Yesterday i went to the local botanic garden and took 305 pictures in nearly 5 hours. *blush* Not all of them were as good as some of them but still a lot of them are good enough to share them - some are amazing from my pov! I choose 114 pictures for you, two of them are panoramas. But take a look by yourself and please leave comments thank you!
You wanne download the complete album? Sure:
album Some rules: I haven't watermarked them because it would destroy some of the pictures. So please, STAY FAIR! You are allowed to use them for icons, header or something else, but PLEASE credit ME (
aussi1988 ) and leave a comment, that you're going to use them! Thank you!
Let's start from the beginning:
the entrace
the water lilies right at the beginning... there are plenty more to come. They are such a great scene.
a fountain
some kind of garden with a scarecrow
and a bike^^ it belongs to the garden.
the bandstand - you can watch concerts and so on in that area.
that ball is rolling around due to the water. I managed to change its direction AND soak my jacket i had along with *yeha* *d'ough*
in case you wanne know where i am... search the red button^^ oh and mum and I walked the complete garden^^
another fountain with the Frankfurt landmark tower (fair tower) in the background.
may i present you 'Miss Ducky' my ducky model! She was sooo kind and showed herself in different positions^^
such a beauty!
oh that is her husband... he had a short talk with his friend the egyptian goose. But when he saw that i was taking pictures of his beloved wife he was running to me. I told him he has nothing to fear and i will leave them alone now. That clamed him down^^
the actual reason why we went to the botanic garden - there is an exhibition about oils called 'thousand and one oil' I like that picture.
I was fascinated by that picture, because they have written 'wax' into the wax skin of that flower^^
now we are in the palm house... i took the half of my pictures in here^^
a plam leaf
that bright green is amazing! I haven't altered them anyway, it's just the backlight.
a white common arum with water pearls on it...
macro shot
paradise feeling!
don't know what kind of flower, but it looks amazing
my mum told me yesterday: ' you have water on most of the pictures' - well water is my element^^
i love the play with the light and the water pearls.
'Hello Cookie!' well he didn't answer, maybe it's just working down under^^
his mate was taking a sunbath^^
their leafs are like a roof
yes these are bananas!
and they are very high up there!
great colour
that looks very strange!
another shot of that waterfall from a different angle... i like the mirroring on the water!
a small stream
same stream different angle
okay halftime i think i'm going to open a second post because i fear this post i already too large but if you click
here you can get right there.