Title: Harry Potter and the Aftermath of Tomorrow
Chapter Title: 5. Touch and Go
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Chronicles of Narnia/Real People
Pairing: Harry Potter/Frank Iero
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~6,749
Warning(s): LOTS of coarse language.
Summary: See first chapter
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: Harry once again ends up in the care of Madam Pomfrey… more comes out about exactly what Harry has done… and Frank is less than impressed with Harry's actions.
Travis was beside himself. He knew that Harry had been holding the Basilisk fang when the ring exploded, and it was likely that the pieces of it had embedded themselves in his hands and face.
"I say again, SHOW YOURSELVES!" came yet another shout, along with the sounds of men crashing through the brush.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Travis swore. He dragged Harry over to where Peter was, haphazardly put their hands together, stuck Harry's broom into the tangle, stuck his hand on theirs, then reached in and activated his emergency port key.
Materializing on the teleport pad, Travis shouted, "HEY, ANYONE HERE? HELP!"
"What's wrong, dear?" asked Molly, stepping into the common room. She gasped at the sight of the two unconscious bodies underneath Travis.
"I need Fawkes, NOW." He had just barely gotten the words from his mouth when the phoenix materialized in a brilliant flash of flame, to rest on Travis' shoulder. He quickly understood the predicament and lit down on Harry's chest, dropping some tears into the wound on his cheek.
"What happened, Travis?" asked Tonks, appearing from the library. "And who is he?" She gestured to Peter.
"We… Harry destroyed a Horcrux, and it blew up in his face while he was holding a Basilisk fang," answered Travis.
"Oh dear!" cried Molly, as she quickly understood the implications.
"How long ago?" asked Severus, also stepping into the room.
"Less than a minute."
"The phoenix should be able to heal it, but the recovery may take longer this time," said Severus, stepping up to the public floo. He threw a pinch of floo powder into the fire, and when they turned red, he called out, "CALL HOGWARTS INFIRMARY." Meanwhile, Molly had separated the other boy from the mess, doing a cursory check for injuries. She too, gasped.
"Oh my."
"What now?" Travis somehow knew this wasn't going to be good.
"He's broken his back! And there's a shard of Basilisk fang embedded in his arm!" Molly cried. As soon as she said that, the phoenix instantly hopped over, dropping more tears into the said wound, while Molly carefully pulled the piece of fang out.
"Will he help his back?"
"I don't know… I think so," answered Molly. Just then, the floo fired, and Madam Pomfrey stepped through, bringing a series of vials with her.
"I wasn't informed there was more than one patient, Severus."
"It seemed Potter was the more serious, Poppy."
"And you were mistaking, Severus. Both were inflicted with Basilisk venom," said Molly, gesturing with her wand. Both Harry and the injured stranger were lifted off the floor, and moved to two cots Travis had conjured up.
"Who's the other boy?" asked Molly.
"His name is Peter. Shit, I better tell the others." Travis touched the teleport pad, leaving a room of babbling voices.
"Travis? What… how…" Hermione was confused, seeing him step out of the entrance to the bunker, onto the beach.
"That went about as wrong as it can get, Jesus FUCKING Christ!" Travis exploded. "Fucking Basilisk venom!"
"What?" Hermione exclaimed. "Travis, WHAT HAPPENED?"
"Harry's fucking lucky he's got that bird, he would've died. We destroyed the god damned Horcrux, and the fucking thing blew up!" With shaking hands, Travis managed to pull out his pack of cigarettes and dig one out.
"He… what? How… where is he?" Frank asked, fearful of the answer.
"Back in the trunk. Peter got nailed with a piece of the fang as well… I think they will be all right… Jesus Christ." He dropped into one of the chairs, letting out a heavy breath. Frank didn't bother standing around; he vanished into the bunker at once. Hermione and Ron both quickly followed Frank's lead, and also vanished into the bunker.
"Is… is our brother all right?" asked Susan nervously.
"Do you know what a phoenix is?"
"Harry's bird," Susan answered.
"Yes, one of them. His tears have healing properties. Now, they worked before against the venom of a Basilisk, but this is a second time… your brother… I think he'll be all right… but Harry… Oh God…" He finally managed to get his cigarette lit, and took a long drag off it.
"Take me to my brother," said Susan. It was not a request.
"Me too," said Edmund.
"No, Ed and Lu, you both stay here," said Susan firmly.
"I will come too," said Caspian.
"Come with me," said Travis, standing.
Of course, they were not the only ones to teleport into the trunk. The twins, Neville, and Luna also followed, concerned for their friend. The Room of Requirement had been changed into a miniature hospital ward again, and both teens were tucked into beds. Frank was already parked in a chair beside Harry's.
"All right, no, this is far too many people," said Madam Pomfrey. "I will only permit four at a time." She stood at the doors, forbidding anyone from passing.
"Look, whoever you are, that's my BROTHER in there!" Susan hissed. "You WILL let me see him!"
"I never…" Madam Pomfrey huffed, and stormed away. Susan at once went to Peter, her heart sinking at his slightly pale colour.
"The phoenix was able to help with the Basilisk venom, but he will need a few days' rest," said Molly. "He suffered a broken back."
"A broken back?" Susan looked horrified.
"The mending potions are helping the phoenix tears, and he will make a complete recovery," Molly said, sounding relieved.
"What about Harry?" asked Travis.
"It's touch and go. There were shards of Basilisk fang in his hand and face… Travis, had you delayed a second more, he would have died."
"This… Basilisk venom…" began Caspian.
"Fatal in minutes," answered Molly. "A phoenix is just about the only thing that can help." She gestured to the bird, who rested on his perch, provided by the room (the Room of Requirement can provide things as needed).
"Oh Harry," Hermione cried, the situation sinking in.
"If he dies, we are truly buggered," said Fred.
"In what way?" asked Caspian.
"And who are you… and you?" Molly gestured to Caspian, then Susan.
"I am Prince Caspian the tenth."
"Susan. Peter's sister."
"I see."
"Harry, Deric and I opened a portal into their world early this afternoon," Travis supplied. "Harry was trying to retrieve a ship of some kind that has a bunch of information inside it he needs."
"If Harry dies, Voldemort will rule the wizarding world," said Molly. "Why was this project not mentioned to any of us?"
"Harry told Remus… and Deric was with us… Look, everyone. The Harry we're dealing with is not the guy we were dealing with immediately following Halloween," said Travis. "He's changed. I can't say more than that, but, he's running some sort of plan that I only know scratch about."
"Merlin, has he been possessed?" asked Molly.
"Oh God no, nothing like that," answered Travis.
"Has he… gone mental?" asked Hermione, looking up from her seat at the end of the bed.
"No, definitely not that either… I mean, he's changed a bit of his behaviour, but no, definitely not crazy."
"My brothers, sister, and I have met Harry before," said Susan, "although he was much older than he is now. For us, it was about a year ago, at least from where we came from."
"And where exactly IS where you come from?" asked Molly.
"Well, we live near London, but…"
"We come from Narnia," supplied Caspian.
"Narnia? No place I've heard of," said Severus.
"And you wouldn't. There should be no connection to it from any world, at least not without Aslan allowing it. At least that's how I understood it," said Susan. "Harry and his friends put holes in that theory when they visited."
"So perhaps we're dealing with a future Harry… who's come back and taken over his present self," suggested Hermione. "That's the only thing that makes sense to me."
"But why would he do such a thing?" asked Molly.
"Can you think of no other reason?" asked Travis. "I mean, someone wouldn't pull that kind of stunt unless staying was a worse option."
"Then… Voldemort won," said Tonks, darkly.
"I… I don't think it's my story to tell," said Travis. "He did promise to explain things…"
"Travis… does he look like he's in any condition to explain things?" Hermione shouted. "I think we've been patient enough!"
"Hermione, shouting isn't going to help him get better," said Molly.
"No, I would like to be shouting AT him for being so foolish!"
"If anyone's at fault, it's me, for suggesting the idea."
"Do tell, what idea might that be?" asked Severus.
"I thought destroying a Horcrux near the enemy would be demoralizing, you know, instil fear and so on…"
"And what enemy is that?"
"My uncle and his army," answered Caspian.
"They are afraid of magic. So we thought we would play on that a little," continued Travis. "I don't know why Harry didn't better shield himself when he pierced the ring with the Basilisk fang."
"What ring?"
"He had Deric and a few of his men retrieve it earlier today. He didn't say any more, other than it was a Horcrux. It definitely screamed when it blew up."
"A Horcrux?" asked Molly.
"You don't know what it is?"
"Most disturbing," said Severus. "The Dark Lord has created Horcruxes?"
"Six or seven of them, so Harry says."
"A Horcrux… what is that?" asked Caspian.
"Created as a means to immortality, but requires a truly evil act to create it… Murder," explained Travis. "The witch or wizard picks an item to serve as the container, and although I don't know the incantation-and I really DON'T want to know-they then kill someone."
"And this wizard… he has done it seven times?" asked Caspian.
"Six or seven, yes. I have faced him… it's not something you forget, ever. He's the stuff of nightmares," said Travis. Caspian noticed that he was actually trembling as he finished the explanation. Travis sat down in a seat heavily, putting his head in his hands. It had been a disaster. That was all there was to it. His being 'clever' may have just cost the wizarding world… and possibly Narnia… dearly.
It was the early hours of the following morning. Frank had not moved an inch since taking a seat beside Harry's bed, and now slept in that awkward position, holding Harry's hand in a death grip. Most of the others had retreated to other parts of the trunk, trying to get some sleep.
Travis had stayed as well, having conjured up a few, more comfortable seats for himself and others who had stayed behind, which included Susan and Caspian. The young prince had removed his armour, and it now rested beside the seat he was in. He had his legs propped up on an ottoman Travis had also transfigured, and was dozing lightly.
Travis himself could not sleep, but instead switched between sitting restlessly in a seat of his own, or pacing the floor. Things kept running over in his mind. How could they have done different? Why didn't Harry better protect himself? Surely he was aware of what the ring would do when destroyed, right? So once again, why didn't Harry protect himself? It didn't make any sense!
"Harry?" whispered Frank, lifting his head, and jostling his hand. "Harry?!" Suddenly, a horrible scream echoed throughout the room. It was almost matched by the cry Frank let out, as a wisp of black smoke lifted from the scar on Harry's forehead. Caspian actually leapt to his feet, sword instinctually drawn, from the noise; the past few days had made him an incredibly light sleeper. Travis, who happened to be pacing at the time, dropped to his knees. 'I've killed him,' was all he could think.
Harry found himself in the throne room at Cair Paravel, at least as he remembered it. It was not the ruins he had walked about earlier in the day. It was intact, other than the fact that the room was empty.
"Hello, son." Harry spun around to find his parents walking toward him from the back of the room.
"Mum, Dad? What are YOU doing here?"
"We came to see you, dear," said Lily. "You have no idea of how proud we are of you."
"Someone else is here to see you, too," said James. On cue, Cedric stepped out from an alcove on the side of the room.
"Hi, mate."
"Cedric. Why… why am I here… what…"
"Here is what your spirit and your mind thought was the ideal neutral site. A place you've had a great amount of joy, and very little hurt. A place you have made more than a few friends, but no enemies."
"Yes," answered Cedric.
"But am I dead?"
"A very good question, son," said James. "Looking at the whole picture, I don't think so."
"So it worked, then."
"You're a smart man, Harry, you tell me," said Cedric.
"Well… I did hear a faint cry or scream, just before… well…"
"So it is not you that has died, Harry," said James.
"Then I'm no longer a Horcrux. That's great… great." A wave of guilt suddenly washed over him. He had been able to get rid of the foul piece of Voldemort's soul, but what had it cost him? The last time he had done it, he had simply turned his holly wand on himself, and cast the Avada Kedavra curse, focusing the hate he had for the Dark Lord.
This time, he had made it look like an accident, as risky as it had been. There was no way his friends were going to let him cast the killing curse on himself, no matter WHAT excuse he gave; this was the only solution he could come up with. He knew that Peter had been injured by the explosion; he only hoped that his friend from Narnia had not been dosed with Basilisk venom.
"Harry?" He broke out of his thoughts, looking at Cedric. "You are such a beautiful man. You take care of yourself."
"I guess… this is good bye, again, then," Harry guessed.
"Not forever, sweetheart. You will see us again, although I do hope it is when you have lived a long and healthy life, young man."
"I plan on it, Mum." He wrapped his arms around Lily, giving her a strong hug. He did the same with James, steeling himself against the emotions once again threatening to overrun him.
"And Harry," said Cedric, "when are you and Frank gonna make it official?"
"Very soon. Now that this," Harry gestured to his scar, "isn't an issue, I'll make that a priority."
"You take care of yourself, Harry," said Cedric, enveloping Harry in a hug. "I will always love you."
"And I will always love you, Ced. No matter how much I love Frankie, you're always in my heart," said Harry, his voice trailing off. The scene faded away, with his parents and Cedric waving at him.
The trunk was in chaos. Frank would not budge from the side of the bed, still holding Harry's hand in a death grip. Hermione and Ron held each other, both openly weeping. The rest of the Weasleys gathered off to the side, shedding tears of their own; they had seen Harry as one of their own.
Travis was beside himself, and although he did not shed tears, he was overcome with grief. He looked ready to murder someone-or destroy something. No, for Travis, it was easier to show anger than to cry.
Alastor, Remus, Tonks, Severus, and several other members of the Order were off to the side, discussing the situation informally. The worst-case-scenario had just happened. The question now was, well, what now? Remus had already notified Minerva; she had already arrived, and was in the holding cells, speaking with Albus about the situation.
Caspian felt like a fish out of water. His larger concern was for Peter, even though they did not exactly see eye-to-eye on certain issues. Importantly, Peter was High King of Narnia. With the death of Harry, it was quite possible that Peter might follow, for he was no wizard. "Susan," he said. "Perhaps… if Lucy were to bring her cordial…"
"I don't know if we can… we can't take things out of Narnia," answered Susan, looking up from her vigil at Peter's side.
"I am here, am I not?"
"So you are. If… you would not mind… I would rather not… leave Peter," answered Susan. Caspian only nodded and slipped out of the room. He almost ran into a tall witch wearing emerald green robes and an elderly wizard wearing midnight blue robes. The wizard somewhat reminded him of Professor Cornelius, although much taller.
"No need to apologize," said the wizard. Caspian only nodded and quickly activated the teleport pad.
"Harry has been busy, I do say, Minerva."
"Indeed, he has, Albus. Although now, it may all be for naught," said Minerva, sadly.
"And he was poisoned while destroying one of Tom's Horcruxes?"
"He's destroyed two of them already." She indicated Hufflepuff's cup, which rested on the mantle of the private floo. Albus let out a gasp seeing it. "From what Travis said earlier, he was able to destroy the third before it exploded. It shattered the Basilisk fang Harry was holding, embedding pieces of it in his face and hands." She drew a deep breath. "What are we to do now, Albus?"
"Had he only…"
"Albus! Now is not the time for that rhetoric!" Minerva hissed. "We need your help, not reminders of your manipulations!"
Stepping into the room, they found not sadness, such was the case a short while ago, but a great sense of relief. At least for most of the people there. Susan was still gravely concerned for her brother, who still lay unconscious.
Harry, however, only seemed to be asleep, with Frank having climbed into bed with him, much to Madam Pomfrey's protests, as it seemed.
"I was with the understanding Harry had died," said Minerva, "although I am pleased to find that not the case."
"He… he just… started breathing again," said Ron, relief easily readable on his face.
"How is he, Poppy?" asked Albus.
"Stabilized, and…" She pursed her lips. "Resting more than comfortably."
"Indeed, he appears to be," said Albus, the twinkle returning to his piercing blue eyes with a vengeance.
"Who… let you out of your cell?" asked Travis, darkly.
"I did, Mr. Carter," said Minerva. "Given the circumstances."
"Oh." Just then, the door opened, and Caspian re-entered the room, along with Lucy, whom most in the room did not know. They were quickly followed by Deric, who looked concerned.
"What… I was told Harry died," said Deric.
"It appears, as though that is not the case, Deric," said Albus.
"But… how?" Caspian was confused.
"The Boy-Who-Lived… twice," whispered Ron.
"Don't let Harry hear you say that," said Hermione, still sounding very choked up from that morning's rollercoaster ride of emotions.
"Lucy…" began Susan.
"Is he all right?" asked Lucy, seeing her brother. She joined her sister beside his bed, and quickly pulled out her bottle containing the cordial.
"What, might I ask, is that?" asked Madam Pomfrey.
"Father Christmas gave this to me," answered the youngest of the Pevensie siblings. "One drop will cure any injury."
"I have never heard of any such cure-all," Severus drawled.
"Nor have I, young lady," said Madam Pomfrey. "I will be most interested, should it actually work. Your brother is in very serious condition." Lucy only smiled, but uncapped the bottle containing the cordial and allowed a single drop to fall into Peter's slightly opened mouth.
Both Severus and the medi-witch were amazed as Peter let out a gasp and slowly opened his eyes. "Susan?" he managed. "Lucy? Where… where am I?" He tried to sit up, but Madam Pomfrey put a hand on his chest.
"No you don't, young man. Not until I check you over."
"Miss Pevensie… might I get a sample of the potion you have there?" asked Severus.
"I was about to ask the same thing," said Madam Pomfrey.
"I strongly doubt you will be able to synthesize it, if that's what you're planning, Severus. That stuff's not from our world," said Travis.
"Write it up to academics, then," said Madam Pomfrey, conjuring up two vials. Lucy obliged, donating four drops of the cordial to both vials.
"What of Harry?" asked Peter.
"He's had a rough night, Mr. Pevensie," said Madam Pomfrey, at last concluding her diagnostic charms. "I think I can clear you to leave, although I am astounded at how well the potion worked."
"Lucy's cordial," stated Peter. Lucy nodded. "Well, it did save Edmund last year."
"Now. I must insist that everyone not essential to the remaining patient please take your conversations elsewhere," said Madam Pomfrey.
"Let's go to the library. Mr. Pevensie, is it?" asked Remus. Peter nodded. "Would you care to join us?"
"I think there are some things that must come out," said Remus, as the group finally settled around the large conference table in the library. Peter and his siblings had settled at one end, along with Travis; Caspian was more interested in the large computer workstation on the right side of the library than the actual meeting. That got a smile from Hermione.
"I would agree with that," said Minerva. "It seems Mr. Potter has kept a good number of us in the dark regarding his activities of late."
"Please, professor, it was all with good reason," said Travis. "Even I don't know exactly what he's up to."
"And exactly who are you anyway?" Minerva gestured to the Pevensies.
"I'm Peter Pevensie. My sisters, Susan and Lucy."
"And where exactly are you from?"
"We're originally from Finchley, ma'am," answered Peter, "but we came here from a place called Narnia, although I strongly doubt any of you have heard of it before." Peter decided to leave out his titles, not sure of what weight they would carry in such a strange environment.
"Finchley… just outside of London, is it not?" said Sirius, from his portrait above the computer. Caspian let out a gasp, not having seen a talking portrait before.
"Yes sir," said Peter, seeming not at all fazed by the talking portrait.
"First time seeing a talking portrait, lad?" asked Alastor, gesturing to Caspian.
"And who might you be, dear?" asked Molly. She and Arthur were seated close to one another, still rattled by that morning's events."
"I am Prince Caspian."
"Of Narnia, I assume?" asked Minerva. Caspian only nodded.
"Exactly what has Harry done? I must ask," said Albus.
"Yesterday afternoon… Harry opened a dimensional portal into Narnia," answered Deric, "A few of us knew exactly what he was doing, but he has asked us not to discuss any of it, because, 'loose lips sink ships', his words exactly."
"How much CAN you tell us?"
"Not much else, really, it's up to Harry," answered Travis. Deric only nodded.
"Actions befitting a Slytherin, Albus, I must say," said Alastor. A smiled tugged at the corner of Severus' lips.
"Yes, well, it most certainly is no help to us at all. Worse off, this morning's incident reminds us of just how dangerous things can be."
"He has destroyed three Horcruxes, has he not?" asked Albus.
"The last almost taking his life, but yes," answered Deric. "I witnessed the destruction of the one in Hufflepuff's cup a while back."
"How many does Harry believe Tom made?" asked Albus.
"Six or seven," said Deric.
"Last time we met Harry, he said there were seven of them," supplied Susan.
"Wait. Did anyone notice the scream that seemed to let out of Harry before he, um, well, died?" asked Travis.
"I thought it was Frank," said Ron.
"No, Ron, it wasn't," said Hermione. "Travis is right, there was a scream…"
"Exactly like the scream that came out of Hufflepuff's cup," finished Travis. "He was a Horcrux."
"You mean Harry had a piece of Voldemort's soul in him?!" Hermione was horrified.
"I mean exactly that, Hermione," answered Travis. "It's the only explanation."
"Does he know where the others are?" asked Minerva.
"I think so," answered Deric, "He sent us to retrieve one of them yesterday, the ring."
"It might be a thought to have Harry put down some sort of plan of action, in the event he truly does die, so we may at least attempt to finish what he has started," said Tonks.
"Well on the way to finishing, by the sound of things," said Alastor.
"It seems Harry has been VERY busy in my stead," said Albus.
"Complacency has gotten us nowhere, Albus," said Arthur. "Sitting on our arses waiting for something to happen. How much did you know about his Horcruxes?"
"I knew he made at least one; that became clear three and a half years ago, when Harry destroyed Tom's diary in the Chamber of Secrets."
"Yes, Harry talked to me about that," said Peter. "A truly dark incident at your school, headmaster."
"Most unfortunate…"
"I do ask… how did you not know there was a monster roaming around under your school, endangering the lives of hundreds of your students?" Clearly, even Peter was not impressed with the former headmaster's blunders.
"What… what sort of monster?" asked Caspian.
"A 60-foot Basilisk," answered Ron weakly. "I saw one of its shed skins."
"Indeed, Mr. Weasley," said Severus.
"You mean… the thing whose venom almost killed Harry," said Caspian.
"One and the same," answered Severus.
"I must ask, do any of you know the reason Harry has decided to do something so risky as to forcibly open a portal to another world?" asked Albus.
"Might as well tell him what you know," said Travis. "He'll find out anyway."
"When Harry visited us the first time, they arrived in three enormous flying ships," Peter began. "During their visit, one of the crew on the Invincible sabotaged their, err, computer. She crashed, killing about 400 of her crew. The saboteur was discovered to have a… dark mark… tattooed on his arm."
"And he's located this ship again, in Narnia?" asked Albus.
"We were working on it before the sun set; then we went out to deal with the Horcrux. It was my idea, thought it would scare the enemy…"
"Which brings us to our fight, I guess," said Peter, looking around the table. "I don't know many of you that sit here, but I do know Harry, at least well enough to call him a friend… and more importantly, to ask his help."
"And he accepted," said Travis.
"Help with what?" asked Arthur.
"Freeing Narnia from the Telmarines," answered Lucy smartly.
"My uncle is mobilizing his army against us as we speak," said Caspian. "They will have most likely reached Aslan's How by now."
"And they will find nothing," said Peter. "With Harry's help, we have perhaps bought ourselves a couple of days."
"Last night, Harry, Peter, and I destroyed a Horcrux not far from where the Telmarines had set up camp for the night," explained Travis. "I still don't understand why Harry didn't protect himself better, he had to know the ring was dangerous… and now, if our assumptions are correct, he DID know…"
"Wait… then, that would mean… he did this on PURPOSE!" Hermione gasped.
"To destroy the other… Horcrux, perhaps?" guessed Caspian.
"But… WHY? He practically DIED!" Hermione shrieked. "What in Merlin's name was he THINKING?"
"I think that was part of the plan, Hermione," said Deric. "He would have to just about die for the fragment of soul to be destroyed."
"And as valiant as his efforts have been, it again shows why Harry must be properly guided. Allowing him to just run off and make decisions on his own…"
Travis cut Albus off, saying, "Is giving him the CONFIDENCE he needs to actually FINISH the job. Don't even START with your coddling and protecting rhetoric, Dumbledore, I'll hex you where you sit, and don't think I WON'T."
"And I will follow suit, Albus. I only let you out of your cell because we were out of options," said Minerva.
"I think we could allow the professor out of his cage, with some hard and fast rules, maybe," said Deric.
"I am curious as to why he would be locked in a cage," said Caspian.
"I…" Albus started.
"He has grossly used and manipulated Harry, stolen from him, stolen his childhood… was directly responsible for him being abused at the hands of his aunt and uncle… shall I go on, Professor? By rights, he should be in jail, but… Harry doesn't trust the ministry, so we've made our own," explained Travis bluntly.
"Yes, Harry told me about that, I remember," said Peter. "Most disturbing that a wizard in your position would do such a thing, Professor."
"That's just the thing. Which is why he is no longer in the position he was," said Minerva. "The Hogwarts Board of Trustees was none too happy about the allegations. It has certainly put me in a difficult position, but yet, Hogwarts does have a standard to uphold."
"So. Here are the rules, Dumbledore…" began Travis.
"And who decided you should make them?" asked Albus, clearly not impressed that some foreign boy was going to dictate terms to him.
"Who did Harry hook up with when he first came to Canada?"
"Shut it," Travis hissed. "Our trunk, OUR rules. ONE. You will not be leaving the trunk… I mean, you can't anyway… Harry didn't key you into the teleport pads… and I really don't think he will anytime soon.
"TWO. You will not attempt to manipulate or control any of us in any way. Whether it be yourself or… well… I think I made the point there, right? Anyone else have anything to add?" Silence. "Great. Of course, I think it will be up to Harry in the end, because, I think it will be a cold day in hell before he'll ever forgive you for what you did to him."
"I think we can still use a bit of help with the order, but be very much aware, Albus, you are NOT in control here. Harry and I are," said Remus.
"Harry, in charge?"
"Whose trunk is this, Albus?" asked Minerva. Albus only nodded in understanding.
"Where exactly are we?"
"I don't know, Narnia, for all we know. Harry could've moved the trunk."
"Excuse me, but you've completely lost me here," said Caspian.
"It's wizard space," answered Travis. "We are, in fact, inside a magical trunk, which belongs to Harry. Maybe when he's feeling better, we can take you guys outside of it. But again, I don't actually know where we are." In truth, Travis knew EXACTLY where the trunk was, but chose to keep the former headmaster guessing.
"So we're back to the issue of Narnia, then," said Deric.
"Yes, right," said Peter. "And that really now depends on Harry getting the Invincible back in the air again."
"It won't happen with Harry on his back," said Deric. "Most likely Madam Pomfrey will keep him under watch for a few days."
"A few days we don't have," said Caspian. Peter nodded in agreement.
"What if Harry just tells us what needs to be done, and WE do it?" suggested Ron.
"That could work, but it'll really be up to him, I guess. Knowing Harry these days, he won't listen to Madam Pomfrey too much anyway," said Travis.
"So it'll be your responsibility… all of you… to make sure he doesn't overdo it. We must remember, he practically DIED this morning," Molly emphasized.
"That may be difficult, considering the crazy number of doors that have been locked using parseltongue," said Travis.
"You mean that hissing noise he makes?" asked Peter. "That still gives me the creeps."
"No doubt it does, Mr. Pevensie," said Minerva.
"He's using parseltongue?" Albus sounded surprised.
"He told me it was an extra layer of security he put on things when they sealed it up just before they left," said Travis. "Pretty clever, if you ask me… I mean, parseltongue is incredibly rare."
"Indeed it is, Mr. Carter," said Albus sourly. 'No, this is most certainly not a good thing,' he thought. He looked over at Lucy, who let out a great yawn. "Perhaps we might catch a few hours' rest, considering the very late hour." He gestured up at the digital clock above the door. It was nearly four am.
"This is going to be a long day," Remus groaned. It was almost time for him to floo to Hogwarts. It might be a weekend, but there were still certain duties expected of the professors.
"Right… sleeping arrangements," said Travis.
"I can just… use the bed in the infirmary where Harry is, for now," said Peter. Travis nodded.
"Susan and Lucy… you two can borrow Harry and Frank's bed, I'm sure they won't mind. And Caspian… if you don't mind sharing my bed… um… well… I mean, I can just sleep on the floor if worst comes to worst… not really interested in doing any advanced magic right now…"
"That will be fine," answered the prince.
"Great. Follow me, then…"
Travis woke only a few short hours later, the sun casting its rays on the floor of the room, through the partially open curtains. It had been a strange sleep, for, even though someone lay beside him, there was no connection. It was very different from sleeping beside Frank and Harry. Caspian was a complete stranger, and very much kept to himself, much as Travis had. He sighed, quite happy to slide down and off the end of the bed (he had slept on the inside, against the wall), and take a seat at his desk.
Now, he got his first real good look at the young Telmar prince. 'Definitely handsome', thought Travis, remembering the dark eyes that matched his dark hair, which was then splayed out on the pillow as he slept. That quickly brought back memories of Bill, sleeping in a similar way, his hair released from its usual pony-tail. That forced him to look away, as the memory stung harshly.
He was yanked out of the nasty train of thought, when Dobby popped into the room. "Travis, sir, breakfast is being ready now, it is!"
"Thank you, Dobby."
"Err, what was that?" asked Caspian sleepily. He looked over, and gasped, seeing the house elf. "What… what is that?" he stammered.
"This is Dobby, a house elf. Dobby, this is Caspian."
"It is great honour, meeting friends of wizards, it is!" said Dobby excitedly.
"Dobby. Remember what Harry said about that," said Travis. Dobby only nodded and popped away.
"They just… come and go like that?"
"Yeah, that's how they do their work. They do most of the cooking and cleaning here. Legally, he belongs to Harry, but Harry sees them more like friends."
"They are slaves."
"In many places, yeah, they are. Harry pays the two elves he's got here, though, and treats them… well, like I said, more like friends than employees." He paused. "Now. If you want to take a shower…"
"Oh. Bathe, wash up, get cleaned up."
"The bathroom is through that door. Shout if you're unsure of anything." Travis gestured to a door beside the closet.
It actually ended up slightly comical, as Travis ended up having to explain the marvels of modern plumbing to the prince. He had completely forgotten that people or beings from Narnia would have no concept of modern conveniences, such as toilets or showers.
Finally, the two of them made it to the dining room, which was by then quite noisy, as many people had remained in the trunk. Four more strangers were seated at the table. At least to Caspian, they were strangers.
"We've got cereal, toast, eggs, bacon, sausages, and my favourite, pancakes," said Travis, gesturing to the various items that sat at the centre of the table.
"A breakfast befitting a king," Caspian smiled, fetching several pieces of toast. He added two eggs, a few strips of bacon, and a pancake.
"Maple syrup?" Travis gestured to the bottle.
"Well, we DO seem to be joined by royalty this morning." Hermione smirked.
"Touché", said Travis, giving a smirk of his own.
"I hope this was not on our account," said Peter.
"Actually, no, Mr. Pevensie," said Lisa. "This is about typical for breakfast in our household."
"This must cost a fortune, how do you afford it?" asked Susan.
"That would be Harry's doing," said Lisa. "For him, money is no object."
"I do hope Harry is being responsible with it," said Albus.
"Why would you be worried about it? It's not YOUR say what he does with it," Travis snapped.
"Indeed it is not, yet…"
"Yet nothing, Dumbledore! If he decides to blow every knut on stupid things, that's his fucking right!"
"All right, enough talk about that," said Lisa, pursing her lips.
"Ok, changing the subject, then. We're all in agreement that Harry has to stay off his feet at least today?"
"Other than opening doors for us," Deric reminded.
"Right, shit. Forgot about that."
"What needs to be opened right away is the big question. Can we get anything going without?" asked Peter.
"See, I don't know," answered Travis. "That's all Harry's thing. I know absolutely dick all about the Invincible, God, you know I got lost twice yesterday afternoon."
"Maybe there's engineering plans or something," suggested Deric.
"Yeah, probably behind one of those zillion or so locked doors," Travis groaned.
"Couldn't we just break into it?" asked Caspian.
"I think you can probably answer your own question," said Peter sourly, "considering it was your ancestors that sacked Cair Paravel in the first place."
"Guys," said Travis, "now's not the time. I guess we have to talk to Harry before we do anything. That's what it comes down to."
As soon as breakfast was finished, Travis, Peter, and Caspian entered the makeshift infirmary. Travis was pleased to find both Harry and Frank awake, engaged in idle chatter.
"Travis, Peter. Glad to see you're all right," said Harry.
"You might want to watch out for Hermione, she's pissed at what you did," said Travis.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh get off it, Harry, we KNOW what you did… I mean, I know you have more brains than to break… err… AAAAARRRRH! You fucking KNOW what I mean, man! You came back from the fucking future, so you knew what that fucking ring was gonna do when it was attacked."
"Harry… you… you didn't," said Frank, hurt written all over his face.
"I did," answered Harry quietly.
"Why? Why would you do that to me? After you giving me shit for acting stupid the end of last month. How dare you," Frank said icily.
"But… I'm sorry."
"Right, sure," said Frank, pushing Harry away and getting out of the bed.
"No, I'm… I…"
"Fuck you, Harry." Frank stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
"If you had kept your bloody mouth shut, he wouldn't have known," Harry hissed.
"Right, that's great for a healthy relationship, Harry. Jesus Christ, you go on about people keeping secrets from you? Don't piss and moan when others get upset at you keeping secrets from them, that's a load of fucking hypocrisy!"
"No, you need to mind your own fucking business, Carter!" Harry snarled.
"Uh huh…" Travis flicked his wrist, producing his wand. "Pevensie, Caspian," he hissed, "if you value your life, you'll get the fuck out of here."
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hmmm… it seems someone has anger issues. Harry might have gotten rid of 2 more Horcruxes, but seems to lack a little tact with dealing with those who care about him.
Now… as far as Frank's reaction. If you had read "Canadian Intervention", you'll remember a point where Frank forced Harry to promise never to try and hurt himself again. I won't cite verbatim here, you'll just have to read & find out. All the same, this action destroying the Horcrux, Frank sees it as Harry deliberately hurting himself again, which of course would be breaking his promise.
Anyhow… comments/suggestions are always welcome.
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