Jun 07, 2006 06:28
My beloved site has been down for a whole week!! I've been itching to write. I don't even know what I've done in the last month, since I wrote here. hmmm lots. Melbourne was cool, they got a pretty big night life/music scene there...they pretty much pride themselves on everything there tho, haha. They live for their Rugby. I saw the Wallabies play (not Rugby, Wallabies are AFL..Aussie Football League...TOTALLY different from football anywhere in the world). Good times. I have spent a small fortune sending mail to everyone- I hope you all appreciate it!! 'Cause I have got NONE! *sniffles* :P Aww mannn...so much to tell, can't remember it all. This past weekend I accomplished one of my mini goals in life, to climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge!!!!! It was amazingggggly CooooooL. And there was a p2p group behind us! I wanted to talk to them! It felt strange tho, like Matt and Dani and the whole group shoulda been there....but that was 4 years ago. Anyway, tomorrow is my very last tutorial/class. Wohoooohohhohoho! Melanie should be coming up for a visit soon, and Jenny is coming back from her two-week get-away back home for a cousin's wedding..I've missed her. I've been a total loser playing the Sims2, downloading movies & episodes, climbing bridges, and babysitting :P Did I mention class anywhere in there? :p I made out like a bandit last Friday night babysitting this six year old boy for 8 hrs (mostly he was in bed), I got $100. My Dad says if I land a job like that every day I can stay! lol. Yes I would like that....... anywho, I think I'll cut myself off now.
later gators,
<3 down~unda
p.s. loooove the rain... im droowwwwwwwwninggggg:p and the water is spinning the opposite waaay