A small break and a survey

May 20, 2013 10:47

Hi everyone! As you might have noticed, results were a bit late for this round and I don't have the new challenge up yet. I am very sorry about this but life is a bit all up in the air at the moment. I do have the theme ready, but the bulk of the work with getting a new challenge up is caps-hunting and the search for examples, and that takes a bit of time, especially for a subject-specific community like this. I hope to get the new fortnightly theme up by the end of this week :)

In the meantime I'd like to open the floor to a little survey about austenuity. Comments are screened :)

Are the challenge posts inspiring? What would you like to see in a challenge post?

Are the fortnightly challenges enough time? Is it too long or too short, and if so, what is a good length for you?

What do you feel about the reminders? Are there too many, too few?

How do you find the themes? Are they too limiting, too vague, too boring, too confusing? Are there any themes you'd like to see in the future?

Anything else? Any complaints, hang-ups, concerns about anything, i.e. voting mechanics, voting format, results format, etc--feel free to mention it here.


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