fic: The Sacred Fountain of Tradition (Glee_

Feb 17, 2011 21:51

It was a cool and crisp morning, the day that all hell broke loose at Dalton. After all, Dalton was a prestigious school, and its students worked hard to ensure they upheld the traditions and expectations set before them.

Yet one February morning, things at Dalton changed forever. This was the day that the Sacred Fountain of Tradition became a white, shapeless, mound of foam.

To those who lived in the real world (ie. outside the gilt cage that was prep school), dishwashing liquid in the local fountain was a common prank. Every Friday night, some drunken teenager would decide it was a good idea to turn the town square into a massive, frothing, sea of soapy mess.

But at Dalton? Such a thing is unheard of! Yet there it was that Saturday morning, the normally grey statue of Edward Dalton with water spouting out of his umbrella was completely hidden by bubbles.

There was an official inquest made by the principal, in a futile attempt to find the culprit, yet no one knew a thing. Almost half the boarding student body had arrived back on campus late due to the usual round of Friday night parties, so that didn’t help anyone. And there were no security camera’s in the gardens. Why would there ever be a need for such a thing?

Only two people knew the truth. One was Kurt Hummel, who was so angry at the world because the guy he was in love with has kissed someone who was supposed to be his friend. So angry, that he decided to stick a metaphorical finger at the rest of the Dalton population, who obviously had sticks up their arses (even the ones who aren’t gay), and deface the prized monument.

The other was Blaine, sitting up in his dorm room, too drunk to register what he was witnessing outside his window, yet sober enough to sit there, confused as to why some girl actually made him half hard (though not as hard as Kurt made him).

While no one else ever found out who dumped the dishwashing liquid in the fountain that night, their legacy lived on. They became a legend. And from that moment onwards, every Saturday morning, the prep school boys at Dalton would awake to find the Sacred Fountain of Tradition covered in thick, white foam.

kurt, gay, blaine, fic: glee, setting: america

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