Melbourne's Toil/Art Project - cross posted

Sep 22, 2007 10:50

hi folks please circulate through your networks


We strongly believe that everyone, regardless of gender identification, presentation or ability has the right to access safe and dignified bathroom facilities without fear of harassment, judgment or violence. Toil/Art will work to raise awareness around issues of bathroom accessibility and gender neutral facilities, map bathrooms in Melbourne, and foster a sense of community for the users of these bathrooms through creative and artistic endeavours.

Increasing awareness of existing gender neutral (or unisex) and accessible bathrooms in Melbourne. This will involve collecting locations of such facilities online at, collating a suburb/street guide, and eventually publishing maps (online or hard copy depending on funding).

Increasing awareness of issues surrounding gender diversity and accessibility and the need for safe and dignified bathroom facilities. This will hopefully involve a comprehensive survey of CBD toilets, distribution of a pamphlet to businesses and individuals outlining the politics of pissing. We might even make stickers for front windows of business that have gender neutral toilets!


Increasing creativity, community and artistic skills in a progressive and visible way. Putting the art in Toil/Art. Perhaps an exhibition on toilet doors, maybe a zine with stories and images, photos, graffiti, getting permission to take over the walls of our favourite places. . . all we know is it’s gonna be awesome!

Stage one of Toil/Art is ready to go so right now we need your help with collating lists of already existing gender neutral and/or wheelchair accessible bathrooms in Melbourne!

Do you know of a gender neutral, unisex and/or accessible toilet in Melbourne? Tell the rest of us!

Report accessible bathrooms at the toil/art website

TOIL/ART would love to hear to hear from any artists who wish to donate or produce art work for an auction to raise funds for the project including producing the maps as well as artists who would like to assist in running queer/trans friendly and accessible workshops to produce art for the auction.

TOIL/art welcomes the participation or advice of anyone with an interest in surveying restrooms in the cities of Yarra and Melbourne eg cafes, bars and public bathrooms about accessibility with a focus on wheel chair accessible and gender neutral bathrooms

For more informatio please email


The Toil/Art Collective
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