"Aftermath of Tomorrow": Chapter 11 - A Measured Response

Oct 02, 2008 07:38

With all the talk and so on of a new fanfiction, I still haven't forgotten "Aftermath of Tomorrow".  This one has been and still is fun to write, and I do plan on actually finishing this one.  I haven't gotten a ton of reviews for it, but I know there are a number of you out there who are enjoying it.  Once again, thanks for reading, and as always, I do appreciate feedback.

Title: Harry Potter and the Aftermath of Tomorrow
Chapter Title: 11. A Measured Response
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Chronicles of Narnia/Real People
Pairing: Harry Potter/Frank Iero
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~6,878
Warning(s): Coarse language
Summary: See first chapter
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: Harry unleashes Invincible's primary weapon against castle Telmar.


While Deric and two of his team members delivered the notice to Castle Telmar, several people still needed further medical attention. Madam Pomfrey was unavailable, given an unfortunate Quidditch accident the previous day, and so healers had to be called in from Upper Canada Hospital. Edmund had wanted to wake Lucy, but Harry had declined, only answering that it was not life and death.
"And exactly how did you two manage to injure yourselves?" inquired the healer as he applied more thorough healing charms to Travis' forearm.
"It's complicated," answered Harry. "In short, it was a fight between us and several others brandishing swords."
"I see," said the healer. "Whoever applied first aid did a superb job. They might do well in my field."
"I'll be sure to let her know that," answered Harry with a weak smile, while Frank looked on. Harry had calmed down somewhat after they found each others' company again.

"Harry. I think you should speak to Miss Kelly again," said Travis, as the healer vanished through the floo, "I don't know what happened tonight… but… man, whoever that was in the mess hall… that's not the Harry Potter I know."
"You're right. It wasn't," answered Harry. "You saw my 77-year-old self, rather than my 16-year-old self. THAT'S the difference."
"How different?" asked Frank, plopping down in one of the chairs in front of the fireplace.
"Like… just… he became very cold, uncaring… he… he just had the survivors executed," said Travis uneasily.
"I stopped caring," answered Harry sadly. "They just… Miraz just… he set me off. He gave me the impression they just… they would never stop attacking, until either they are dead, or the Narnians are. I just gave up caring for their well-being."
"It is most unnerving to hear that from you, Harry," said Caspian, taking a seat across from Frank.
"Me too," said Frank, gesturing for Harry to join him. Harry accepted the invitation without hesitation.
"I didn't say I stopped caring for those around me… those that truly matter. I made a silent vow a long time ago… shortly before I defeated Voldemort the first time. I vowed to everything holy, and to Merlin, I would never give the enemy quarter. That's the mistake I made by taking Miraz and his men prisoner. That gave them an opportunity. An opportunity that cost the Canadian Ministry of Magic two of its most experienced men-men who will quite possibly be needed in the upcoming battle with Voldemort. It cost us the lives of several Narnians, and some nasty injuries, all because I did not exercise 'constant vigilance'." Harry took a deep breath, and removed his glasses, to rub his eyes.
"So what would you do instead, just shoot them all like dogs?" asked Travis, very much unnerved by the suggestion Harry was making.
"Yes. Or put them in a deep state of stasis, much like what happened to the men and women in the computer room when Invincible was damaged. To ensure the enemy has no chance to come back and bite us in the buttocks. My policy from here on out, and I'm making it very clear… I will curse first, and ask questions later."
"No. As you guys saw, I have other ways, just as effective, but not quite as illegal."
"I guess… that's good, then," answered Travis. Even with his hot-headed demeanour, this sudden shift in Harry's attitude was unnerving.
"Hey Frankie, what's taking so long?" Gerard stepped into the common room, looking expectantly at Frank.
"Sorry, I'll be back in shortly… just… sorting out some things," answered Frank.
"I'll be fine… go," said Harry.
"You sure you'll be all right?"
"Yes! I promise I'm not going spare, Frankie."
"Well, okay… but look… come get me if you're…"
"Get! 'fore I turn your hair pink or something," Harry hissed playfully.
"It might actually suit him," Gerard teased. He suddenly found his own hair was then pink.
"No, suits you better, I think," Frank laughed, planting a kiss on Harry's cheek and standing.
"Well, are you gonna change it back?" asked Gerard. Harry only nodded and gestured with his wand a second time, turning his hair back to normal.
"Right," said Harry as he watched Frank disappear down the corridor with Gerard. "Tomorrow, we will need to be back aboard the Invincible quite early. Lots to do."
"How early?" asked Travis.
"About nine am. I actually need you specifically."
"You'll see," answered Harry, standing. "I guess you don't need to come sleep in my room anymore, now, huh?"
"No, guess not… err… I mean… I… um, jeez…" Travis sputtered.
"Glad for 'ya, mate." Harry gave a little salute, and then vanished with a slight POP.
"What did he mean by that?" asked Caspian, confused.
"No idea. Come on, we'd better get some rest."
Nine am came around far too early for Travis. He had several more terrifying dreams overnight, and once again found Caspian had climbed into bed to try and comfort him, this time not having much effect.
"I'll need a pepper-up potion or six today, I think," Travis complained as he quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt.
"Your nightmares… they are getting worse?" asked Caspian, as he began putting on his armour.
"I don't know… yeah… I guess they are. I guess this is what Harry was going through."
"You have seen much death the past few days, Travis, some of which you directly caused. I think it is quite normal that you are haunted by those disturbing images. One who truly did not care… they would not." Travis could only nod in agreement as he did up his combat boots. It didn't mean he had to like it, though.
"I am ready," answered Caspian. They quickly left the room and found Harry with Frank, already waiting. Ron and the twins were also there.
"Let's go, then. We can get breakfast while we're working," said Harry.
"What's the rush anyway?" asked Travis.
"Procedures. Dragon shit I only have the slightest idea about, all of which have to be done before we can press the trigger, if you get my point."
"Oh." Just then, the floo fired, and Minerva stepped out of the red flames.
"Professor," said Harry.
"Mr. Potter… just who I needed to see this… err… morning."
"I… we were just on our way out. What's going on?"
"I am most certainly aware you have a lot going on… but the defence club is rather concerned about your absence," answered the headmistress.
"I take it the students miss me, then?" Harry thought for a few moments. "When is their next meeting?"
"This coming Thursday."
"I'll plan on being there."
It was 9:30 before the group finally returned to the Invincible. Harry, with Frank in tow, went straight to the aft end of the control room and into the corridor, to arrive at a sealed door, labelled "CO Qtrs".
"Parseltongue?" asked Frank.
"Yeah. Some of the things in here are of 'sensitive nature'," answered Harry. He then hissed, "Open." There was a subtle 'click', and Harry turned the handle and pushed the door open. Several small magical lights switched on, bathing the room in a soft light. It was easily as big as Harry's room in the trunk, other than the strong nautical feel to it.
"What are we looking for?"
"This." Harry pointed to a small cabinet that was part of a book case filled with muggle naval books. He opened it to reveal a small safe. He pointed his wand at the safe, saying, "Alohamora." It opened with a click. "There should be three keys here."
"Keys for what?"
"What do you think?"
"Frankie… this weapon… I'm not kidding. It's the most extreme thing you can get before you… before we start thinking of atomic bombs and dragon shit like that. Gods, I don't even know if we'll be ABLE to use it… okay, there are three keys here," said Harry, pulling them out. He also pulled out a piece of parchment. "Perfect, the captain left instructions."
"You're really gonna blow up the Telmarines' castle?"
"Absolutely. The Telmar council supports the action, Peter supports the action, and Caspian supports the action."
"But it's a complete reversal of what you said before, Harry. No one will take you seriously if you keep doing that, man."
"Oh, I think they will take me VERY seriously after this afternoon. I want them gone. If this is what it takes, then this is what I will do. Aslan can send the rest packing."
"I take it he doesn't like what you're planning."
"Oh no, not at all. Too fucking bad. Frankie… you know I would do the exact same thing for you… more so, even. Peter his brother and sisters are dear friends… I mean, we only knew each other briefly the last time I was here, but… we did become close enough that… I would easily do just about anything for them, and for Narnia, for that matter. I hope that puts things into perspective."
"Yeah, I think so."
"Great. Frankie, I would gladly give my life for you, you mean that much to me."
"I just hope… it never comes to that, Harry," said Frank, as they embraced.
"As much as I could stay in your arms all day, we really have stuff to do," said Harry as they broke apart. He quickly scanned the room and spotted what he was looking for beside the drawing table. It was a telephone set. The question was, did it still work. He picked up the receiver and punched in a code. He could hear the set ringing in the control room through the open door.
"Y-Y-YES?" came Mr. Tumnus' uncertain voice on the other end.
"Great, it works!" Harry exclaimed.
"What…what is this exactly?"
"It's a local telephone system," answered Harry. "Did Deric go down to the weapon array already?"
"Yes, he left just a few minutes ago."
"Thanks. Just hang up the set now," said Harry, and then hung up. "I didn't think Mr. Tumnus actually knew how to use one of those."
"Well, he is pretty observant."
"Yeah. You're right there… that's why I have him up here helping out. Come on, let's get back out to the control room." They stepped back out into the corridor, Harry again casting a locking charm on the door. They then re-entered the control room.
"Why… did you use that device… when you could have just come in here and spoke to me face to face?" asked Mr. Tumnus.
"It's a matter of speed. There are telephones throughout the ship, and I may not always be that close. So I could have actually called up here from, say, the engine room."
"I see." The faun nodded in understanding.
"With what we're about to do today, some of these systems really have to be working." Harry pulled out his radio, and then looked up the communications index on the appropriate terminal. He then pressed the 'talk' button. "Attention everyone… could you all please switch to channel eight on your sets. I'm tying the radios into the ship's radio system."
"Not right away," answered Harry. "Deric, where are you?"
"WEAPS CONTROL," came the answer.
"Perfect. Call up to the control centre on the phone."
"GOT IT. JUST A SEC." Moments later, the phone rang. Harry picked it up.
"Yes, among other things," said Harry. "What does it look like down there?"
"No. Not just yet, anyway. I actually need you to come back up to control."
"ONE SECOND, THEN. WEAPS OUT." There was a click. A second later, Deric appeared in the control room with a faint POP. "What did you need?"
"It's ironic that you said 'weaps'. I'm assigning you tactical and weaponry," said Harry, holding out one of the keys. Deric looked at it hesitantly.
"You sure?"
"A hundred percent. I need your tactical experience."
"Then I accept," said Deric, hanging the key around his neck.
"Here's what you need to know." Harry quickly made a copy of the parchment he had found in the safe and passed it to Deric. "The last captain left a cheat sheet."
"What if someone other than you had found this, though, Harry?"
"The only way for that to happen is if the person could speak parseltongue. The only other person alive who can, that I'm aware of, is Voldemort."
"Right. Who gets the other key?" Deric gestured to the other two keys in his hand. "I assume one of them is yours."
"And you're right. The other person is the XO of the ship… but since we don't have anyone specifically assigned… where did Travis get off to?"
"He went down to the boiler room, I believe," answered one of the programmers.
"Like herding cats," said Deric with a grin. Harry only looked at him strangely, while Frank burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry… you lost me."
"You know… keeping a group of people together…"
"Oh… right." Harry was still not quite making the connection, and only shrugged. "Right." He pulled out his radio. "Travis?"
"I need you guys back up in the control room," said Harry.
"BE RIGHT THERE, OVER." Both he and Caspian reappeared a few feet away with a noisy CRACK. "What's up?" he asked, clipping his radio back onto his belt.
"Here." Harry passed him the second of the three keys.
"What's this for?"
"The first part of the puzzle in arming the cannon. Officially, it's called an 'Earth Energy Focus Array', or EEFA for short, at least according to the notes the captain left," answered Harry.
"Have you ever seen it fired?"
"I've fired it personally… at least on another ship. I didn't have the activation codes, but I certainly pulled the trigger a few times."
"Riddle's manor or whatever, I remember you mentioned that," said Travis.
"Yeah. When we fire this thing today, you'll see exactly why it is a terrifying weapon."
"Um, Harry. We should get moving, if you plan on being over Castle Telmar by noon hour," said Travis. Harry only nodded, quickly taking a glance at the map. He simply drew a path with his finger, ending a short distance from the castle. His track appeared on the zoomed map at the corner of the table, both of them as a yellow line. "Navigate!" Harry snapped. The map blinked red for several seconds.
"What does that mean?" asked Travis.
"It means I'm not doing something right."
"Are we high enough?" Frank guessed. Harry at once glanced over at the navigation controls.
"Thanks, Frankie." He moved quickly over to the station, and made appropriate adjustments to the ship's height. "Probably be best to gain a bit of height to do this."
"What's a safe distance?"
"Well, when we roasted Voldemort's hideout, we did it from about five thousand feet. So I'm going for that now. Navigate!" Harry called out again. This time, the map blinked green briefly and several instruments automatically changed, reflecting the choice. Harry then pushed the middle telegraph to the 'half ahead' position.
"You roasted Voldemort's house? Shake and bake snake…" said Travis, remembering one of Harry's 'pet' names for Voldemort. Now it was Harry's turn to laugh. He remembered that particular moment from his older self; it was one of the bright spots.
"Travis, you just made my day, I think." Harry grinned. "All right, let's try this."
"I assume the lock my key fits is down in weaps," said Deric.
"Yeah. It will look like this one." Harry indicated the key lock on the weapons and armament console. "I'll activate mine so you can see what happens." He inserted his key into the lock and turned it clockwise. A series of panels lit up around the console, including a trio of labels, two of which were still red. One was labelled 'XO Activation', the other labelled 'Weaps Activation'. "Travis. Your key goes there." He gestured to a bank of consoles on the opposite side of the room. "Normally the sonar officer and his assistants would sit there, but…"
"Why would you need sonar on a flying ship?" asked Travis.
"They actually watch the radar as well, but… well, if the ship submerges, it would actually use sonar."
"As in, actually go under water?" Caspian sounded surprised.
"We never did that too often. I mean, she's got other, easier ways of hiding. But she's capable of it."
"Okay, then." Travis also didn't sound too keen on the submarine idea either, as he inserted his key in the appropriate place on the console. Several indicators lit up on his console as well, showing now 2 stations had enabled.
"Guess it just leaves me, then." Deric vanished with a slight POP. Only moments later, the third indicator lit up, and several more joined it. The central screen on the console now displayed the text, in a large font: "UCS INVINCIBLE, PRIMARY WEAPON SYSTEM ENABLED. DO YOU WISH A DEPLOY CODE TO BE ISSUED?"
"Right," said Harry, pulling out his radio. "Deric? Come back up to the control room."
"ON MY WAY, OVER." Deric instantly appeared in front of him. "What next?"
"The computer issues a deploy code. All of us have to issue it back to the computer before it will actually go active and allow the weapon to charge."
"Charge?" asked Caspian.
"It charges itself by drawing all the residual magic to it that's flowing around. It exists in the ground and so on."
"Will it screw us up?" asked Travis.
"No. I expect it won't take long to charge, though. Last time we fired one of these… it was on the Victory… it took us hours to charge," Harry explained. Just then, Owen burst into the room.
"Sir? You're charging the cannon?!"
"We will be."
"Are you sure that's a smart course of action?"
"I've got official sanction from those who matter," answered Harry, once again slipping into his official capacity. The chief engineer only nodded in understanding, and left the room.
"How did he know what we were doing?" asked Frank.
"Look at all the consoles," Harry pointed out, gesturing to the other terminals in the room. All of the screens contained the text: "primary weapon pre-activated" printed across the top of the screen, white text on a thin red background. Harry returned to his console, and answered 'YES' to the prompt. Instantly, three pieces of parchment appeared, bearing three different codes.
"Why are they different?" asked Travis, comparing them.
"Look. Here's yours. Deric, this is yours. You have to enter them into the computer… and they self-invalidate in two minutes."
"Or if it's entered wrong," guessed Travis.
"Yes. So make sure it's right before you click the OK button." Deric nodded, and vanished, while both Travis and Harry began entering their individualized codes into the computer.
"I think that's kind of weird, the computer wanting three different codes, though," said Frank. "I mean, as far as I know, in the US Navy, the codes actually have to match."
"Well, this is how WE set things up when we designed this stuff. The American code system relies on two men. Ours needs three. Also, we're not exactly controlled by any specific government, so there're no orders to validate or whatever. I mean, I'm not going to go half-cocked, and toast some place just for the jolly of it…"
"Not to mention, we wouldn't let you in the first place," said Travis.
"Exactly that. That's why there are three keys… The three of us have to agree on its use… Now… Deric's entered his code, and they've all been accepted by the computer…" Harry again consulted the large map.
"It looks like a good number of people are heeding your warning, Harry," said Caspian.
"Good. Aslan can send them flying back where they belong, then…" Harry paused. "Show me ETA to target." A clock face appeared over top of the map, showing 11:58 pm.
"It will be spot on," said Mr. Tumnus.
"Very true. It will leave us ample time to a precision position." Harry went back over to the weapons and armament console. He then pressed several buttons, indicating 'charge'.

At once, everyone aboard the Invincible could, at least briefly, feel a tingling sensation across their bodies. It felt like an active thunderstorm was passing overhead. Harry spotted Mr. Tumnus' curious expression. "You feel it?" The faun nodded. "The array is collecting magical energy from the ground and in the atmosphere."
"And it released it all in one shot," guessed Caspian.
"Oh yes. In less than a second. The target is overwhelmed instantly with magical energy, and literally explodes in a catastrophic manner. A maximum discharge will destroy everything within a half-mile."
"And we are doing?"
"About a quarter of that."
"How was it invented?" asked Travis.
"I don't know the full details of it, but I know it was discovered by accident, as most of these things are. In the state the world was in, people were always looking for a better weapon… and well… this is it. Like I said, only an atomic weapon can do more damage."
At exactly 11:58 am, the Invincible settled over top of Castle Telmar. As she did, several of Deric's team members detonated explosives under the only bridge to the castle, then apparated back to the ship, effectively cutting off any means of escape. To Harry, this action was a 'measured response' to the threat the rogue Telmarines presented, and by his future experience, the Boy-Who-Lived was playing for keeps. Anyone who still remained in the castle at this point would not survive.

In the control room, the phone rang. Harry picked it up. "Control."
"Great." Harry looked at the clock. "One minute to activation, then."
"I do," answered Harry, "although there is a trigger down there as well. Just keep an eye on things."
"WILL DO. WEAPS OUT." There was a click.
"Everything's okay?" asked Travis.
"We fire in 30 seconds," answered Harry, again glancing at the clock above the navigation instruments. At the top of every monitor screen was then the line 'primary weapon armed'. Just then, Peter and Edmund stepped into the control room.
"Aslan is not happy about this," Peter announced.
"Yeah, I'm aware of it. 15 seconds," said Harry.
"I've got all our underside cameras rolling to record the action," said one of the programmers, working his terminal.
"Good. Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One." Harry reached over and pressed a large red button on the weapons console.
Those remaining in Castle Telmar were mixed on exactly what the large flying machine in the sky meant, as it settled over top of the castle. Some thought it truly magnificent, while others were most fearful of what it might do. History had recorded the fact there had been something like it beached at Cair Paravel when the ancestors invaded Narnia. Yet, could this be the same thing?

All thought about it quickly ended, as the bottom of the ship seemed to glow red, as an intense globe of energy seemed to collect beneath it. Many of those now in the courtyard quickly understood the true danger the flying ship meant, and a mass panic ensued.

It was short-lived, as the growing orb of energy suddenly slammed down at the castle in a blinding flash, erupting into a tremendous blast of fiery energy and exploding outward at almost the speed of sound. It instantly reduced the castle and everything within it to rubble. The destruction did not stop there, but continued to expand, consuming nearly an eighth of a mile in all directions.

"Harry… I'm glad it is not Narnia you have an issue with," said Peter, uneasily, as Harry removed his key from the console.
"Even if I did, this would be the LAST thing I would do. It would have to become very personal for me to consider what we have just done. Miraz struck out at me personally, exactly as Voldemort has done."
"So you'd do this in England, then?" asked Travis.
"I did before. I won't hesitate to do it again. Now… let's get back to Cair Paravel. I'm sure the Telmarine Lords would like to know what's happened." Harry retraced a track on the map back to the beach.
"In the short term, I think I would like to see my cousin," said Caspian.
"I'll come with you," offered Travis.
It was the morning of November 29th. The remaining Telmarines who had fled the castle had been rounded up, and were then gathered at the Dancing Lawn. The Narnian army surrounded the large group, while Caspian, Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Harry, Travis, and Deric stood before them, along with Aslan.
"Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does to man," began Caspian, "however, it seems none of you will ever accept that. It is our decision that you be hereby banished from Narnia; Aslan has agreed to return you to the home of our forefathers."
"It has been generations since we left Telmar," said one of the soldiers.
"We are not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were sea-faring brigands, pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world, the same world as our kings and queens," explained Aslan, Looking at Peter and his siblings as he spoke. "It is to that island I will return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start." He made a gesture with his paw, and a large tree seemed to twist, a large opening forming at the bottom of its trunk, large enough for an individual to pass through it.
"How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?!" exclaimed a Telmarine peasant.
"I can assure you…" began Aslan.
"Assure us nothing!" shouted another peasant.
"ENOUGH!" Harry shouted, brandishing his wand. "Your only choice is to go through the portal Aslan has provided. The other…"
"I don't think we really need to spell it out," said Travis. "You are being expelled, and this is your only choice."
"Trust me when I say you will not be harmed travelling through the portal," said Aslan. Another peasant only nodded, and cautiously approached the portal. He sighed, stepped through, and vanished.

One by one, more people drew up the courage to approach the portal and slip through, until a steady line formed.
"I have to say, this is going more smoothly than I expected," said Peter.
"I'm glad. I'd rather not have to make an example out of someone," said Travis. "Jesus, I've already got enough blood on my hands in the days I've spent here."
"A feeling I know all too well," Harry agreed. "This is the last place I wished to be involved in bloodshed."
"I guess the next question is… what now?"
"Tonight, I have a DA meeting to oversee. Apparently they miss me back at Hogwarts," said Harry, allowing a smile to cross his face. It was no secret he missed Hogwarts equally as much.
"Yes, right, your student group you founded in fifth year," said Edmund.
"I have friends taking care of things, but up to the beginning of this month, I was taking a more 'hands on' approach. Then all the dragon shit happened on Frankie's birthday, and… I just…"
"You've needed to heal," said Aslan.
"Yeah, something like that. Not to mention, being 'invaded' by my future self, with promises of coming back to a place he had nothing but wonderful experiences with."
"I am sorry my people have tarnished that," said Caspian, gesturing to the lengthy line that was passing through the portal.
"It's not your fault, Caspian. I think you will make a great leader. No, I have come to expect being let down. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
"With the Telmarine threat gone, I'm sure your time here will not be so stressful, Harry," said Peter.
"I can only hope so."
"The thing is, we won't be staying much longer," said Harry, "I do have my own war to fight… I mean, those disturbing images Voldemort sent me should be evidence enough. I have to put a stop to him before he destroys many more innocent lives."
"But we can still visit… I mean, we don't have to just…"
"Oh, I assure you, I plan on that," answered Harry. "There will always be a portal here from the trunk. We've made too many friends here to just wash our hands of it. Not to mention…" Harry smirked at Travis.
"Shut up," Travis groaned, pretending to be insulted. Harry only stuck his tongue out at him. "Besides. I think we do have a new wizard here to train."
"I must insist…" Aslan began.
"Insist nothing, we've had that discussion already," said Travis, "Caspian's one of us, so our worlds are intertwined, whether you like it or not. I mean, after all, from what I understand, it was you who introduced humans to Narnia in the first place. You should have known this might happen. I really have to wonder how many more wizards and witches are in the population here."
"You must accept that we will be visiting Narnia frequently for the foreseeable future," said Deric. "I think Harry will need someplace to put his worries aside."
"Especially if Voldemort can't come here," said Edmund.
"Well, don't be absolutely sure of that," said Harry. "I mean, it's highly unlikely, but… he is a powerful wizard… I really don't know everything he's capable of. The most important thing is that he doesn't know of Narnia. He can't get into my head anymore, now that the Horcrux in me has been destroyed."
"Your scar… it doesn't look as raw as it used to," noted Travis.
"It had all but vanished by the time I chose to send my spirit back through time," said Harry.
"I do have to wonder how you accomplished that, son of Myrddin," asked Aslan.
"A lengthy and very complicated runic formula. It took me weeks to set up, and there was a good chance it wouldn't work at all… I mean, messing with time and space is a dangerous thing," answered Harry, "I took a chance and it worked, but I really had nothing to lose in the first place. If it didn't work, I would have been reunited with all those I had lost, and that would have been a just reward for the dragon shit I have been through. No one can fault me for trying. At least now, I have a chance to set things right, and I'm wasting little time."
"That makes sense, why waste time when you already know how it goes?" said Edmund. Harry nodded.
"Exactly. By the time Voldemort knows the danger, it will be too late, and I will do what took me over 60 years to do the first time."
"Um… Harry… it's getting on two pm," said Deric, gesturing to his watch.
"Shit. I have to get back to Hogwarts. The meeting starts at seven pm… time difference and all."
"We can take care of this," said Peter.
"If it would be all right, I would like to see your school," said Caspian.
"Sure." Harry saw the glare Aslan was giving, and quickly matched it. There would be no further discussion.
Just after seven, the group arrived through the floo into Harry's guest room at Hogwarts. Wasting no time, they quickly navigated the corridors and stairs, to finally arrive at the Room of Requirement. The door was still ajar, and Harry could hear voices from inside.
"Sounds like they're just starting," said Harry, pushing the door open.

As expected, there was indeed a large group gathered, including numerous faces he had not seen before. He was surprised to note several of them were from Slytherin.
"Harry, glad you could make it," Remus greeted.
"Minerva did ask if we could," answered Harry. "Since it's been a few weeks since I have been able to, with well…"
"Don't think about that, Harry," said Travis.
"Right." He took in the large group in front of him, and guessed there to be about 60 people present. Just then, Theo Nott approached him.
"Potter. A word, after the meeting."
"Okay. Glad you came, by the way," said Harry. Theo only nodded and rejoined his house mates. Harry could see that their presence made some of the group uncomfortable, and decided to put a stop to it. "Right then. I'm sorry I've been unable to attend to this group for the past few weeks, but that's neither here nor there," he began. "What counts is that everyone is here for a single reason: to expand on what you are learning in your classes, and be in a better position to defend yourselves against the real threat of Tom Riddle. I include EVERYONE in this statement, and I am glad to see a number of students from Slytherin have chosen to join us. I know it has taken all of you a great amount of courage to do so.
"With that said, I will say this. This group is meant for EVERYONE. If you are not comfortable with that, I don't want you here. That is exactly the kind of attitude we are fighting against, the exclusion of some because it is believed they are not worthy."

The group was silent for nearly a minute, as everyone digested Harry's words. Then, a single student, a seventh year Ravenclaw, shrugged, and walked out.
"Any one else?" Silence. "Great. Let's get on with why we're here, then. What have you been covering these past few weeks?"
"We decided it best to split into groups based on skill," supplied Susan Bones.
"Great, then. Let's do that. I will mingle amongst you along with Travis… Caspian, you can follow with me…"

It was 8:45 when Harry finally called a halt to the session. "All right, everyone. It's nearly curfew," he called out. "I'm very impressed with how everyone's been doing. Let's meet again next week, same time."
"Great that you're back, Harry," said Dennis Creevey as he and his brother passed on their way out of the room.
"I'm not back, exactly," answered Harry.
"So I'm to take that meaning you plan to be back next week?" asked Remus.
"I'd like to," answered Harry. "It felt great to be here, and I mean… as serious as this stuff is, it's somehow different than… what we've been doing in the trunk, or in Narnia."
"Potter…" Theo began, as he approached.
"Theo. I'm really glad you came."
"You have no idea how difficult it is. Malfoy knows, and he… well, he's not making things easy. He's been much worse these last few days."
"His family losing every knut to their name might have something to do with that."
"Oh, he's made that very clear, swearing vengeance by everything holy. Do watch your back, Potter, he's out for blood."
"You're keeping safe, I hope."
"We stick together for the most part," answered Theo, "Professor Slughorn does have a bit of sway on what goes on in the common room; thank Merlin for small miracles that way."
"That's good, I guess. You're keeping an eye out for any other Slytherins that might want to join?" Theo nodded. "Good. I really mean it about house cooperation. We need each other if we're going to survive."
"I would say you have changed, Potter."
"Yeah, a little. But you know I'm right." Theo nodded. "Hogwarts is one of only a few places I truly feel at home. That means I will do what it takes to keep it that way. Even if not everyone likes me. It means making some hard choices, doing what's right. Right now, doing what is right means involving your house, showing the rest of the school you guys aren't a bunch of backstabbing conniving snakes, as too many of my house mates would like to believe. I mean, if Travis here were sorted… I'm sure he would be a Slytherin."
"Thanks, I think," said Travis with a snort. That got a smile out of Theo.
"Boys. It's really best you do get back to your dorm," said Remus, noting the time.
"I will be dropping by Minerva's office before we actually return to the trunk," said Harry. "She did ask us back."

Turning a corner that led to the entrance to the headmistress' office, they ran into the last person Harry wanted to meet at that time.
"Potter!" Draco hissed, instantly producing his wand.
"I don't have time for this, Malfoy," Harry snapped back.
"You… I… you've ruined us, Potter! You will pay for your meddling! SECTUM--"
"EXPELLIARMUS!" Travis snarled, wand levelled at Draco. His wand clattered against the wall. "Dangerous curse, Harry, that would have hurt you badly… DON'T dare move an inch, Malfoy!" He again thrust his wand at the Malfoy heir. "I know EXACTLY what kind of curse you just tried to use."
"And exactly how are you to stop me from doing it again?"
"I daresay, Mr. Malfoy, your days at Hogwarts are at an end." Everyone wheeled to see Minerva step from the spiral staircase leading up to her office.
"His wand, Professor," said Travis, tossing Minerva Malfoy's wand. "I'd bet that's not the first time he's tried to cast it."
"What… what was it he was going to do?" asked Caspian.
"The 'Sectumsempra' curse. It causes wounds that don't easily heal," explained Travis.
"That's no spell I'm aware of," said Minerva, pursing her lips.
"Professor. I think it's time Malfoy enjoyed the hospitality of one of my cells in the trunk. He's demonstrated once and for all he's truly a menace," said Harry. Minerva only nodded at this point.
"Draco, consider yourself indefinitely suspended from Hogwarts."
"Professor, we did want to meet with you…"
"It appears as though you have your hands rather full at the moment. Perhaps we should take this into your library, then, once you have dealt with Mr. Malfoy."
"Sounds like a plan," said Harry, gesturing at Draco with his wand. The boy was instantly bound in magical ropes. "Locomotor Draco!"

Minutes later, the group was back in the trunk. Frank was seated in one of the comfortable chairs, along with Gerard, and by the looks of it, they were working on a song. Both looked up as the group stepped away from the teleport pad. "What happened?"
"Just dealing with Malfoy."
"Ugh!" Draco groaned, "Mud bloods AND muggles!"
"Shut up," Harry hissed, as he continued guiding the bound package that was Draco toward the corridor. Just then, Severus stepped into the common room.
"Do tell, what exactly is Mr. Malfoy doing bound in such a manner?" he drawled.
"I'll let Draco explain it to you once we lock him in a cell," answered Harry grimly. "I'm tired of his dragon shit!"
"Professor?! What… what are you doing here?! I thought…" Draco sputtered, turning his head to face Severus.
"I warned you, Mr. Malfoy, choose your battles carefully. We WILL be having a conversation later," the potions master said coldly.
"Maybe afterward Fred and George can use him for their prank experiments," Harry mused as he guided the new prisoner down to the small block of cells.
"What… what is a mud-blood?" asked Caspian.
"It's a racist slur against a witch or wizard whose parents aren't magical," said Travis. "Me, particularly, but you would be considered that, too. Or not… to him, most likely. From what Harry's told me, Malfoy's just a bastard, point blank."
"His father was in the Dark Lord's inner circle," supplied Severus, "until he was arrested in June at the Ministry of Magic."
"That would explain a lot, I guess. Born to a prick, taught to be a prick."
"His father DID plant one of V-v-Voldemort's Horcruxes on my sister in her first year," said Ron, joining the conversation. He stood in the doorway to the dining room, munching on a candy bar. "Never mind all the times he's called Hermione a mud blood."
"I doubt Harry will put up with that here," said Travis. "Man, has he changed the last few days."
"Like the way you changed with… well… you know," Ron pointed out. Travis only nodded. He hadn't thought of it that way. Yet, the two incidents were so different. How could an attack against the Invincible be compared with the attack in London? Harry hadn't lost anyone.

Then again, perhaps he had. Something that perhaps, meant just as much. Harry had seen the Invincible as a safe place. Miraz had stolen that from him. So, yes, perhaps it was EXACTLY as Travis had felt, the night Bill had been taken from him. Safety and security was something Harry treasured as much as Frank.

Previous Chapter: 10 - "Now, It's Personal"
Next Chapter: 12 - Consequences
Table Of Contents

fanfiction, frank iero, harry potter, my chemical romance, prince caspian, narnia, aftermath of tomorrow

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