Aug 05, 2011 11:12
A: Son came over and stayed for a month. While here he bought tickets and rented an apt in Tokyo so after Oz he went to Nippon. Earthquakes an' all. Well where are there not earthquakes? Greece has them.
Anyway he was here on a working holiday so to speak so he was mostly on his computer but that was ok since we have done all the big things with him during other visits. You never know when you'll be back so better cram in as much as possible as soon as possible.
Some restaurant visits and a movie.
first weekend we took him with us out for som 4wding in the Zig Zag area/Glow worm tunnel area with the Sydney Jeep club. We were supposed to be 40 jeepers gathering but only 22 something turned up. So we stood there 22 something Jeeps in rows and got divided in two groups. Ours left first.
First we drove down to a dam. The road was full of deep and big puddles and the last bit was pretty steep. Then we drove to the Lost City and had a look. Windy as h- it was. Still looks like one of the Big Apes' city from Tarzan, IMHO. After that we went to the Bungleboori camping spot and had lunch. It was somewhat cleaned up. We had heard from friends that it had been a real mess there 2 months ago. All jeepers were supposed to meet up at lunch and take pictures of all the Jeeps but the other group were late so we did not have time to wait for them. Off to the Glow Worm Tunnel. M and I had forgotten to take torches but son at least had his telephone to light the way with. Yep that was it. Then back to Zig Zag Railway parking and got a promise from Heidi that the Ladies day out was definitely going to be on Saturday. But too bad, it never happened. We were actually only two ladies interrested. Sad. Anyway that was the first week.
Got some help from son driving errands. He and M carried down most of the plants to Janie so I could drive them over to a friend who will take care of them. And some other things. Good buy to our very very old MacIntosh computer from Torrance.
M went down to Melbourne and son and I had loose plans on visiting him there but the only weekend we could was the weekend that we were to take our citizenship tests so it never happened. The week after son and I decided to go outback three days. So now all he has left to do in oz really, is diving on the reef.
Before we went outback we took a day trip down to the coast to Cooks landing, were Captain Cook had a look at Australia the first time, and did some whale watching. Saw some fins, lots of blows and one nice tail.
Of course M and I also did out citizenship test with flying colours but we have to wait for the ceremony before we will be recognised as fully fledged citizens. That may take months.
Then the outback trip. Drove the Hume hwy, turned off at Queyanbeyan (quinbjan) and west to Griffith. Found ourselves a hotel there with the most gigantic doors in to the rooms. Had dinner at an Italian place.
For some reason I hade to scream 'use your f- indicators' until I got it out of my system which was roundabout the time I saw the Dunny at Willandra! Then I hade to shout 'THE DUNNY' until that one got out. I think I am all cleared out now.
Next day on to Hillston and then we were out in the big wide open ranges. I like it so much for some reason. Anyway. Dirt road to Willandra Station NP and walked around, looked at the old sheep shearers shed and the station. There was water in the river now. Had lunch at the shed and drove on dirt roads down to Hay. Outside Hay there was a spot for watching the sun set. So we did. In to Hay and stayed at a motel. Actually the same as M and I stayed at when Prince William married Kate. Dinner at a rest. M and I also have eatn at.
Next day we went to the Shear Outback museum. All about shearing and sheep and sheep stations. Also a demonstration on how you shear a sheep. The guy was the brother of the one who had demonstrated to us a couple of years back. This brother now let son try it out! So he got to shear the sheeps back. Neat!
After the shearing it was just strait home on the bitumen. We had lunch somewhere along the road and at 4-ish we had tea off the Hume. Fuelled up in Goulburn and took a pic of the Big (Merino) Sheep. In Sydney it started to rain. So drove home in rain and dark. Not a good combi but we made it in one piece and had dinner at home. That was a very short and intense trip. Too much transportation but then that's almost always the case when you live in a big city.
Time to get ready for the movers to arrive. On the Sunday son left for Japan and I went with to wave goodbuy.
Home again with a feeling of having a grip on things.