Sep 23, 2007 21:36
i'm up to a lot in deadlifting like 455lbs. woot woot! plus lloyd is going to start entering me into some competitions just to see how well i can perform at that kind of level. so i guess we'll see and i'll update on when and how i do. i hope to beat the school record of 500lb deadlift and it's only september, so i'm on a good track and i think i could beat it well over 525 before the end of the school year
and i guess my tastebuds have graduated from the lunchables to pb+j. because the pb+j is soo delicious and i can't eat school food anymore. lloyd told me that i was too fat and needed to lose weight. so that's what i'm going to do. "you shouldn't be eating that shit they call a meal for lunch." were his exact words.
so i'm losing weight too, but gaining muscle at the same time, so it's kind of nice. but my shoulders are starting to feel weird because they're getting bigger so when i put them into a shirt it feels really goofy. but whatever