FFANZ Nominations Now Open

Jan 30, 2013 18:02

FFANZ - Please pass along...

Nominations are now open for the 2013 Fan Fund of Australia and New Zealand (FFANZ). FFANZ in 2013 will send one New Zealand science fiction fan from New Zealand to the 2013 Australian Natcon, Conflux 9 in Canberra from 25-28 April.

Prospective candidates will have until February 10th 2013 to file the documents required to have one's name placed in nomination and added to the ballot.

The ballots will be published and distributed in late February, and voting
will run from February 28th - March 12.

Candidates should file the following documents:
  • A brief letter stating one's intent to run for FFANZ 2013.
  • A nominator and a seconder, preferably a nominator from New Zealand and a seconder from Australia.
  • A 100 word or less platform statement specifying the candidate's reasons for running and qualifications for becoming the 2013 FFANZ delegate.
The duties of the winning candidate will be as follows:Travel to Australia and attend Conflux 9, the 52nd Australian Natcon, in Canberra from 25-28 April.
  • Visit and get to know as many Australian Science Fiction fans as time will permit.
  • Become the New Zealand FFANZ administrator until a replacement administrator is found, normally this happens when the administrator role is handed over to the succeeding Aussie-bound delegate (in 2015 if a race is run every year).
  • Raise funds and maintain an account to be used by the next NZ delegate(s) in 2015.
  • Promote connections between Australian and New Zealand fandom by a trip report or other means.
Send required documents to;
janlb@orcon.net.nz for New Zealand fans
celestialcobbler@hotmail.com for Australian fans

More information about being a fan fund delegate can be found at
http://ffanz.sf.org.nz/qanda.htm or http://ozfanfunds.com/
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