Canadian Intervention: Chapter 5 - Saving Harry Potter

May 16, 2008 08:00

It took me a while to get this one out, and for good reason. The word count should be a big clue here. I'm sure I will get questions as to how things move along so quickly, and I'll just say that, the Canadian Ministry of Magic is far more progressive than its English counterpart, and also far more efficient.

Title: Canadian Intervention
Chapter Title: 5. Saving Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Frank Iero
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~9144
Warning(s): coarse language, slash/fluff
Summary: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: Frankie prevents Harry from doing something stupid, a meeting with a laywer and Gringotts, Travis' father does something stupid, and Frankie starts getting strange feelings around Harry.


Frank was unsure exactly what it was that had woke him up. He barely remembered getting up and using the bathroom earlier, then barely making it back to a seat. Fuck, that shit was strong, He thought to himself. The fire had long since died down to smouldering ashes, leaving the fire pit lit by several dim lights.

He then spotted Harry, as he sat up on the ground. What was he doing down there? He watched, still not fully awake, as Harry retrieved his wand from his back pocket. He was having trouble holding it steady, and gripped it with both hands. He then turned the wand around, so the business end was pointed at himself. What was he doing?
"HARRY NO!!!" Frank shouted, flying off the chair, and tackling the boy to the ground. This jarred the others awake, Travis drawing his wand out of reaction. "What's going on?!"
"LET GO OF ME!" Harry screamed, as he and Frank wrestled on the ground.
"No! You're being fucking stupid!" Frank finally managed to get hold of Harry's wand, and tossed it aside. "What the HELL were you thinking?!"
"It doesn't MATTER, Bloody Hell!! All I end up doing is getting people KILLED!"
"So you're gonna solve it by offing yourself. Real smart."
"He was doing WHAT?!" Travis gasped, reaching down, and picking up Harry's wand.
"He tried to use that killing curse or whatever on himself," Said Frank, finally pinning Harry to the ground.
"Bloody hell, LET GO OF ME!" Harry cried, still struggling.
"NO! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" Frank hissed back. Their noses were practically touching, they were so close. It was taking every bit of strength he had to keep Harry restrained. Fuck, this kid's strong, he thought. There was only one other thing he could think of, at this point. He closed the gap between Harry's lips and his own.

Shock didn't begin to describe what went through Harry's mind. He had expected Frank to possibly hit him or whatever to subdue him, but to kiss him?! That was the last thing Harry expected. His eyes went wide, and he actually stopped struggling, as confusion overtook him, as did instinct.

Frank felt Harry relax, and become receptive to his kiss. Inwardly, he sighed, thankful he had been awake at the right time. A second later, and it would have been too late. Thing is, why am I feeling this way? He thought, as they at last separated. Like when they shook hands the first time they met, he had been practically overwhelmed with the charge that seemed to race through his body.
"If I let you up, are you gonna be cool, or am I gonna have to keep you pinned down the rest of the night?"
"I'm fine," Said Harry. Frank rolled off him, then got into a sitting position, and finally, carefully stood up. With Travis' help, they got Harry back onto the double seat, and Frank again sat beside him. Travis went to hand Harry his wand, but Frank snatched it. "I'll give you back your wand, but I want a wizard's oath you'll never try and hurt yourself again. Jesus Fuck."
"You know about that?"
"I was at Travis' trial in June, so yeah I know about them."
"Course, if not, we can always take him to Upper Canada Hospital to speak to a mind healer," Said Travis, "God, Harry."
"Fine," Said Harry. Frank returned Harry's wand, and he made an oath as promised.
"Now what caused this insane idea?" Asked Travis, clearly not impressed.
"I really don't…" Harry began.
"Jesus FUCK, Harry, keeping all this shit inside you will make you crazy, man! Fucking tell us, talk to us!" Frank pleaded, fumbling for his pack of cigarettes.
"Imagine seeing every person you've ever cared about, tortured mercilessly, right in front of your eyes. That's what I saw. And then, when they can't speak anymore because they've screamed so much, practically insane from the Cruciatus curse, they were killed," Said Harry.
"Cruciatus curse?" Asked Frank.
"It feels like your entire body's on fire, every square inch of your skin crawls," Explained Harry, "It can literally drive someone insane. One of my friends' parents were driven insane by it."
"It's an unforgivable," Said Travis, "Just like the killing curse."
"I… I just don't want to see you guys hurt," Said Harry, "I mean, I don't know any of you very well yet, and still, if Voldemort knew about you…"
"That's horse shit, Harry, and you know it. We're ALL in danger with Voldemort around," Travis countered.
"Even more so, knowing me, Bloody Hell. He used Sirius to lure me to the Ministry of Magic last month! Because of me, my few close friends got hurt! I don't need a repeat performance!"
"Did you hold a gun to their heads and force them to follow you?" Asked Frank.
"Then what happened?" Asked Travis, "And don't give us the 'I don't want to talk about it' line." He began to poke at the remains of the fire, and bring it back to life.
"Fine," Said Harry, slumping back into the seat. He took a deep breath, staring into the growing flames, and began to relate the tragic events of June 20. He had to stop several times, as the memories were so harsh to relive, having happened only weeks before; the memory of Sirius falling through the veil was the worst by far. So wrapped in those memories, he barely noticed Frank shift over and pull him into a half-hug.
"God, Harry. I'm sorry," Said Travis, "I didn't know."
"I don't want people feeling sorry for me," Said Harry, "I… I just want to be normal. Not to have expectations heaped on me I have no hope of meeting. Merlin, I've seen dragon shit most ADULTS can only dream of, and I hope that's ALL they'll ever be to most." He removed his glasses, and wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve. "You know, sometimes, I wish I wasn't a wizard. Just an ordinary muggle teenager."
"Now THAT'S bullshit." Said Gerard, "Man, seeing some of the few things you guys can do, what I wouldn't give to be able to do that myself."
"You know, when I first found out I was a wizard, I couldn't believe it. After the way I was treated at the Dursleys, I thought, 'my life is about to change'. Well, it didn't. I just went from one cage into another, essentially. It's just been one cock-up after another. Being a wizard isn't all you think it is."
"It's an awesome gift, Harry," Challenged Frank, "It's something that makes you who you are. Just like your green eyes, or whatever."
"Not to mention, you would probably go crazy if you lost it," Said Mikey, "It would be like going blind, I think."
"I said sometimes," Said Harry, "I mean, I love being able to do magic. But I'm sick of being kept in the cage. I know I have to kill Voldemort. But I can't, if I don't have the proper training."
"You have to kill this 'Voldemort' person? Says who?" Asked Frank.
"There was a prophecy made before I was born," Answered Harry.
"You mean some crazy psychic," Said Bob.
"Crazy, yeah, possibly," Said Harry, smiling weakly, "But thing is, one of Voldemort's spies heard it, or at least part of it. So he believes it to the letter. That's what caused all the dragon shit at the Ministry."
"What does it say?" Asked Travis. Harry again sighed, and said, "It goes like this: …the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches… born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies… and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have the power the Dark Lord knows not… and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives… the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…"
"So it really does come down to him or you," Said Travis. Harry nodded, glancing up at the lightening sky. It would be dawn soon. "And thing is, I'm nowhere near ready. Next time I face him, more than likely, I'll die. Or worse. He'll take control of me, and make me do horrible things to you guys or anyone else that's close to me beforehand."
"How could he do something like that?" Asked Mikey.
"The third unforgivable, the Imperious curse. It bends the victim to the caster's will. They can be made to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING," Answered Harry.

That comment seemed to rattle the muggles. Mikey and Gerard shifted uncomfortably in their seats, and all except Frank carried worried looks on their faces.
"And… there's nothing you can do against it?" Asked Mikey.
"Nothing," Answered Travis, "That's why it's an unforgivable."
"Like I said, I don't want to see you guys hurt. You've been really nice to me, and I appreciate that, but… I just can't stay here," Said Harry, "I'll meet with the lawyer, and stay for a few days… but it's better… it's better if I leave and… find somewhere…" He broke off, as tears leaked from his eyes once again.

Frank again pulled him into a tight hug, offering what comfort he could, as Harry again broke down. What Harry had said worried him as well, but it was offset by the strange feelings he had around him. He had feelings toward Gerard, and this felt vaguely similar. More so, actually, now that he thought about it. Then again, he HAD kissed him, right? And Harry had been quite receptive, right? But, I'm not that way, he thought, God, I've got a GIRLFRIEND for fuck's sake. He made to break from the embrace, but Harry would have no part of it. Frank felt the lump grow in his throat, realizing just how broken the young man really was. This kid had faced things few grown adults had faced, and yet he wasn't even 16 yet. Pulling away would be the worst thing Frank could do at the time.
Harry awoke several hours later to someone gently shaking him. He had not remembered falling asleep, only that now something was in his face, and that someone was trying to wake him.
"Wha… I'm up." He moaned, reaching up to brush whatever it was out of his face. Hair? He then realized someone was laying beside him… or was that more like ON him? Or half-on him, one of the two. Slowly opening his eyes, he knew it was Frank on top of him.
"You two look cute together, you know," It was Travis.
"And if you say that again, I'll hex you," Said Harry.
"Mum's got breakfast going, Jeff's gonna be over in an hour, so if you need to shower or whatever…"
"Yeah, I would like that," Said Harry, pushing Frank's hair out of his own face. He gave a slight smirk.
"Oh, just thinking of the expression on a certain professor's face back at Hogwarts, if I was to show up with my hair cut like Frank's," Answered Harry.
"You like him?"
"I… I don't know, I guess. Just…"
"You don't want to see him hurt."
"That, and, I mean, I know he's older than me."
"So? You're almost 16, right?"
"The end of July, I will be," Answered Harry.
"Then there isn't a problem. Wizard marriage laws work from age 16, and of course, age of majority is 17."
"Merlin, woah, I'm not… err… I don't know what I want!" Harry blurted.
"Harry?" Frank asked, his eyes blinking open.
"I'm fine."
"Mum's making breakfast," Said Travis.
"I need a shower anyway," Said Frank, slowly making to get up.
"Wait," Said Harry, "Thanks for… for stopping me from doing something stupid this morning."
"Glad I was there," Said Frank, brushing the tuft of long hair out of his eyes, "Just, don't do that again." He gave Harry a squeeze on the shoulder, then stood up, and headed toward the shop.
"Well, Harry, he DEFINITELY likes you," Said Travis, smirking, "In your shoes, I wouldn't hesitate. And don't give me the crap about 'it's too dangerous'. It's bullshit. Live your life, that's what you want, isn't it?" Harry nodded. "Then go for it."
"But, I mean, I'm not…"
"Oh, don't give me that either, holy fuck. If there's chemistry there, it's gonna work."
"I just… I don't want to be hurt again," Said Harry, "Last year… Cho… was a disaster… err… she and I both loved Cedric."
"Yikes, that's very ugly."
"Cedric… was killed by Voldemort."
"Yeah, I know. The papers had the story here," Said Travis, "Now the picture comes a little clearer. You're afraid that Voldemort will do the same to Frankie." Harry nodded. "So you'll deprive yourself of love you so desperately need, and be cold and miserable. That's not living, Harry, that's just existing."
Just after 9 am, Jeff arrived via the floo network, and was shown into the dining room. As it did not involve them directly, Mikey, Gerard, Ray, and Bob decided not to stay around, and retreated to the shop. Frank stayed put, telling himself he was offering Harry moral support. Yeah, right, the voice in his head snorted.

"Travis. Mrs. Carter. Nice to see you again," Said Jeff, taking a seat.
"Likewise, Mr. Sawyer… although the Mrs. Carter bit might be on borrowed time, I'm afraid."
"I see." Jeff frowned.
"Enough about that right now," Said Travis, "Jeff, this is Harry Potter."
"Indeed," Said Jeff, looking over the Boy-Who-Lived, as they shook hands, "Jeff Sawyer." Everyone took a seat. "Now, Travis has explained some of the situation to me over the phone. However, I do need to hear from you exactly what you need, so I may figure out exactly how I can help you."
"I want my freedom," Said Harry.
"Is that what it's called?"
"Yes. I am to assume you want access to any money your parents may have left, and so on."
"Yeah," Said Harry, "Although that's not really important, the biggest thing right now is for me to have CONTROL of my life. No meddling headmasters, no one to tell me I have to go back to some god-forsaken place where people hate me for who I am."
"Jeff, if I may…" Lisa interrupted, "Harry, if you can't be emancipated, I would be willing to become your guardian." Harry felt his ears get warm with that. "You don't know how much that means, Mrs. Carter," Said Harry.
"You need a family that's willing to love you and treat you as one of their own," Said Lisa. Harry nodded.
"We'll aim for emancipation first off," Said Jeff, pulling out several documents from his satchel, "But getting your vaults unsealed…"
"We could get the ministry to open an investigation into his finances. I mean, an 'anonymous tip' about funding a dark wizard, you know, something like that," Said Travis.
"Could work."
"Right, and have Aurors show up to arrest me, lovely," Harry snorted.
"No, that would only happen if it were confirmed you were in fact funding a dark wizard, or the like, Mr. Potter," Answered Jeff.
"What would that mean, though?" Asked Frank.
"It would mean, the ministry would order an investigation of the finances of the Potter estate. Less than what's been done with the Bartletts, but all the same, any documents regarding your finances, care, and so on would be forcibly exposed."
"My parents' will," Said Harry, quietly.
"That, and who knows what else."
"How, though? I mean, it's Gringotts… they're not exactly all that warm toward wizards… and don't forget what I did yesterday, I'll be lucky if I can ever set foot in the bank again."
"I stopped by Gringotts this morning before floo'ing here," Said Jeff, "After speaking with the bank manager, he assures me, you have not been banned by any means. Of course, he does expect you to behave yourself when on their premises."
"How did you…"
"I explained a little about the incident yesterday," Answered Travis. Harry nodded in understanding.
"If you give me the number, I could phone the ministry… I mean, they don't know me right?" Asked Frank.
"You're a muggle… but, no that shouldn't matter," Said Jeff, as he scribbled out a note on his notepad. Once again, Harry noticed Jeff used a regular pen rather than a quill and ink. "Here. The number's at the top of the page. Read this verbatim… and hang up." Frank nodded, and left the room.
"Thing is, how does that get me access to my vaults, though? I mean, it sounds more like that would further lock things away from me," Asked Harry.
"Ah, but see, this would take a day at most. I know that Gringotts doesn't get along with the British ministry of magic. But, they get along quite well with ours. Since the directive will come from our courts, the London branch of Gringotts will be quite helpful, I should imagine," Answered Jeff, "Now. I did contact the British ministry regarding your records and so on. I see a warning from the Improper Use of Magic office. What was that about?"
"That was just before my second year," Answered Harry, "Actually it wasn't me, it was a house elf. He was trying to prevent me from going back to Hogwarts."
"Why would he do that?" Asked Travis.
"He knew some bad things were going to happen at Hogwarts that year. Of course he was right, I'd rather not get into the details," Explained Harry. Just then, Frank returned to the table.
"Damn, that was easy," Said Frank, taking a seat beside Harry once again.
"Well, that only starts an investigation. Something that doesn't take long, but most certainly will be acted on," Said Jeff, "Now. Just be aware, the judge will want to know about that. Compared to Travis here, your incident is much easier to explain," Travis rolled his eyes at that. "Ok, Harry. I just need your signature in a few places. There are little 'tabs' if you will, where you need to either sign or initial," Said Jeff, pushing the documents toward him, along with a pen. Harry quickly looked over the documents in front of him, and then signed the numerous places.
"And a witness?"
"I will," Frank offered.
"I need your signature there, then." Jeff indicated a spot on the last page, and Frank quickly signed it.
"Lastly. Read that line aloud, and tap the documents with your wand once." Jeff indicated the top line.
"I, Harry James Potter, do certify this application is being filed under sound mind and control, without the influence of a third party," Said Harry, tapping the documents once with his wand. A golden swirl of magic enveloped him, then the documents, finally vanishing within them.
"Just ensures he's not being coerced into signing," Offered Jeff, seeing Frank's confusion, "Alright, then. I'm off to the ministry. With luck, I might get a judge to hear our petition this afternoon." Jeff stood up.
"Thank you Mr. Sawyer," Said Harry.
"The job's not done just yet. Not by a long shot. Lisa. When I return, I want to have a chat with you about your husband," Said Jeff. Lisa nodded. "I should be back in about an hour, if not sooner."
The past day and a half had been the least bit pleasant for Albus Dumbledore. It was just after 2 pm, and he once again sat behind his desk in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts, waiting for further reports from the Order, as they checked out leads on Potter's whereabouts. Just then, a large barn owl soared in through the office window, and landed awkwardly on said desk. It recovered, and extended its right leg, to which a large bundle was attached. Albus quickly undid the ties, removing the bundle, and the bird quickly left. It was a bulky package, and Albus groaned. Last thing he needed to deal with right now, was more paperwork. The package had the standard 'M' on the outside, indicating it was from the ministry. He quickly opened it, sliding out the stack of documents, and groaned again, seeing it was a form. However, the ministry herald was not British. It was the Canadian Ministry herald, unmistakable by its maple leaf motif behind it. What did they want? He began to read:

Addressed to:
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Hogsmeade, Scotland

Regarding: Application for Emancipation

Filed: British Ministry of Magic, London England, Via verbatim copy from Canadian Ministry of Magic, Toronto Canada, on behalf of applicant and the Wizarding Court of Canada.

Applicant: Harry James Potter (Albus almost fainted seeing this)
Applicant's Birthday: Jul 31, 1991(1) (Harry's initials were beside this)
Birthplace: Godric's Hollow, England
Parents: James and Lily Potter
Legal Guardians: Vernon and Petunia Dursley
Relationship: Maternal aunt and husband
Magical Guardian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Relationship: Headmaster of school at which applicant is a student. (Harry's initials were also here)

Reason for application: Applicant feels his current guardians, both magical and legal, do not have his best interests, comfort, or safety in mind, given the extraordinary circumstances of who he is. Applicant believes his interests would be better served if he were independent. (Harry's initials were also here)

Applicant: (Harry's signature was here)
Witness: (Frank's signature was here)
Attorney: (Jeff's signature was here)
Dated: July 11, 2007

So upset he was visually shaking, Albus flipped the page, to find yet another scary document:

Wizard Court of Canada
Toronto Ontario, Canada

Dear Mr. Dumbledore,
You are hereby required to appear before the court with regards to your magical ward, Harry James Potter, tomorrow afternoon, at 1 pm EDT, court room 8, of the Ministry of Magic, Toronto Canada. Your testimony will determine future custody arrangements of your ward.

Hope you are well,
Anne Coulter,
Magistrate, Wizard Court of Canada

"Oh Harry, what have you done?" Albus sighed, and promptly fainted. A few of the portraits on the wall smiled smugly, while one in particular snickered quite loudly.
A squeal of tires and a crash startled the group, still seated around the dining room table. As Travis stood up, the front door slammed open, and there were uneven footsteps in the front room. His father made an appearance in the doorway to the dining room, a small cut over top of his left eye.
"Soh, iz thu basta schtill ere?" The man growled, his words slurred from the alcoholic haze he was in. He had to lean on the door frame to stay upright.
"Drinking and driving. Real smart, dad."
"Philip. Get out." Lisa hissed, standing, "You've done enough damage, it's over."
"Whaddya mean, ichts over?"
"As in, I'm divorcing you," Said Lisa, coldly, pulling off her wedding ring, and dropping it on the island counter, "You're not the man I fell in love with."
"Thu hell I'm not, whaddya mean?"
"Go sleep it off in your truck, then come get a few things, and get out," Said Lisa, again, her voice very cold. She had clearly had enough of Philip's nonsense. Both Harry and Frank had also stood up at this point, although neither of them had any idea what they would do, should things get ugly.
"You bastard!" Philip roared, as the realization sunk in. The boy who came into his house, without his permission, had now managed to destroy his marriage. He lunged at Harry, but instead was met with a flying fist, courtesy of Frank. He found himself looking up at the ceiling, and the business end of Harry's wand.
"Move an inch and I'll hex you to Hades."
"Mum, I'm calling the Aurors."
"Why not call the cops?" Asked Frank, messaging his sore hand.
"Right, and him be out tomorrow. Nope, I think there's a holding cell at the ministry with his name on it," Said Travis, stepping into the living room. He tossed a handful of floo powder on the smouldering fire, but instead of calling out an address, he pointed his wand at the now green fire, and blasted red sparks into it. A face quickly materialized in the now roaring flames. "Ministry of Magic, what's the trouble, son?"
"My dad… he's tried to assault me and my friends… he's drunk and…"
"I'll send a couple of Aurors along. Carter residence, right?"
"Yeah," Answered Travis.
"Alright, step back."

Moments later, the flames flared to life again, and two Aurors stepped out of the fireplace, wands already drawn. "Auror D'Arcy." Said one.
"And Auror Stevens," Said the other, "What's going on?"
"This way," Said Travis, leading the two Aurors into the dining room, where Harry still had Philip at wand-point.
"Harry, you can lower your wand," Said Travis. Harry did so.
"Now what's going on?" Asked the Auror named D'Arcy.
"My friend Harry, he arrived yesterday… and dad… well, dad didn't appreciate that he was staying with us for a while, so he took off…"
"Got very drunk last night, came back, and started in on my son and his friend. He then attempted to attack his friend," Said Lisa. The other Auror had pulled out a small notepad and a pen, and was writing down the account of the incident.
"He attacked you? And you are?" The first Auror gestured to Harry.
"Harry." He hesitated. "Harry Potter." The eyes of both Aurors got quite large at this, but both quickly recovered. "I see, Mr. Potter." They stepped back to the entrance to the dining room, and one cast a privacy charm. Both discussed the incident for several minutes, after which the charm was cancelled.
"All right, Mr. Travis. What do you want done?"
"Up to mum, but I just want him out of here," Answered Travis. Lisa only nodded.
"Very well, based on what we see here, we have enough to arrest him." The first Auror knelt down to Philip, and hauled him to his feet.
"Philip Carter. You're under arrest, for attempted assault on a minor, threatening a minor, and abuse of an underage wizard. You have the right to remain silent…" The two Aurors led Travis' father to the fireplace, while Travis and his mother looked on, her hand on Travis' left shoulder.

Harry, on the other hand, could still feel the adrenaline pumping, even though the incident was over. He was sweating, and shaking all over.
"You Ok?" Asked Frank, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're shaking, man."
"No shit," Said Harry.
"How's your hand?" Asked Travis, gesturing to Frank.
"Sore," Answered Frank, flexing his right hand.
"Hold it out flat," Said Travis, drawing his wand.
"Just do it," Said Harry, already knowing what Travis was about to do. Frank held out his hand, flat, and Travis pointed his wand at it, saying, "Episkey."
"Damn," Said Frank, again flexing his hand. The pain was completely gone.
"It's only good for minor injuries, and so on," Explained Travis, "Things more serious, that would need a healer." Just then, the patio door slid open, and Gerard stepped into the dining room. "What happened?"
"My dad being an asshole," Said Travis, shaking his head, "So he's been arrested." He sat back down at the dining room table, and the others followed.
"That was the last straw, Travis. I'm divorcing him," Said Lisa, as she made herself a cup of tea. The pot sat at the centre of the table, kept warm by a warming charm.
"I can relate, Mrs. Carter," Said Harry, "My relatives hate me just because I can do magic."
"I don't think he actually hates me," Said Travis.
"Dragon shit," Harry snapped, "I saw the hate in his eyes, he and my uncle would get along really well."
"But, why?" Asked Gerard.
"I don't know. I guess it's just like hating someone because they're gay, or black, or whatever. They don't understand it, so they hate," Said Travis, with a shrug.
"Of course, even in the wizard world, we have ugly words, too. Mud blood for example," Said Harry. Both Frank and Gerard looked at him strangely.
"Mud blood?" asked Frank.
"It means dirty blood," Said Travis, "God, they still have that problem in England?"
"And you don't here?" Harry sounded surprised.
"Once in a while. It's a crime to call someone that. I mean, I would be considered one, being muggle-born. Maximum sentence for that kind of thing, is 5 years in jail. It's racism, we don't tolerate it here." Harry nodded in agreement. "I know a few people that would already be in jail for that."

Just before lunch time, Jeff returned, bringing more documents.
"I was by the holding cells, and note that Mr. Carter is in there. What happened?"
"He came home drunk a while ago," Answered Lisa, "Went to attack Harry. Travis called the Aurors."
"I see," Said Jeff, again taking a seat at the table, and pulling out a stack of documents. "I assume then, you wish to file for divorce."
"I do. Care for some tea?"
"That would be nice, thank you," Said Jeff.

While Lisa made him a cup of tea, Jeff began to explain some of the documents he had with him.
"Although it's a muggle marriage, the wizard court can still handle the case, if you wish," He explained.
"Would it matter?" Asked Travis.
"Being that you're a wizard, it would tip things in your mother's favour. The wizard world won't take kindly to your father's actions."
"Mum? Up to you."
"Then let's do it that way. 18 years we shared our lives. Or what I thought we were, anyway."
"What changed?" Asked Jeff.
"Me," Answered Travis, "I remember getting my letter from Nipigon. He quite bluntly called it horse shit. Then of course, when Professor Logan showed up a day later to meet with us, and actually demonstrated transfiguration-right here at this very table… man, dad almost lost it."
"This is a man who attempted to have an exorcism done on Travis when he was a baby, because of 'unnatural' things happening around him," Noted Lisa, "I wouldn't have any part of it; we had many fights over Travis' ability. I thought it was cute. I mean, sometimes it unnerved me a little, but, Travis is my son, and I love him no matter WHAT kind of strange ability he has."
"You'll definitely have an advantage then, in a wizard court," Said Jeff.
"But, is a court decision from your world, um…" Gerard began.
"Enforceable in the muggle world? Most definitely. Court decisions involving muggles get filed in the muggle court system as well," Explained Jeff.
Just before 3 pm, a screech owl flew in through the open kitchen window, and landed on the dining room table, in front of Harry. Harry quickly retrieved the letter from the owl's outstretched leg.
"What is it?" Asked Frank.
"A letter from Gringotts," Said Harry, noting the bank's official seal. He quickly opened the letter.

Mr. Harry James Potter
Penetanguishene, Ontario

Dear Mr. Potter,
Complying with a ministry-ordered audit of your estate and finances, we regretfully inform you there have been numerous irregularities regarding your account and assets, and do require your presence at your earliest convenience so we may sort out said issues. Speak to a teller when you arrive, and ask to speak to your account manager.

May your vaults always be full of galleons,

Branch Manager, Gringotts Bank, Toronto

"Well, what is it?" Prompted Travis.
"We need to go to Gringotts," Said Harry, laying the letter flat. Jeff picked it up, and skimmed it. "I told you it wouldn't take long."
"This sounds like I'm in trouble." Harry sounded worried.
"If you were in trouble, you would have got this sitting in a holding cell at the ministry, Harry," Said Jeff.

5 minutes later, Harry, Frank, Travis, Jeff, and Lisa were in the lobby of Gringotts Toronto branch; Gerard stayed behind, while Frank went to be with Harry, 'for moral support' (right, the little voice in his head again said). Security gave Harry an evil grin, but made no further moves. Cautiously, Harry made his way over to a teller, and presented the letter. "I need to speak to my account manager."
"I see." The teller also gave Harry an evil grin, and snatched the parchment off the counter. He disappeared through one of the many doors leading away from the teller cages. Minutes later, the goblin returned, and stepped through a small gap in the counters. "This way."

After travelling through numerous corridors, and a lift ride, they arrived at what was set up like a conference room. Harry was surprised to find not only Griphook there, but Bill as well.
"Harry! How are ya, mate?" Asked Bill.
"All right, I guess. Why are you here?"
"You've certainly tossed a spanner in the works, Harry," Said Bill, gesturing to the large stack of parchment that sat on the table, "You've made Gringotts look bad… err… well, the Canadian government has, anyway."
"I just want what's mine," Said Harry, "If that old codger just minded his own business…"
"And therein lies the crux of the issue, Mr. Potter," Said Griphook, "We've launched our own internal investigation back in London; interference such as this would be severely damaging to the reputation of Gringotts, should it ever come to light that it was occurring."
"Harry, people may end up facing criminal charges from the Wizengamot," Said Bill.
"Bill, Griphook. This is Frank, Travis, and his mother, Lisa." Harry introduced.

After everyone took seats at the table, Griphook passed Harry the first of many documents. "This is an overall assessment of your vaults, namely 768, and 906. 768 is your trust vault, of course, while 906 is your parents' vault, which you would normally have gained access to next summer." Harry skimmed over the long list of articles and numbers, but the 2 numbers at the bottom were what got his attention. Vault 768: 23,976 Galleons. Vault 906: 1,915,803 Galleons. He had nearly 2 million Galleons just out of his reach. Then, another line caught his attention, from the listing of 906: Item 106, Will of James and Lily Potter. "Griphook. Was my parents' will ever read?"
"That is the next issue," Said Griphook, pulling out yet another folder. Opening it, Harry noticed everyone seeming to have trouble keeping focused on it, himself too.
"Oh for FUCK sake!" Travis finally snapped, thrusting his wand at the offending parchment, "FINITE INCANTATEM!"
"Thank you, Mr. Carter," Said Griphook.
"What was it?" Asked Frank.
"A notice-me-not charm."
"But… why wasn't it removed beforehand?" Asked Harry, confused.
"We wanted you to see that for yourself, Mr. Potter," Answered Griphook.
"And who would do such a thing?" Asked Lisa.
"3 guesses, the first 2 don't count, mum," Answered Travis. Harry finally began to read the document, something that had been sealed for nearly 16 years. "…being of sound minds and bodies, make the following final instructions, to be carried out on our passing.

With regards to our son, Harry. He should be raised by one of the following people: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Frank and Alice Longbottom, or Arthur and Molly Weasley. Should none of these fine folk be available, we ask that Harry be placed with a loving wizard family who will raise him as their own. We make it absolutely clear that under no circumstances should he be placed with Petunia Dursley. As a side note, that woman and that oaf of a husband of hers can rot in hell…" Harry was unsure as to whether he wanted to laugh or cry. Even his own MOTHER hated her sister. So why had her wishes been trampled this way?! He felt a hand reach around and grip his shoulder in a show of support, and he didn't have to look to know it was Frank. "I can't believe this," He said quietly.
"We are most certainly looking into this grievous miscarriage, Mr. Potter," Said Griphook. Harry nodded, and continued to read, "With regards to our estate. At 11 years old, Harry should be given access to his trust vault, No. 768, which will contain enough money to get him through Hogwarts, covering tuition and so on. He should also be given the items contained in the attached list, although they be few…" Harry pulled out the second piece of parchment, and quickly skimmed it. "I want this stuff. Now." He almost barked, his anger beginning to boil. Griphook took the parchment, and stepped out of the room for a moment.
"Harry, mate, you have to calm down. You don't want to lose control," Bill warned. Harry nodded, taking a deep breath. "I just… I feel so…"
"Cheated?" Frank finished. Harry nodded. "Want to know what's on that list? A portrait. Of my parents. A WIZARD PORTRAIT!!!" Harry bellowed, "All this time, I could have been TALKING to my REAL FUCKING PARENTS!!!" The table actually started to shake, along with numerous other items in the room, as Harry was precariously close to losing control of his magic. Frank again gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, trying to pacify him.
"Is there… is there a place Harry can, well, blow stuff up or something?" He asked.
"Sounds like a good idea," Said Bill, "Once Griphook gets back, he'll probably have a suggestion."

Harry spent nearly a half-hour in an empty vault, with Bill's help, releasing his pent up frustration. Bill conjured up everything from wardrobes to dishes, to chairs, tables, or whatever the imagination could come up with. Harry then promptly destroyed said item, each time visualizing it as either Voldemort, or Dumbledore. At the time, he was unsure as to who made him angrier.

Returning to the conference room, he found a box sitting on the table in front of his seat. Opening it, he found the portrait right on the top. He had saw very few pictures of his parents, and so every one meant the world to him. Yet, this one would be even more special, as he knew it was a WIZARD portrait. He pulled it out, and held it carefully in both hands, taking in the young couple that looked up at him. This one had obviously been created not long after they wed; any image he had seen of them, they were a little older. Here, they looked like they had just graduated.
"And they… they move and talk?" Asked Frank.
"They will. Harry will have to wake them up first," Explained Bill. Harry carefully set the portrait down on the table, deciding he wasn't quite ready to face them just yet. He then looked at some of the other items that had been set aside for him. Items that his parents had wanted him to have when he turned 11. Items someone decided he didn't need to see, for whatever reason. Many were photos of his parents, and the rest of the Marauders… photos that also included other people he recognized.

It took nearly an hour before Harry was able to continue examining his parents' will. He had propped the portrait up against the box as a bit of an emotional anchor.
"… at age 16, he will be granted access to our vault and its contents; by this time, he should have met with our account manager to be fully appraised of his inheritance. At time of writing, that was Griphook, of the London branch of Gringotts…"
"That would be the Toronto branch, now," Noted Griphook. Harry nodded. "On to financial bequeaths… We give one Remus Lupin 100,000 Galleons. Being a dear friend to James, and later, myself, and toward looking after our son as he grows, whether that be as a parent, or friend of them..." Harry had to stop there. He remembered Remus always being dressed so poorly. Of course, that was due to his difficulty finding work, being a werewolf. He could've had a pile of money to live at least half comfortably for a while. Save your anger, he silently told himself, and continued reading: "To our friend Sirius Black, we also leave 100,000 Galleons, also for looking out for our son as he grows. To Peter Pettigrew, 100,000 Galleons, the same reason. These people were all very close friends to us. Now should none of those people be around to inherit, their allotment shall then go to our son…" Harry stopped again. "Pettigrew won't get a knut. Bloody traitor, that's all he is," He hissed.
"I assume you are contesting that portion of the will, then," Said Griphook.
"Yes. Make sure Remus gets his portion… err… give him double, what would have been Pettigrew's portion."
"And what grounds are you contesting the will?" Asked Griphook, "I do need that for the record."
"Peter Pettigrew is the reason why my parents are dead. I have it from his own slimy, traitorous mouth," Harry hissed, remembering all too well the conversation 2 years prior in the shrieking shack, with the rat at wand-point.
"I see," Said Griphook, "Most interesting, considering Mr. Black was charged with that crime."
"No! It was Pettigrew!" Harry shouted, "They let my godfather rot in Azkaban for 12 years, while the rat was running around free!"
"Harry, we'll get this all sorted out," Bill said, trying to head off Harry's rising temper.
"I… I want Sirius' name cleared."
"And we will, Harry," Said Bill. Harry took a deep breath, and continued reading. "…furthermore. Should none of the people above be able to care for Harry, a secondary vault shall be set up, with payments to be made to the foster family in charge of Harry's care, until he turns 17. See an attached pay schedule…" He stopped again, seeing Griphook digging through the parchments.
"Yes, here we go," Said Griphook, "Most interesting. Vault 819 was set up a few days after your parents' unfortunate deaths."
"By who?"
"Most peculiar… the information has been obscured… regular withdrawals of 5,000 Galleons monthly, since… since it was opened."
"Freeze it."
"Oh, that's been done already, Mr. Potter," Said Griphook, "It was frozen before we sent out the letter to you this afternoon. We are taking these discoveries very, very seriously."
"God, I would think so," Said Frank, "You're a BANK, for fuck's sake."
"Forgive us, Mr. Iero, but we do err sometimes, particularly when manipulated from the outside. Believe me when I say, there will be serious repercussions from this incident. Mr. Potter is an important client, we do not take this lightly, nor kindly," Said Griphook.
"Alright, how about this? I want all my vaults, accounts, or whatever else you guys have for me sealed. People have abused or manipulated me for the LAST time!" Harry snarled, the air once again beginning to sizzle with magic that was a hair's breath away from getting out of control.
"Once again, Mr. Potter, that's already been done. There will be no further unauthorized access to your vaults or your estate."
"Thank you," Said Harry, once again taking a number of deep breaths to calm down. It took him several minutes before he was ready to continue.

The rest of the will contained no further bombshells, other than two letters written to him by his parents. It was frustrating and infuriating that he was only getting them now, but at the same time, he cherished his parents' words, the very few he had. It did lighten his mood considerably, as he drew from both letters, his parents both loved him deeply.

"Griphook," Harry finally said, "Do I have access to my trust account again?"
"In a limited capacity, yes. It is still somewhat restricted, but you may withdraw 200 Galleons a day until this is all settled. According to your parents' will, you will have full access on July 31," Answered Griphook.
"But, why would it still be restricted?" Asked Lisa.
"Due to the ongoing investigation," Answered Griphook, "The government has not concluded its investigation into Mr. Potter's estate. Most peculiar, that a muggle in fact made the report…" Griphook looked right at Frank as he said that.
"That was my idea," Said Travis.
"Yes, I have no doubt about that, Mr. Travis," Said Griphook.
"What about Sirius' will?" Asked Harry.
"Still scheduled for July 18, Harry," Answered Bill.
"The only question is, since you seem to have by all accounts moved here, would you prefer to have the reading here, rather than at the London branch?" Asked Griphook.
"Here," Answered Harry, quickly, a small smirk forming, "I KNOW there'll be other people in the reading, so let's make it as inconvenient as possible."
"Hell, Harry, why not schedule it for midnight or something," Suggested Travis.
"No, that would mean 4 am back in London. 8 or 9 pm local time would make it crazy early in London," Said Bill.
"If that's what you wish to do, Mr. Potter."
"Do it," Said Harry. Griphook gave a devilish grin, writing down several notes on a parchment.
It was after dark by the time the group, joined by Bill, got back to the house. Music wafting from the shop told them the rest of the band was jamming or practicing, and so Frank left the house. Everyone else sat down at the dining room table again.
"Very nice house you have here, Mrs. Carter," Said Bill.
"Thank you. My husband had it custom-designed and built." Lisa sounded a bit sullen as she mentioned her husband.
"Lisa. Likely it's him that will lose everything, if that's what you're thinking," Said Jeff, "You and your son will probably get most of the assets and property. What your husband has done is inexcusable in our world, we won't tolerate it."
"I just want him away from Travis. That's not the man I married," Said Lisa, once again pouring herself a cup of tea. She had also pulled down a box of cookies from a cupboard, and lay them out on the table. "Can I get you anything, Mr. Weasley? Coffee, tea, butterbeer perhaps?"
"A butterbeer would be nice, thanks… and call me Bill."
"Anyone else?" Asked Lisa, reaching into the refrigerator. Both Harry and Travis spoke up, and so 3 bottles of butterbeer were brought to the table.
"Harry," Said Bill, "Ron and Hermione both are about to go spare. You need to let them know you're all right."
"Tomorrow. Fawkes is still here… or at least he was earlier," Answered Harry. Bill nodded, seeming to be satisfied with that answer.
"How are Fred and George doing?" Asked Harry, changing the subject.
"Their shop has taken off, although mum's very displeased, to put it mildly. I'd wait a while before telling her you're the investor. She's cursing a blue streak and vowing to hex whoever it is bad enough so their grandchildren will still be suffering the effects," Said Bill. Harry had to laugh at that one. Yes, he was fully aware of the Weasley temper, and it was quite clear where, or more like, WHO it came from.
"What kind of shop?" Asked Travis, taking a cookie.
"A joke shop. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, they called it," Answered Harry, "I'll have to invite them over sometime, a right riot they are."
"That's if you enjoy having your hair turned every colour of the rainbow," Bill snorted, "Whatever you do, don't ever accept food from the twins. Unless you don't value your health, or your appearance." That got another smile from Harry. Make no mistake, the Weasley twins could always get a laugh out of Harry, no matter how he was feeling.
"Now. All this is great, Harry, but why did you ask me to come back here with you?" Asked Bill.
"You're a curse-breaker, right?" Asked Harry. Bill nodded. "Ok, you also know about wards?"
"Most definitely. The two practically go hand-in-hand," Answered Bill.
"I'd like to set up several wards on the property, that's if it's all right with Mrs. Carter," Said Harry. Lisa nodded.
"What kind of wards?"
"Anti-apparation, for starters. And what about making the property un-plottable?"
"I would have to bring a goblin over for that, but that shouldn't be a problem. You did hear what Griphook said earlier, right?"
"Me being an important client, yeah, whatever. Look, I'm tired of being famous, I just want to be Harry Potter."
"Harry, that's just not gonna happen. Even over here, people know who you are," Said Jeff, "Sometimes you have to take advantage of your fame, no one's gonna hate you for it."
"Tell that to the Daily Prophet," Harry snorted. Lisa looked up at the clock. "Well, considering the late hour, Bill, you're more than welcome to spend the night. I would imagine you might have a time with the international floo at this hour."
"Don't mind if I take you up on that," Said Bill.
"Yes, well, my floo trip is much shorter, so I will bid you all good night. I'll be by again tomorrow at lunch time," Said Jeff, standing. Travis led him into the living room to use the floo.
"Bill. I'll show you up to a guest room, then," Said Lisa. Moments later, Harry sat alone at the dining room table.

His mind still swimming with all that had happened that day, he made his way into the shop, then up the stairs to what was Travis' room. The band was still playing, or more like messing about… likely writing new material, Harry guessed. He had not actually heard them play yet, but he was not in the mindset to do so. He felt mentally tired, and his body was only steps behind.

The room was a bit of a surprise to Harry. It had been expanded again, and now featured 4 beds. Each of them had midnight blue curtains that could be closed to give the occupant privacy. They somewhat reminded him of the Gryffindor dormitory back at Hogwarts, other than the blue curtains. The three perches still sat under the window, 2 of them missing their occupants. Fawkes was still there, however, and he trilled happily at sight of Harry.
"And hello to you too, Fawkes. Still pissed at the old codger, are you?" Asked Harry. The bird seemed to nod in agreement. "Well, so am I. I think he was stealing from my vaults, you know. But I think things are changing. He'll see I'm not his tool anymore." The bird seemed to shift uncomfortably. "I really hope he's still a good wizard… I mean, I already have Voldemort… I don't want to have to fight Dumbledore too." He reached out, and gently patted the bird on the head, feeling the comforting energy flow between bird and boy.

A few minutes later, Harry finally stripped down to his boxers, and climbed into the bed he assumed was his; his school trunk had been placed at the foot of it, after all. He barely had a chance to take off his glasses, and stow his wand, before he fell asleep. Thanks to the silencing charm put on the room, he didn't hear Travis enter not long after.
It was nearly 4 am before My Chemical Romance wrapped up what had become an impromptu writing session. Being off the tour for the summer, they were supposed to get some writing in, and spend a bit of time away from each other, dealing with 'domestic' issues. With everything that had been going on concerning Harry, and their abrupt and harsh introduction to the wizard world, some things had been neglected. Or perhaps, many things had been neglected. The group had come to a decision that those items would have to be dealt with, once they performed at EdgeFest.

As Gerard and Frank stepped into Travis' room-turned-dormitory, they caught the sound of whimpers and sobs coming from one of the beds. From the open curtains to the other beds, they knew it wasn't Travis.
"I got this," Whispered Frank.
"You really care for him," Said Gerard, quietly.
"Yeah. I don't know what it is… I'm drawn to him."
"He's still a teenager, be careful, Frankie," Gerard warned, as he began to undress. Frank made his way over to the bed with the closed curtains. He heard Gerard climb into one of the other beds, and draw the curtains. What the hell am I doing? He thought, This… I'm not… He carefully pulled back one of the curtains to reveal the Boy-Who-Lived. It looked like he was asleep, but most likely having a nightmare. From the life he's lived, I would too, in his shoes, Thought Frank. He gently reached in, and stroked Harry's hair, pushing it out of his face, revealing a lightening-bolt shaped scar. Damn, what did that, I wonder? He thought, then gently leaned in, and kissed it.
It had been some time since Severus had been summoned before the Dark Lord. Yet, at this early hour on July 12, he found himself in the presence of his supposed master.
"How nice of you to grace ussss with your presence, Severusssss." Hissed Voldemort. The other members of his Death Eaters' inner circle were already present.
"I apologize, my lord, I was in an order meeting when I was summoned," Answered Severus.
"And do tell, Sevvie, anything useful to report?" Sneered Belletrix Lestrange, tossing back her frayed, long black hair out of her face. Not that it did any good, she more resembled someone who had deliberately stuck her finger into an electric light socket.
"The order has all but confirmed Potter's fled to Canada," Said Severus, "The old coot got some kind of letter from the ministry yesterday afternoon."
"Most interessssting," Said Voldemort, "My link with the brat isss weaker, that doesss explain perhaps why."
"The brat's also filed for emancipation. Dumbledore shared part of the paperwork with us, we were just reviewing that when I was summoned," Added Severus. Suddenly, Voldemort clutched his forehead, and let out a horrific scream, before slumping backward in his seat, out cold. Severus snickered inwardly to himself. Score one for Potter, he thought to himself.
When Frank kissed Harry's scar, he felt a strange charge of energy jump the gap, and with it, got a horrific vision. A man, if it could be called that. His skin looked very pale, practically grey; long fingers, with fingernails that more closely resembled claws; a nose that was non-existent… slits were a better description, and big, red, snake-like eyes. The man-or creature, for a better word, resembled a snake. The last thing he remembered, before his vision faded to black, was cold, diabolical laughter.

CHAPTER NOTES: All right. No really crazy cliff hanger this time around. A truckload of stuff happened in this chapter, and I do hope it's been a treat to read. This was perhaps one of the longest chapters I've written, coming in just under 10,000 words. I should note right off the top, I'm looking for a beta reader, if you're interested, give me a shout.

I was originally gonna deal with Harry's emancipation hearing in this chapter as well, but I thought it would probably be best left to the next one. So, you'll have to wait for that one.

I think by now it should be quite obvious of the main pairing in the story. Now, any ideas on who Travis should hook up with? Remember, he's gay... so no het pairings, please. I'll say a possibility might be Bill… but I'm open to other ideas as well. Either way, on the note of Bill, he will be a regular character.

Otherwise, stay tuned for the next chapter.

(1)Timeline shifted by 11 years, remember!

Previous Chapter: Fireworks, In A Bad Way
Next Chapter: Ward, or Not? 
Table Of Contents

fanfiction, frank iero, harry potter, my chemical romance, gerard way, canadian intervention

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