Nov 12, 2005 02:16
someone told me recently something that made me think of something else, which in turn took my mind and meself down a path that led to questions i didnt really follow any further than where they dragged me.
the questions were ones like, how different of a person am i than i was in high school? if different, then how so and how much? and if how so and how much, then is that good or bad? and if good or bad, then should i move to paris and chop my ear off?
i just got to thinking. and it made me think that i am a very different person than i was in hs. but that is okay b/c i am still growing as a person. i am still learning, still praying, still believing, still hoping, still walking, moving, breathing, talking, stopping to smell the roses. but am i continuing on to a something/someone better? am i PROgressing (from latin, it means literally, to go for something). what am i going for? am i a work in progress? God says i am. that He will continue a work in me until completion, or until Jesus Christ comes back to get us like a freakin' thief in the night. how cool.
but am i? am i working on to being a better person? i try to work at that. but it is very difficult. i am so imperfect and i see perfection as so far away and so impossible to attain. which it is on earth. and i hope that in heaven i will see perfection clearly and be able to love that perfection like i should. everything is so dimly lit now, like a dusty mirror; so fragile like a paper toy; so fleeting like a breeze. it is hard to imagine a world in which i will no longer hurt or feel sorrow loss or pain; a world of true joyfullness and true wonder and true splendor (whatever splendor is, i dont know if earth has something worthy of that title). splendor. cool word too. splendor. the gates of splendor. the courts of praise. cool image. i think about heaven kind of a lot. i think b/c this world a lot of the time, just fucking sucks. and i reach for those moments with God in His presence forever. i reach in my mind for something this world does not have.
"When I find in me a desire this world can not satisfy, I know I am made for another world." - CS Lewis
thanks if you read. in my apartment. cya.