Not dead . . . yet

Jul 12, 2006 03:07

Moved into Brooklyn. It was a 14 hour ordeal that I do not care to repeat. But I have a nice new apartment and nice new furniture and lot's and lot's of room.
Which is great, because I have no money, so I have a nice little enclosure to enjoy while wallowing in utter poverty.

And part of that is my fault. Something about not even actually being closer to the city, but just feeling closer makes me splurge alot more.
A few nights out in the city. A few nights out in Brooklun. A few late night take out orders.
It adds up.

Oh God does it.

But I finally started the new job on monday, so all should level out by the end of the month.

Life has definately been more interesting since I've been out here, but also decidedly more lonely at the moment. More so than I expected.
It's a'ight though, brothah maintains. I'm just sayin, don't hesitate to call if you're in the neighborhood.

That's about it to report for now. There's alot of day to day stuff, but it's all just details. I'll break it down like this - 6 degrees is crazy once you're actually in NYC, I've already run into one guy I went to highschool with and haven't spoken to since then. It was a good thing. Tuesday is wierd people day on the NYC subway system. The show is hurtling ahead but shakey as ever. And girls are crazy. Seriously. That's all for now.

Likely no internet in the spot for atleast a month, or until our financial situation is more settled.
If you need to talk to me, call. If you need my number you should already have it.
If you don't, well . . you're just a dick.
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