets! And best of all that damn cat, Purrl, that I hate so much moved to a different town! Yeay! Well back to the real, real world, I suppose…
Thursday Night -
…I love CJ435. Mark Alley, Chief of Police for the greater Lansing area, is my prof. And he so missed his calling as a stand up comedian. I am going to wet myself one of the days in class…
And now it’s Friday and I am at work…. More Updates from the Land of Oz Later!