Feeling better

Dec 28, 2006 23:25

Since my last post.
Thanks to all who commented.  Your thoughts and advice were all taken to heart and I appreciate it.
Feeling much better. 
Got to hang with the Daniel.  Did drink quite a bit while he was in town, but it was kindof a gimme. 
Left to my own devices I've spent most of my time playing video games, reading books, and doing Sudoku.

It's not terribly exciting.  It's even a bit unnerving in it's mediocrity at times.
But I feel it's a neccesary step to a much more productive (and therefore interesting) life style that has eluded me up until this point.

I kindof feel like this whole time I've been looking at my life like a broken engine.  Like if I just replace the alternator and maybe replace a few hoses it should just run on it's own.  But what I forgot to do the whole time after gotten to that point was just put my foot on the fucking gas and *vroommm
I mean, I still have to fix all those things, but I need to actually get in the car and drive it otherwise whats the point?

I had previously had a few discussions with Daniel about work.  I had a similar conversation with Rachel Hillary and Todd over Christmas eve.  I'm really thinking my time waiting tables should be coming to a close soon.  I think I'd really like to just start doing tech overhire.  Light hangs would be mostly up my alley I think, considering my nearly non existent carpentry skills.  It'd be comparable money to what I'm making now, I'd get to work in a theatre alot of the time, and I think the experience of being a private contractor and jumping from gig to gig on a regular basis would help alot once I start doing the same with the acting.
Plus - the biggest and most obvious benefit being that since it is a private contractor kindof gig it's something that I could come back to between acting gigs when neccesary much easier than I could any job waiting tables.
It just makes sense.  A step in the right direction in more ways than one.

Seeing Daniel was good.  Got to hang with some Texas people I hadn't really hung out with very much despite living in the same neighborhood.  Had more fun going out than I had in a long time.  Plus we went to Atlantic City the night before and morning of Christmas eve.  Because we're dirty old men and that's how we roll.  We drink black coffee and scotch and we're more disaffected than you.  Looking forward to Dallas the next time I'm in Texas.

Christmas was good too.  I hadn't seen Rachel in over a year and Todd was a friend from college I hadn't seen since I left there.  We had an awesome Christmas ham (made by a Jewish lesbian.  HA!) and lots of other good, mostly German style food.  Then we drank lots and lots of wine and played mafia all night, which is (in case you didn't know) possibly the greatest party game of all time.

So things are good.  I've got to figure out this overhire thing.  If it's going to be something where I give two weeks notice at my current job or if I might have to build up contacts and relationships with a few overhire companies to make sure I get enough work to be full time in a month or so.  Anyway, that's about it. 
Laura is in town tomorrow with Brown from Austin which should be fun.  And surprise surprise, my boss is so nice to me now that he even promised me NewYears day off on the spot when I asked about it.  This from the guy who wrote me up twice in a week for being 5 minutes late.  Wonders will never cease. 
Anyway, that's all for now.  I've got to get to bed for work tomorrow.  Good night all.
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