One of my workmates was reading a nutrition related magazine today and pointed out to me an ad for a new product by Carnation - VEGAN CONDENSED MILK! FUDDDDGGGGE ISSS BACKKK!
I've been looking for this stuff for a while now, but can't seem to find it at any of my local coles/safeways! If you find out which shops stock it please let me know!
Funny. Just 5 minutes ago I added those to my shopping list. I'm sure they sell them in the pet food section of Coles. If I find any I'll buy a spare one for you.
You know what I CANNOT find lately? Those adhesive rollers for removing pet hair from clothing. WHY? :/
I'm particularly on the look out for "refills" - just the adhesive roll part - because I have at least three plastic handles lying about.
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