So I finally get another chapter out. It has NOT been checked by the beta, but it's pending, so most likely this will be updated again. Either way, sorry it did take 3 weeks, but a week's vacation and a few other things rather threw me, and hence the delay.
Title: Canadian Intervention
Chapter Title: 14. Learning and Planning
Pairing: Harry Potter/Frank Iero
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~6,700
Warning(s): coarse language, minor spoilers for HBP.
Summary: See first chapter
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: A meeting with the Canadian Minister, Occlumency and Legilimency training with Snape, Apparation lessons… fluff on a broom... and a muggle 'camp fire'? Oh my…
The following morning saw the group once again gathered around the large conference table in the library. As planned, Jeff had been asked to join them, and offer advice as to how to proceed in a legal sense. Minerva and several of the group did indeed have some pointed questions for the attorney, all of which Jeff was only too happy to answer.
"It's most definitely something I can help out with," said Jeff, leaning back in his chair, "However, I will need to bring on a few assistants. This is a massive legal challenge, lots of red tape and so on."
"Do it," said Harry, "I mean, money's not an issue." Jeff only nodded, jotting down more notes on a notepad.
"What about involving the Canadian ministry? Remember what the minister said," said Travis. Harry nodded, then said, "Guess it's time to take her up on that offer."
"You could probably get your floo configured as an international connection, then, if you already have the minister's ear, Harry," said Remus.
"I don't know how much of an influence I can have, I mean, we didn't speak that long, really," said Harry.
"Harry, your name carries a lot of clout, even here," said Jeff, "Don't doubt that. In the mean time, I will contact the minister."
"Will Harry get in trouble over having the floo in here?" Asked Hermione.
"The minister will not be happy about it, make no mistake, however, I'm certain that won't last long, once she understands exactly what's happened."
"Besides, 'mione, it won't be the first time the rules were bent a little for Harry," said Ron.
"In what way?" asked Lily from her portrait.
"I was allowed to play Quidditch in first year, mum," said Harry. That got a grin from James, and a nod from Minerva.
"At any rate," said Jeff, standing, "Let me contact the ministry, and see when Angela can meet with us."
"If she's coming here, I'll need a list of who's coming with her so I can add them to the access list for the floo," said Travis.
"I'll make sure to get that, she'll most likely have at least 3 Aurors with her," said Jeff.
"If we can set up an international floo connection, we can also add the rest of the Order as well," said Remus.
"I do need to get back to Hogwarts," said Minerva, also standing, "The Board of Governors meeting will be getting under way in an hour, and I do need to be there."
"Yes, of course," said Remus, "We'll floo the school if anything develops."
"We should get to work on the Room of Requirement," said Hermione, "At least the runic formulas."
One by one, the others gathered around the table left the room, until it was only Harry and Ginny. There was an awkward silence, as neither knew where to begin. True, Harry had feelings for the youngest Weasley. That had started only a few months earlier, not long after the disastrous attempt at a relationship he and Cho had. Ginny, of course, had strong feelings for Harry, even though she knew about Cedric. It was complicated, to say the least. Yet, weren't all relationships?
"Ginny… Why… The Prophet…" Harry stammered, finally.
"No, Harry, I was the one being stupid," said Ginny, "I just thought you were being a stupid Gryffindor, trying to protect us and so on… I mean, part of that is true, but… you were right, too. I was blinded just like everyone else was, when it came to Dumbledore." Harry nodded. "When the Daily Prophet printed the transcripts from your emancipation hearing, I was stunned, I mean, I couldn't believe it."
"He had everyone fooled, like you said," said Harry, "He paints on that grandfatherly face, and people were ready to believe whatever came out of his mouth. All I see, is an old man more interested in what HE can get out of a situation, and nothing more. He's used me, he's used Snape, Merlin, how many other people has he used and manipulated?" Ginny nodded in agreement, saying, "Yeah, mum said something similar earlier."
"Exactly. Like I said before, I think he's as bad as Voldemort."
"So we may have to fight him too?"
"I hope not, 'gin, but I will if I have to. It's the right thing to do," said Harry.
"So said Dumbledore, over a year ago, at the leaving feast…"
"Yeah, I remember…" Harry stopped. "Mrs. Diggory… she gave me…" He reached into the pocket of his shorts, and pulled out the portrait of Cedric, placing it on the table.
"When did you see Mrs. Diggory?" asked Ginny.
"Frankie and I had to borrow her floo to get back here yesterday, after the… well, you know."
"Right," said Ginny, gazing at the portrait. "Thank you again… for looking after us, Harry."
"You guys are the closest thing to family I've got," answered Harry, "And I think family takes care of their own, right?" That got smiles from James and Sirius, still in their portraits. Lily had joined Hermione, Luna, and Remus at the back of the library, through a portable frame, as they studied the materials covering how to create a Room of Requirement.
"You and Frank… how did that happen?" asked Ginny, changing the subject.
"I don't know, it just… well, it just did," answered Harry, "Merlin, I think it was a day, that's all it took. Even Travis saw it before I did."
"Well, Hermione took all of 4 days to spot your being smitten with Cedric," said Ginny. Harry only nodded, knowing it was absolutely true. "You're not… err… upset by that?"
"Why should I be? I mean, I hoped I might have a chance with you, but… Harry, if there's one person that deserves at least some happiness in your life, it's you. Besides, I have at least 5 brothers that might have an issue with you and me… well, you know."
"Right, of course," Harry nodded in agreement. Of course she was right. Had their relationship ever moved forward, it would have made for some very awkward situations with Ron particularly.
"Ron says you don't plan on returning to Hogwarts in September."
"Nope, I don't," answered Harry, "The only thing I'm interested in right now, is learning the essential skills to defeat Voldemort. Things I can't learn at Hogwarts. Not to mention, it's just not a good idea for me to set foot in England right now. I mean, what happened yesterday is a perfect example why."
"Son, you can't just keep away, you know Voldemort will just hunt you here," said James.
"I think it's less likely, at least from what Travis says. Honestly, I think there's a bigger chance of Dumbledore coming after me here, than Voldemort."
"Then I won't be returning to Hogwarts, either," said Ginny.
"I don't think any of you should go back to England now, anyway," said Harry, "At least not as long as Voldemort is a threat, or Dumbledore for that matter."
"Mum doesn't know what she wants to do right now… I mean, Charlie doesn't even know what's happened yet."
"Right, completely forgot about him… Fawkes can probably get a letter to him," said Harry, "And I meant it when I said you guys can stay here with us, we've got loads of room."
"You have learned a lot, Harry," Said Severus, stowing away his wand. He and Harry were seated in one of the alcoves in the library, the morning seeming to have flown by.
"Thanks, sir. I mean, with everything that happened at the ministry, Merlin! I know now this stuff is so important."
"You have to understand, Albus wouldn't let me help you in any way. All he wanted me to do is make you more susceptible to the Dark Lord's influence. Regretfully it partially worked, and that… your godfather paid the price for it."
"I know… it's not your fault, sir."
"Harry. It's Severus, since you are no longer one of my students, at least not in any formal sense." Harry only nodded at that. "True," he answered, "I hope I can finish my last 2 years someday."
"Of course. Just remember I won't go soft on you, should you continue in my class."
"I didn't get the 'Outstanding' required…"
"No, actually, you did, Harry," answered Severus, "The only thing that prevented you from actually receiving it, was my jaded attitude, and those blasted curses placed on me." He thought for a moment. "Now, as far as Occlumency is concerned, you are more than capable of protecting yourself. Are you ready to take it one step further?"
"How, si… Severus?"
"Being able to protect your mind, is one thing. Perhaps, you might be ready to take on its opposite."
"Indeed," answered Severus, "Being able to access the mind of others…"
"Would be a wicked advantage," finished Harry.
"Exactly. An unseen tactic, to be able to know of one's intentions without having to ask them."
"What if they practice Occlumency?"
"Some, you will find, are far more skilled than others. Most of the wizarding population haven't bothered with it, or practice very little."
"Then I want to learn it," said Harry. Just then, Dobby appeared with a soft POP. "Lunch is ready, it is!" he announced happily.
"Thanks, Dobby," said Harry. The excitable elf popped away.
Just as everyone was finishing lunch, the public floo fired, and Jeff stepped out of the fireplace, then stepped into the dining room. "Angela's on her way, she'll be floo'ing here in a few minutes."
"Great," said Travis, "Did she give you a list of people to add to the access list?"
"Yes, here," said Jeff, passing over a note. Travis took it, and got up, leaving the dining room.
"How many are coming?"
"She'll have 4 Aurors with her, and someone from Floo Regulation. She's not exactly impressed with Travis putting the floo connection in here, but she can accept it, understanding what happened yesterday."
"Thing is, the Order needs an easy way of getting here, if we're making this the headquarters," said Harry.
"Precisely the point I made to the minister. And on that note, I will be assigning several of my assistants, as well as several law students we have taken on under internship."
"Um, now isn't the greatest time to bring in people that have no clue about the legal system," said Travis, stepping back into the room.
"No, they won't be actually handing cases. They will be doing research. Helping in the background. No, my assistants and I will be filing actual paperwork, and if necessary, attending court proceedings."
"I find it rather shameful our courts have to do the work the British Wizengamot should be doing," said Lisa, disdainfully.
"You and I alike, Lisa," said Jeff, "Yet, if that's what we have to do… that's what we have to do, then. If we don't… the next thing we know, Voldemort will be on our doorstep." That got nods of agreement from most around the table. Just then, the floo fired. Travis quickly got up, and entered the common room.
"Maybe we should move this into the library, where there's more room."
"I'll floo Hogwarts, Minerva should be here, too," said Remus, also getting up.
10 minutes later, everyone was again seated around the large table in the library.
"This is quite the apartment you have set up for yourself, Mr. Potter," said Angela, gazing about the large room.
"It was Travis' work, ma'am," answered Harry, "No way I could have pulled this off."
"Indeed. Now why does that not surprise me?" Angela let out a good natured laugh.
"Madam Minister, welcome to Harry Potter's trunk," said Travis, "Also soon to be headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix."
"My, my. The old man has truly fallen far, now, has he not?" Said one of the Aurors joining Angela.
"We passed a resolution forcing him to resign yesterday," said Minerva, "Albus has done far too much damage for things to continue on the status quo."
"Yes, I would have to agree there. I would venture to say, he may be suffering a mental illness," said Angela, "As it stands, muggle psychologists believe that 1 in 4 people suffer from some sort of mental illness."
"Dumbledore going barmy? There's a scary thought," said Ron.
"Ron. I think he was always a bit barmy," said Harry, "I don't think we realized it… well, until recently."
"At any rate, let's get on with the purpose of this meeting," said Jeff.
"So we should," said Remus, "Madam minister, as the new head of the Order of the Phoenix, I'm asking for the floo in the common room to be made an international connection. Properly warded, of course, but that would enable us to keep our headquarters here, and more securely control who has access."
"Yes, I can most definitely see your point, Mr. Lupin," said Angela, "I must ask, though, where exactly is 'here'?"
"Right now, the actual trunk is in a room at the Snitch & Bludger," answered Travis, "We didn't have a lot of options when the house was destroyed last weekend."
"A most unfortunate event," said Angela, "If you need any assistance rebuilding…"
"Already covered," said Harry, "I already offered."
"Yes, and you would most definitely be in a position to do so." Angela gave Harry a smile, then gazed about the room. "I will say I am rather displeased the floo was moved into a wizard space in this way. I'm sure you both realize, Mr. Carter and Mr. Potter, this does go against floo regulations. Yet, at the same time, I fully understand the reasoning behind your actions. I have a gentleman from floo regulation at work on your fireplace now."
"Thank you," said Harry, "I guess the next thing, is about some training. Training I can't get at school. How to defend myself physically, as well as magically. None of this weak nonsense the enemy can just walk away from, or have one of his cronies revive him. I want shit they won't get up from anytime soon."
"I believe I have exactly the answer to that," said one of the Aurors that had joined Angela, "Deric Stafford, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Special Action Unit."
"Special Action Unit?" asked Hermione.
"Our equivalent to a muggle SWAT team," answered Deric.
"SWAT?" asked Ginny.
"Special Weapons And Tactics. Traditionally, very specially trained police officers that deal with high-risk scenarios, and so on. Hostage situations, and shit like that," Travis explained. Deric nodded. "Exactly. Except that, in our world, things get much more complicated… not that you don't already know, Mr. Potter."
"How very true," said Harry, "I'm willing to learn whatever you can teach me."
"Along with anyone else here that wants to learn," said Deric, "I understand there are several of you here that fought experienced, and very dangerous wizards to a draw just over a month ago. That's most impressive."
"Well, we had a great teacher," said Neville. That drew nods of agreement from the other members of the 'ministry 6', as eyes again fell on Harry.
"Well… err… I mean, we didn't have much choice… I mean, that evil toad, and her 'read only' curriculum…" said Harry.
"You taught your peers. Most impressive, indeed," said Deric. Of course, he had reviewed the file on Harry, along with his friends. He was, after all, on a 'nearly' first name basis with several unspeakables. However, there were many details not easily gathered, this being one of them.
"At any rate, the next order of business," said Remus, "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley here, lost their home yesterday. Harry has generously offered space here, but it does raise a larger issue…"
"Refugees," said Angela, "I most definitely understand. I won't make any official statement on record as of yet, but off record, I leave it to the judgement of the Order."
"Thank you," said Remus.
"The next piece of business, I mentioned briefly when we met this morning," said Jeff.
"Attacking Voldemort's supporters financially," said Angela.
"Gringotts may not appreciate that kind of load. Although the approach definitely carries merit."
"We could get Harry's account manager here, get his opinion," suggested Travis.
"A more important issue, is, no matter how incompetent the British Ministry is, they will also not appreciate interference on our part. It's an area in which we all must tread carefully. Last thing we need is grief from the ICW," Angela warned.
"And what is the ICW saying about Voldemort?" asked Minerva.
"Not a word, at this point. Some members are nervous, but there's been no official statement as of yet," answered Angela.
"And they SHOULD be nervous," said Minerva, "I've already received several letters from parents informing me their children will not be returning to Hogwarts in September. I expect many more."
"But, wouldn't Hogwarts be the safest place? I mean…" said Lisa.
"Tell that to Cedric's parents," said Harry, darkly.
"And look what happened to our daughter a few years ago!" Molly pointed out.
"It doesn't matter where people are, no witch or wizard is safe as long as Voldemort is alive," said Remus. There were nods from around the table.
"And what is the Canadian Ministry's position?" asked Arthur.
"We are watching the situation in England very carefully, Mr. Weasley. I authorized DMLE to add to their numbers, customs is also aware, and taking steps on their own. It's a very dark situation, for we do remember the last war with Voldemort. I was in office then as well, very dark times," answered Angela.
"Did V-v… You-Know-Who ever come over here?" asked Ron.
"Luckily, no he didn't, Mr. Weasley," answered Angela, "Although his Death Eaters made several attempts to get a footing here. We have been very lucky up to this point. Although I must also say, this second rise of this Dark Lord has us VERY concerned."
"And rightly so," said Remus, "They have been recruiting like mad, building a much larger number than they had last time."
"Very dark news indeed, Mr. Lupin."
"He was also recruiting giants," said Hermione, "That's what Hagrid said."
"Damn," said Travis.
"One was unleashed in Somerset about a week ago," said Minerva, "Did tremendous damage."
"No doubt," said Travis, "Jesus Christ."
"Never mind the giants, they're also trying to recruit the Dementors," said Remus. Angela seemed to pale with that news. A silence fell over the table. The Dementors leaving Azkaban? That was very dark news indeed, if it should happen. Who would guard the prisoners? Worse, no man, woman, or child, magical or not, would be safe against them.
The silence was broken as the man from floo regulation stepped into the room. "The work is completed and tested, madam Minister," he announced.
"Thank you," said Harry.
"If there's nothing else, I do have to get back to the office," said Angela, standing. She still looked rather pale. She stopped. "On the thought of prisoners. Mr. Carter and… where's Mr. Iero?"
"In the rec room with his band mates," offered Harry.
"I see, right. Mr. Carter, these are subpoenas for both you and Mr. Iero."
"Bartlett's trial?"
"Indeed. They were going to owl them to you, but since I was on the way over, I saved the post a trip," said Angela, passing Travis the two letters.
"Angela, I will be remaining behind, if that is all right with Mr. Potter," said Deric.
"Yeah, that's fine," said Harry, "We can discuss training and so on."
"That would be the idea."
"Very well, then," said Angela.
"Thank you for coming, madam minister," said Remus, also standing, "The cooperation of your ministry is appreciated."
"Indeed. If there is anything further, by all means contact my office, and I'll see what I can do. But do tread lightly when it comes to legal manoeuvres. The British Ministry will not stand for it long."
"Might I suggest, then, if it would be possible to loan us a few staff from the Commonwealth Attorney's office?" asked Jeff.
"I'll see what I can do. No promises, though," said Angela, as they walked into the common room.
"That's all we can ask, minister," said Jeff, as Angela activated the floo. She and the Aurors then stepped into the fireplace.
"Very true. Do be careful, all of you. MINISTRY OF MAGIC, MINISTER'S OFFICE!" The 4 of them vanished in the red flames(1).
"Take care now," said the man from floo regulation, also activating the floo. He stepped in, saying, "MINISTRY OF MAGIC, FLOO REGULATION OFFICE!" and also vanished into the red flames.
"Do you have a training area set up in here yet?" asked Deric, as they returned to the library.
"We were working on that," answered Hermione, "We're going to set up a Room of Requirement."
"Very advanced magic," said Deric, surprised.
"Very complicated, but we're just about ready to try it," said Remus, "We had just finished the runic formulas when we broke for lunch."
"There may be materials in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library that might be helpful," offered Minerva, "Since you may now floo directly to Hogwarts, I can give you all passes."
"That would help a great deal, Minerva," said Remus.
"Do keep in mind, materials are in the restricted section for a reason."
"I'll keep them in check," said Remus.
"Um, question. Our floo is now an international connection, but… what happens when someone wants to get here, from Hogwarts, for example?" asked Travis.
"The man from floo regulation probably set it up for wide access," Deric guessed, "That definitely can be done."
"Which won't matter a whole lot," said Molly, "It's been properly warded so only those with access rights may use it. It's exactly as we had things set up at the Burrow."
"The next order of business, perhaps, is to grant access rights to the rest of the Order so we may have a proper meeting," suggested Arthur.
"Another thing. Mum, we could move the trunk to the cottage," said Travis.
"Honey, that's a WONDERFUL idea!" Lisa exclaimed, "With your father out of the way... your friends will love it!"
"Where is it, exactly?" asked Deric.
"You know Lake Rosseau?"
"Yes, of course."
"It's on Tobin Island, directly across from Windermere House(2)," explained Travis, "It's a huge property, probably about 40 acres."
"We could fly our brooms there!" said Ron excitedly.
"Yeah, I've done that lots of times, well, until dad blew up and stopped taking us up there," said Travis, "He saw me doing that one day, and that was it."
"We can ward the property against prying eyes, and so on," said Bill.
"I'll settle things at the Snitch & Bludger, then, and apparate us up there," said Travis, getting up.
"With us all still in here?" asked Deric.
"Yup. We've done it a few times already without trouble. Gotta love wizard space." That got a grin from Harry.
The location was picturesque to say the least. The cottage itself was a little rustic, having only the bare essentials, at which Dobby and Winky were now busily cleaning, seeming to squeak and squeal with glee at the amount of work that now presented itself.
The property itself was indeed immense, easily giving loads of privacy from the neighbours. It wouldn't do to have prying eyes when the young wizards and witches were openly practicing magic. A Room of Requirement would make things easy once installed, but still, being able to actually get outside was something important.
"Why didn't we do this in the first place," asked Harry, finally.
"It wasn't the first thing that came to mind," answered Travis. He, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat at a picnic table close to the water's edge.
"When the fire struck, we needed a place to park the trunk, and quickly. This place, well, it just… like I said, dad and I had more than a few fights up here, and well…"
"You have bad memories up here," Harry finished.
"Yeah, that's about it."
"Merlin, you guys are so alike," said Ron.
"Well, had Mr. Iero not spoken for him…" Travis began, getting a grin from Harry.
"Speaking of whom… where are they anyway?"
"Last I heard, they were in an intense writing session. Gerard got some brilliant idea in the middle of the night, something like that… comes banging on our door at 4 in the morning," Harry supplied, "Frankie wasn't exactly amused, but… that's what they do, right?"
"Something like that," Travis laughed, "Likely you won't see too much of them, for the next while."
"What's that place over there?" asked Hermione, pointing at a white building directly across the lake, almost due east.
"That's Windermere House," answered Travis, "The place has been there since 1860. It's a resort hotel, they're famous. Maybe we'll go over there for lunch tomorrow, if I can get the boat in the water… more an issue of locating it."
"Travis, Professor Bishop is on the floo for you," Lisa called.
"Ask her to come through, she should already be on the… shit, just a sec, guys," said Travis, getting up. He followed his mother back into the cottage.
A minute later, Travis returned, along with a witch who somewhat resembled Minerva.
"Guys," said Travis, "This is Professor Carol Bishop, headmistress of Lake Nipigon Wizards' Institute. That's where I go to school. Headmistress, this is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley."
"Well. Mr. Potter, it's an honour," said Carol, extending a hand. Harry shook it. "I'm only here for a minute, only to ask, Travis, do you plan on returning to Nipigon in September?"
"Likely not, professor. I want to help Harry as much as I can, and I can't do that while I'm in classes that don't really matter."
"I see." Carol only nodded in understanding. "I can understand that. You've always charted your own course, Travis. This course of action certainly doesn't surprise me."
"Professor, one thing that could help us, is access to the school's library," suggested Hermione. That got a smile from Harry. 'Of course she would think of that,' he thought.
"I think I can agree to that. I will need to know who will require access, so I can set things up with the librarian."
"We'll probably have to meet with the Order about that first," said Harry, "I mean, I'm sure Remus would want that, and Hermione, and Luna, but… we'll have to ask." He thought for a moment. "Travis, you won't be tossing your education, missing the year, I hope."
"No, he most certainly won't," said Carol, "He's entitled to return next September if he so chooses, or any year after, by practical measure. I would assume Professor McGonagall would say the same of you three." She gestured to Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
"Ok, Harry, let's try this again," said Travis.
"Three D's, right then," said Harry. He stood three feet away from a circle Travis had drawn on the ground.
"One… two… THREE!" Travis cried. Harry twisted on the spot, lost his balance, and ended up flat on his behind.
"What… Harry, what… what are you tryin' to do?" Harry looked up to see Frank, standing on the deck, holding his midsection, he was laughing so hard.
"Shut up," Harry groaned, picking up a loose pine cone, and tossing it at him.
"S-sorry, it… that was too good, man."
"He's trying to learn how to apparate, and YOU aren't helping matters," said Travis, "Ok, Harry, watch." Travis took a step forward, turned on the spot, and vanished with a loud CRACK, only to appear directly behind Frank. "See, it's fucking easy once you get the hang of it."
"Easy for you to say, you've had 4 years of practice," Harry groaned, standing, and dusting himself off.
"Yeah, and for good reason. I had Bartlett breathing down my neck half the time. Ok, one more time," said Travis, popping back beside him, "The 3 D's. Destination, Determination, and Deliberation(3). They're all important. Look, it took me many tries just to get any movement at all." Harry only shrugged, once again focusing on the circle Travis had drawn. Doing exactly as Travis had done, he took a step forward, turned on the spot… and vanished with a noisy CRACK, to appear in the circle, wobbling around on one leg. The other had failed to follow its owner, and now stood on its own, on the spot from which Harry had left.(4) Harry had a horrified look on his face.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Frank was equally horrified at what he was seeing.
"What's going on?" Came Lisa's voice, as she stepped out onto the deck, "Oh dear… Let me get…"
"Never mind, mum," said Travis, waving his wand. There was a loud bang, and a purple puff of smoke, which then revealed Harry, reunited with his missing leg. Lisa only rolled her eyes, then went back into the cottage.
"Ok, Ok, that was pretty good, other than the fact you splinched yourself."
"I did what… I mean, why?" asked Harry.
"Splinching happens when you aren't determined enough. When you're doing this, keep your mind completely focused on your destination, or you leave bits of yourself behind."
"Does that happen a lot?" asked Frank, cautiously.
"When people first learn how to do it, yeah. I mean, I've done it enough times as it is… mum had to call on Upper Canada Hospital a few times. Of course, each one of those resulting in a warning or a fine from the Ministry… apparating without a license. I quickly learned how to fix it, of course. All right, Harry. Let's try again…"
"Learning how to apparate, I assume." Severus joined Frank at the railing.
"Err, trying to," answered Harry.
"It might have been prudent, Mr. Carter, to have more experienced supervision while attempting this," said Severus.
"What makes you think I'm not, sir?" asked Travis, "I've been doing this since I was 12, so I DO know what the fuck I'm doing."
"Sorry. I just get my back up when people question… well, just never mind."
"Whether you may be legally an adult or not, it does not say you are experienced in… more delicate things… such as this," Severus sneered.
"ENOUGH!" Harry snapped, "This isn't a bloody pissing match! I need to learn this, and I don't bloody care who teaches it, as long as it's right!" he turned on the spot, and vanished with a loud CRACK, to reappear in the circle. It startled a group of birds that had just settled on the eaves trough of the cottage, who took to flight, squawking angry insults at the source of the disturbance.
"By all means, then," Severus sneered, vanishing back into the cottage, muttering something about 'Gryffindor stupidity'.
"Damn, what got up his ass?" asked Frank.
"Still just a jaded git. He'll never change," said Harry.
"Harry… you realize, you just successfully apparated," said Travis.
"Yeah, I guess I did," answered Harry.
"All right, let's see if you can't go a little further, then. Go up beside Frank, and try to apparate from there into the circle." Harry only nodded, and made his way up onto the deck.
"Careful, Harry," said Frank.
"Yeah, I know… but I have to learn this," answered Harry. He again focussed on the circle Travis had drawn, although this time closing his eyes, so only that particular spot filled his head. As he turned on the spot, he failed to notice that at that particular moment, Frank had touched him on the shoulder. Both vanished with a loud CRACK.
For Frank, everything went black. It felt like he was being squeezed through a rubber tube(5). That was the best explanation. As the world came back into focus, he found himself still beside Harry, although they now both stood inside the circle.
"Um, right, then," Harry managed.
"Well, that wasn't part of the plan, but, well done. Congratulations, Frank, you were just side-apparated," said Travis, grinning.
"Is that what it's called? It was awful, man. Holy fuck."
"you get used to it after a while," said Travis.
"I think I prefer flying," said Harry.
"You're not alone there. Not the most comfortable feeling, but hell, it can get you out of a tight situation in a hurry. I have to say, you're catching on, very quickly. God, you just side-apparated someone on your 2nd successful attempt. You know how long before I was able to do that? A year, easily."
"Well, I mean, once I can do something, Merlin, it just… I don't know… it's like it's natural, or something," said Harry. Travis only nodded in understanding. This was, after all, a guy who in 3rd year drove away over 100 Dementors. By no means was his skill by choice. His 'quickness on the uptake' was by his survivalist mind. Life had presented some incredible obstacles to Harry, and it was only in his nature to meet them and overcome them.
By the time dinner was ready, Harry had managed to apparate successfully dozens of times. It was still not perfect, of course, as he still splinched himself on many other occasions, or just plain did nothing on many others. No, Harry was by no means ready for his apparation test, and as Travis guessed, it would be quite some time before he would be.
"Severus tells me you were learning to apparate," said Remus, as the large group sat down to dinner.
"Getting quite good at it, too," said Travis, grabbing 2 baked potatoes from the tray in front of him.
"Needs to stop leaving his arms and legs behind, though," said Frank, plucking a cob of corn off another tray.
"Huh?" Gerard appeared very confused, as did the other members of My Chemical Romance, who had decided to join everyone for dinner for a change.
"You have to see it to believe it, man," answered Frank, only shaking his head.
"He's splinched himself? Oh dear," said Molly.
"It's all good, I know enough how to fix it," answered Travis.
"Harry, why didn't you tell us you were learning how to do that?" Hermione exclaimed.
"I… err… well…"
"I just want…"
"Perhaps it might be best if we get someone in from the ministry," said Lisa, "All of you are in 6th year…"
"Not me," said Ginny.
"Nor me," added Luna.
"The rest of you, though, do need to start learning how to apparate," said Remus, "Normally that would be offered during the second term. Considering none of you will be returning to Hogwarts, we can do things a little differently. Ginny and Luna, we can probably teach both of you as well."
"Right. Guys, tonight, I don't want to think anymore about all this training stuff. I might take a ride on my broom," said Harry.
"Yeah, a break might be nice. I might light a bonfire tonight, come to think of it… maybe roast some hot dogs and marshmallows…"
"Marsh… mallow?" asked Ron.
"Oh, it's a yummy treat…"
"The forest fire index might be too high, dear," Lisa warned.
"Forest fire index?" asked Harry.
"Right, shit. It's a rating the muggle ministry of natural resources puts out, how dangerous it is to have open fires. I mean, what happened to our house… that's a good example why they do it."
"So it may not be a good idea to have a fire," said Lisa.
"No, it shouldn't matter… I mean, we do have the spark arrester charm still on the fire pit. We'll be all right. Besides, I'm craving S'mores."
"S'mores? What's that?" asked Harry.
"Marshmallows, chocolate chips, and graham crackers, cooked on the fire. Very yummy," said Travis.
"I don't know if we even have that stuff, dear," said Lisa.
"I can send Dobby to the store," offered Harry, "He's pretty good at finding stuff."
"Either way, it's still early, and I like Harry's idea of going flying," said Ron.
It required no further arguments. After setting Dobby after the ingredients needed to make S'mores, Harry retrieved his Firebolt from his room, silently praying there wouldn't be a repeat performance of the last time he had been flying, just over 24 hours prior. 'Hell, it'll be all right,' he thought, stepping outside. He quickly mounted his broom, and took off, to join the others already in the air, just barely clearing the tree tops.
"Well, Mr. Potter, I would have thought you'd bring your boyfriend again," Ginny teased, flying up to hover beside him.
"Um… well…" He looked down, seeing Frank watching them at the picnic table. Then a smirk crossed Harry's face. "Be right back." He gently descended and touched down, only feet from the table. "Coming?" he gestured to the broom.
"As long as we don't end up, well, you know…"
"Strongly doubt it," said Harry, shifting forward a little, making room for Frank.
It was the first time Harry got to see Travis on his broom.
"What make is your broom?" he finally asked, settling up along side Travis.
"Oh… right, it's a North Star. A Canadian design. I mean, it doesn't fly quite as well as a Firebolt, but… it can stand on its own," answered Travis.
"What difference does it make?" asked Frank, "I mean, they all look similar… different colours, but… what makes one better than another?"
"Well, each company has its own charms and stuff like that. I mean, the Firebolt is the fastest broom in the world, just because they have the patent on the charm that does it," explained Travis, pitching his broom forward a little. Harry copied his moves, and they started coasting along at an easy pace.
"So one company can't copy another," Frank guessed.
"No, definitely not, they'd end up getting sued, at least over here. Not sure what would happen across the pond, but probably something similar," said Travis. He circled his broom, seeing a red-headed figure waving up at him on the ground. "Be right back."
Harry could only laugh, as he watched Travis touch down on his broom, to allow the said red-head on the back of his own broom. They then rose to once again hover beside Harry.
"Copy cat," said Harry.
"Well, I mean, 2… or wait, 4… can play this game," Travis gave a wry smile.
"So Bill… am I to assume you guys are an item?" asked Harry.
"Err… well, um…" Bill sputtered, his face turning very red. Travis' face seemed to be doing the exact same thing.
"Harry, I don't think they need to answer… their action let the cat out of the bag, I think," Frank laughed.
"Well, I mean, I'd like us to be," said Travis, "I mean, if you guys can… and well…"
"You know… none of us have been on dates yet, right?" asked Harry. Travis and Bill both shook their heads.
"The hotel over there…" Harry gestured to the large resort across the lake, "They have a restaurant, right?"
"Yeah, mum's taken me there a few times," answered Travis.
"Well… Hey Ron!" called Harry. Ron quickly flew over. "You guys been on a date yet?"
"Um…" Now it was Ron's turn to sputter and turn red.
"Ok, that answers that, I think," said Travis, "Let's do a triple date. The restaurant at Windermere House, tomorrow night. We'll do lunch here instead."
"Sounds good to me," Harry grinned.
"Sure, right," said Ron, "Hermione's gonna kill me."
"No she won't. She'll love it!" exclaimed Travis, "Girls like that kind of thing… err, well, significant other… yeah, um…"
"Stuck it in up to here…" Frank grinned, gesturing to his knee.
"Huh?" Ron looked confused.
"Um, never mind."
"Foot-in-mouth disease," said Harry.
As the sun at last sank below the horizon, only a single broom remained aloft. Travis had already set about lighting a bonfire in the designated pit, right on the beach. The lake had gone still, looking more like that of a mill pond, with the absence of a breeze.
"So quiet up here," said Frank.
"Yeah. Up here is true freedom," said Harry, his voice barely a whisper, "No books, no worries, I leave that all on the ground. Just feel the wind in your face, the peace of being in the air. And with your arms wrapped around me… it makes it many times better."
"I love you Harry."
"And I love you too, Frankie." Harry felt the two arms wrapped around his chest squeeze a little tighter, as Frank rested his chin on Harry's right shoulder.
It was dark by the time Harry and Frank finally landed on the beach. The bonfire was blazing brightly, clearly illuminating the large group that sat around it. Ron and Hermione had settled into one spot together, as had Travis and Bill. Harry's unintentional ribbing had perhaps pushed their relationship further along. 'Time will tell', he thought to himself, as he and Frank settled into a spot that seemed to have been reserved for them.
"Have a good flight, Harry?" asked Ron, finally.
"Yeah, we did," Harry smirked, "Smashing way to enjoy the sunset, I thought."
"Ronald tells me you guys are going for a triple date tomorrow," said Molly.
"Travis' idea, not mine," answered Harry, "But yeah, it'll be nice, I think… err… I mean, I've never really been on a date… well, other than the Yule ball a couple years ago… but…"
"Just have fun, that's all you have to do, Harry," said Frank.
"So Harry. How are you enjoying your summer so far?" asked Travis, as he busied himself with the ingredients to make S'mores.
"It's a hundred-fold better than I had last year… barring what happened at the Burrow. I'm surrounded by my friends, that's what counts no matter what. Honestly, I can't understand how keeping me away from my friends would give me a 'normal childhood', as the old codger kept saying."
"No, he was using your friends and the people that truly care about you against you, I think," said Frank.
"I know. Keeping me raw and angry, that's what he truly wanted, and bloody hell, another year like that, and that might have been what he got. I mean, last year was an utter disaster. Voldemort sending me visions, Severus and his horrible Occlumency lessons… that foul toad the ministry gave us for a DA teacher… I almost went mental as it was!"
"Ah, yes, Delores Umbridge… we've got a rather interesting file on her," said Deric, his hands clasped around a muggle beer.
"No doubt," mumbled Ron, attacking a marshmallow he had just toasted on the fire.
"She used a blood quill on Harry," said Hermione.
"She didn't," Deric said.
"She did," answered Harry, "I'll show you the back of my hand if you want."
"Why didn't you tell someone?"
"She was from the MINISTRY, Mr. Stafford," said Hermione, "She would have just sacked the person we told. It was just better to remain quiet about it…"
"Jesus Christ, what a way to run a school. And Dumbledore allowed that to happen?!" Deric was incensed.
"My thoughts exactly," said Harry, "Being such a powerful wizard, he could have done SOMETHING. Instead, he sat back, and let that toad terrorize the entire school. He's just as guilty as SHE is, in the end."
"All right, that's enough talk about that," said Lisa, "This is meant to be a break from all that nonsense." There were nods from around the fire.
Topics of conversation ranged from muggle gadgets (much to Arthur's liking, and Molly's disapproval), to Quidditch, to muggle sports. Harry and his friends heard about 'hockey', a sport played on a sheet of ice, with blades strapped to one's feet rather than shoes. To Harry, it sounded fascinating.
With 5 musicians present, it was a given at least one would bring out a guitar. Deric gave a rather impressive cover of 'Blue Moon', to which Frank dragged Harry to his feet, and they danced together. It was rather goofy, at least to Harry, but it was also special, once again bringing back memories of the Yule Ball, or immediately following, when he and Cedric had danced together in the Room of Requirement.
That of course, had drawn the other couples up to dance as well, along with Molly and Arthur, which brought another smile to Harry's lips. They had lost everything, but really still had everything that mattered. He silently wondered if he would be lucky enough, to, at that age, still be in the arms of the man dancing with him. Would Harry live that long?
It was almost dawn before Harry and Frank made it to bed. The sky was just starting to turn pale on the eastern horizon, in fact, by the time they actually settled in. Harry placed the new portrait beside the one of his parents, and finally took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes.
"Well, maybe this is what we should have done yesterday," said Harry, finally.
"Yeah, I agree with that one. Deric's got an awesome voice, he really surprised me, and Gerard as well, I think."
"Great guy, I can't wait for him to start training with me," Harry grinned. He looked over at the window, seeing the sky turning from black to a deep, dark blue. "Haven't stayed up this late in… well… since the ministry."
"Now, Harry, don't be thinking of that," said Sirius, from his portrait.
"I know, Padfoot, it's just… it's hard not to," answered Harry. He felt the body beside him shift to snuggle up against him. "Shhh… just let it go." Harry smiled, producing his wand one last time. "Nox." The room darkened, the predawn light casting a glow through the window.
"G'night mum, dad, Padfoot, Frankie."
"Sleep well, son."
"G'night, dear."
"Good night, pup." Harry smiled at that. He then felt Frank placing soft kisses on the back of his neck.
"Good night, Harry." Harry let out a gasp, and sat bolt upright in bed, almost knocking Frank sideways. "CEDRIC?!"
AUTHOR'S NOTE: All right, a rather slow chapter this one was, but yet, it does move the story along, giving a bit of depth and so on. Now I know I'm gonna get some flack over the Ginny situation, but… sorry, I happen to like Ginny's character. So, even though they aren't a couple as par canon, Ginny IS one of Harry's friends… one of his very close friends. I'll leave it at that.
The date, or triple date, that will be next chapter, of course, after Harry deals with Cedric. I've already laid out hints of how, so this isn't really much of a cliff-hanger. Anyway, hopefully you won't have to wait nearly 3 weeks for the next chapter. Until then…
(1) The floo connection is warded, hence the red flames.
(2) Windermere House is FAMOUS in the Muskoka region, having been there since 1860. Look it up on the net, the place is amazing.
(3) Taken from p.360, HBP, Canadian soft cover edition.
(4) This unfortunate incident happened, of course, to Susan Bones.
(5) Taken from p.60, HBP, Canadian soft cover edition.
Previous Chapter: 13 - Order Lost Next Chapter: 15 - Dog Days of Summer Table Of Contents