Check-out My Yanky (cowboy) Boots

Oct 17, 2005 10:50

I'm either wasting time or being purely self-indulgent, but for *contribution to history* purposes, I'm gonna show off my yanky boots.   Hosein can't believe that I would wear a pair of boots that add over an inch to my already 6-foot height, but hey - they're probably the 'classiest' pair of shoes I've ever owned!

They're a bitch to get on and off, so for the first time I think I understand the ol' line "bury me in my boots".

I bought the boots in July at a store in Flagstaff, Arizona ~ specialising in 'Western' gear.

I still have to get used to walking in these boots.... they TOTALLY change my gait - I have to do this heal-toe thing in a way that removes ALL hipsway... very "butch" as Jo says.   Just as well really, coz my butchier buddies have always laughed at my gait... "annie hon, you have waaaaaaay to much hipsway happenin' there!"   Jo calls it a "waddle".. lol.   Anyway, deese-dem-here booats, dey remove all dat hippyswaay from my walkin'... ~ *hueck hueck*
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