(no subject)

Jun 06, 2004 02:27

So i've been generally miserable since school let out.
I feel like every single relationship i am in right now with friends and associates is seriously fucked up. I feel very distanced from every. I'm not really close with anyone right now. Closeness, I need that.

I'm unhappy at work lately. Tim irks me these days. His band irks me. The schedluing irks me. People suggesting that khalid should be fired fucking irk me especially when 2 of the kids that complained about him hardly ever fucking work and one of them didn't even bother coming in yesterday when he was supposed to work. Someone needs to get off his powertrip too.

A girlfriend...would be nice. Attention Dudes with girlfriends!!!!! Don't take your beautiful girlfriends for granted, not even for one second. Buy them flowers and tell them how happy they make you.

Ability to play guitar: I'm playing 85% as well as I'd like to. There's still a good amount of room for imrpovement but I'm haning in there and not giving up.

The Dark Tower:
I'm on Book IV, Wizard and Glass. I read a little bit tonight but not much. I need to get back into the habit. Susan Delgado.
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