Nov 29, 2010 21:18

I missed to share my last few Icons from challenges on bradleystills  and colin_stills or simple without any community... but now here they are:


challenge #49



(c) BBC/Shine Ltd. | Screenshots made by gealach_ros | used textures by moderngoddess   | edited by me


challenge #47





(c) BBC/Shine Ltd. | edited by me

challenge #59



(c) BBC/Shine Ltd. | used textures by moderngoddess  | edited by me

here are some Icons i made with out any challenges:

made for ronsoftie | (c) BBC/Shine Ltd.


i noticed, that Bradley is wearing thongs during filming the Quests for Merlin

i bake and made an Arthur and a Merlin

comment and credit me if you use them

community: bradleystills, community: colin_stills, bradley james, fan-art, arthur pendragon, icons, colin morgan, fan-stuff, photoshop, wmip

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