Holy shit, I'm actually at home by myself! I got home around 7:30p, which is the earliest I've been at home all week. Each night, long meetings or panels or something. Eck. What's exciting is that I should be getting a permanent offer from my temporary job any time now... Even though I've been working so much, with all of the energy I can muster, I continue to have a really good time doing my job. It's such a relief, really -- this idea that anything is possible and my time is really well spent. Ahhhhh...
Let me tell you about my little buddy, Quinn. His mom is a friend of mine who's doing it all on her own, and I wanted to make life more managable by providing childcare once a week. We've been hanging out on Tuesday afternoons for about 4 months, and I can't get enough of the little guy. I wake up on Tuesdays so excited because I know that I get to crawl around after the cutest boy on earth, making each other laugh, and then snuggling together over a bottle. He's such a cheerful kid -- even when he hasn't napped all day and it's 3p, he's still cracking up and exploring new things. It's also so great to see him learn things on a weekly basis -- one week he made it up one stair; the next week he made it up ten. His first birthday is coming up in April, and we get to host it! Very exciting... Honestly, I think of myself as the favorite auntie, and I'll take any chance I can get to have a Quinn Day. His birthday gift? A year's membership to the Children's Museum where he can crawl around the Baby Garden for a few hours on a rainy day.
Wanna see a picture? Here you go!
This is actually when he was just a few months old... Eye pillows are very necessary when taking a mid-day nap, you know...