Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale

May 17, 2009 09:33

Hey Guys!

I don't think I've heard about this on any lj communities yet so I felt it was important to spam you all.

During the week June 20 to 28, there will be a 'Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale'.  It sounds like a great idea.  Events are registered with the website and held at various locations around the world over the course of the week.

If you're interested in getting involved (or just attending and taking advantage of the high concentration of vegan goodies!) check out the Who's Participating page and see if an event is already planned in your area - if not, see if you can find a couple of people who would like to help you organise one.

I'm totally looking forward to the Sydney event.

Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale webiste: (

(Sorry for those who are members of more than one of the three communities I just crossposted to!)

bake sales

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