Oct 03, 2004 16:38
yesterday i went out with chrissy and had a wonderful time.
today i planned on sleeping in and missing sundayschool but going to church, then going to ryan's bday party, then to youth, then hanging out with jacob for a while. well i ended up waking up at 8:30am by my dad and ended up going to the Super Chevy dragrace competition/car show/swat meet. it was great. i loved it. i felt really bad not hanging out with the church, but at least i knew that i was going to be able to hang out with jacob...right?? Wrong!!! i get home and realize that my dad is celebrating my moms bday today instead of tuesday bc he is leaving for Tenn. tomorrow.
tomorrow i have to get a CT scan and 3 or 4 xrays on my shoulder. it hurts really bad. So, im going to school until 9:30, going to Obicy hospital-worst hospital in VA-then going to court to get my for-real lisence. oh joy. i cant remember if i have a test or not...but i guess i will find out! k well i gotta go. LOVE U BROTHER!!! i miss u much!