I am a fickle girl. I know this. I fall in love with actors/shows/characters easily. One might even say capriciously... But in all seriousness...no one actor/show/character has captured my heart like David Tennant and Doctor Who since Gale Harold and Queer as Folk and that is saying a lot.
David Tennant is just the perfect mixture of quirky, gorgeous, angsty, funny, lonely, loving and brilliant and I just love him to death. And if I didn't love him enough as the Doctor...this sealed the deal.
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I mean...seriously. Hamlet DVD is already ordered.
Now for obvious reasons...I loved the ending of Series 2. The goodbye between Rose and the Doctor just hits all the right buttons for me.
But so far, the episode that has left me in absolute TEARS is the two part Human Nature/Family of Blood. Not only do we get to see the Doctor get some totally hot kissing action, but David Tennant just blows me away with his ability to change between "human" and "Time Lord". You really feel his innate want to just be normal and it is positively heartbreaking in just the right way. What a talented, talented man.
Anyway, I'm just about to watch the season finale for Series 3. So happy to have found this show!!