Memes for the sole purpose of distraction

Apr 24, 2010 22:55

One from lythdan

♪ If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
♫ Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

FINE FINE these are just tags you don't have to do the meme if you don't want to so I'm randomly choosing eight victims people. And you can do the meme even if you're not tagged. XD OKAY um numi_namimeicdon13xcerptedseikochanre_vanessadia_aren_mariedisownmereturns and urei_sachi.

#01 What song are you currently addicted to?
- A lot. Viva la Vida by Coldplay, first and foremost - the most played song on my iTunes. XD

#02 What books are you currently reading?
- I recently finished Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. It's like, typical chick-lit pretty much, but still interesting in its own way.

#03 What was the last movie you saw?
- Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. So awesome. I think my favorite character is the White Queen, but I like the Mad Hatter too (yeah um I'm just one among many Johnny Depp fangirls...even my parents remind me of that).

#04 Happy news you've just received?
- It's sort of happy - my dad was offered early retirement and there will be rewards. Rewards that we can only imagine. But of course, he's still thinking about it. He has until like, the end of the year anyway.

#05 At least one detail about a person you like?
- The person's smile. Not telling if said person is guy or girl or somewhere in between.

#06 What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
- Do I really have to say it? ACE ATTORNEY. It's the number one reason why I'm now behind on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and all the other anime series I've been watching. Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, The Book of Bantorra, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kimi ni Todoke, Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter and Finale, Axis Powers Hetalia...ALL OF IT has been put on hold just so I can finish all the Ace Attorney games. I haven't watched an anime episode in a while. And now, I have to deal with all these fanfic ideas just itching to be written. But I have a paper, so there.

#07 What present are you expecting?
- I don't know, really. My mom did promise to look for skirts for me.

#08 How would you want to humiliate a person you dislike?
- Typically, I don't dislike people to that extent, but if I had to choose, I'd like a personal slave. =3

#09 What was the last thing you bought?
- ...a train ticket. I'm She-Who-Brings-Her-Own-Food. Always. Well, almost.

#10 Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
- Ooh, this is a tough one! I dig musical guys (singers, dancers, instrumentalists, you name it, I'm a sucker), but it would be useful to have a date who can cook, 'cause the only kitchen tools I know how to operate with utmost confidence are the toaster, the oven toaster and the microwave. The cook wins narrowly just because I want to be able to eat and I think that would turn me on - gourmet food. XD

#11 Something that made you laugh today?
- Remembering that Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations moment in which Phoenix wanted to "hug it out" with Edgeworth. Nick actually says that...well, to himself, at least.

#12 What do you do to change your mood?
- Distract myself like what I'm doing right now.

#13 What was the last meal you ate?
- Dinner. Noodle soup, rice, lumpiang shanghai/shanghai rolls/whatever, and a tall glass of cold water.

#14 Countries that you want to visit?
- Italy, Japan, America (apparently several of my relatives live there and one of them is even inviting me to take my master's degree there if ever law plans don't come to fruition), Canada (to see my closest friend), France...I just want to travel around the world for some time after I finish studying.

#15 Any plans for today?
-'s 10:30 PM. My plan is to hopefully finish this reaction paper on The Age of Innocence.

#16 Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
- Oh. Social Psychology by David Myers is right there and mocking me.

What Baumeister and his colleagues (1996) call "the dark side of high self-esteem" exists in tension with the findings that people expressing low self-esteem are more vulnerable to assorted clinical problems, including anxiety, loneliness, and eating disorders.

#17 The most disturbing thing you ever watched?
- Recently, I would have to say that part in the final trial of Trials and Tribulations. Disturbing in a freaky, I-sort-of-expected-it-but-STILL way.

#18 What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
- Loads of soundtracks - movies and anime and Ace Attorney. Vocaloid songs too. Basically it's a mishmash of stuff I just happen to like and find.

#19 How do you watch your anime?
- Leech it off the Internet, subtitled. But if local channels will air them subbed or with decent dubs I can sit through, then I'll watch them on TV.

And this one from amaramente

Pick a fandom, any fandom I'm in. I will tell you:

• One True Pairing Ship:
• Canon Ship:
• "If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship:
• "You are one sick puppy" Ship:
• "I dabble a little" Ship:
• "It's like a car crash" Ship:
• "Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship:
• "Makes no canon sense but why the heck not" Ship:
• "Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship:

the reincarnation meme
I will post a more coherent, more significant entry in the future.

But first...OUR POODLE HAD PUPPIES! Two of them, and methinks we can keep one. We still haven't checked their sexes (will do so as soon as we're allowed to examine them), but if you have any random brown poodle puppy name suggestions, drop 'em here. XD I feel like naming it either Missile or Hayate
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