So, I've decided that I love my new job! All the people are as snarky as I am and I walked in there and it felt like I'd known these people forever. I was also sprung three hours early and still got paid...salary life is wondermous!
Now...I've also somehow gotten sucked into this show called Work Out on Bravo. It's about this gym and the trainers in Los Angeles. The owner is this serious dyke...and I say dyke because she's a lesbian but she's very unfemme and tough but she's not overly manly in appearance. Anywho...we get to see some of the intimate moments in her various relationships and I cannot look away from the television. Not porn or anything but I love seeing people in sappy, happy moments and it's rare to see that on television. So, I revel in the moment. :-P Yes, I'm odd and you're wondering why you friended me but I bet you're willing to overlook it. :-D
I have not forgotten about the mail will all be going out later this week. So, go
here if you haven't signed up for mail stuffs from ray!