Jun 22, 2008 14:12
I don't remember all of this dream - I'm pretty sure the transitions are where I woke up and fell asleep again - but here's the parts I remember.
We were staying in one of those large trailer homes -- one that had a Chinese restaurant a short distance away. It was the middle of the night, and my friend and I had walked to the Chinese restaurant to get something to eat and an extra large drink. The counterperson was in a hurry to get us out, because they were holding a religious ceremony shortly and were closing the restaurant to do so. So we got our food, and we left, and we began the long walk back to the trailer, when my friend abruptly realized that she'd left something behind. I was stuck bringing the rest of the food back, while she headed on back to find whatever it was she'd lost. Later, a little concerned (and tired of walking) I took my car and drove back up the path to find her. I never did find her - or the restaurant. All I found were her flipflops.
The next morning, the rest of us were chatting in the living room of the trailer home, when suddenly there was a loud creak, and the trailer tilted sharply to the right. We started shouting irately and banging on the windows -- as it turned out, someone was picking up our trailer home with a crane. We were very annoyed by this - both because we were still inside and because we'd paid for another full day. When the trailer was set down again, there was a loud argument, and this guy - a muscular fellow in a gray shirt - started to push people around. I was so outraged that I grabbed him and hauled him bodily down to the police station, where I tried to find a cop that would take my report, while he blithely and patiently waited for an opportunity to get away. He got one, too -- for some reason I felt the urge to check the computer in the police station, and he slipped off while I was deleting a spam mail. I realized my mistake and chased back out after him, but he was long gone.
We were making our way out to this rustic town in the middle of nowhere. I could remember the story behind it -- how several years ago, this gentleman had nearly been hanged by this corrupt man who ruled the town with an iron fist, and who had prided himself on... honestly, I can't quite remember what it was he did, but it was some bizarre combination of rope and target practice. Probably lassoing cows or something odd like that, but I didn't see most of it. I remember seeing (through a forced camera angle) this noose confronting the former expert -- and then the camera pulled back, revealing that the noose shape was actually the shape of the trophy being given out for that particular contest. What a jerk. The gentleman had apparently been training someone else for the role -- but was convinced by a companion to take his title back, and get a bit of revenge on the person who'd caused his suffering. And then a big fight broke out. I don't remember much of it -- I just remember seeing someone emerge from a shack at the edge of the contest grounds, and heading over that way to investigate. I remember finding a key on a short segment of cloth loop and plastic clip, a black and red key with 'Stanley' prominently embossed on it (the key brand, not the owner); and I remember seeing the big bad guy - or maybe just one of his biggest and baddest lieutenants, a swarthy, fairly fat guy with a thick beard and mustache, tromping out to see what was going on. For some reason, I decided that the best approach to the problem was to grapple his chest with my legs and bite into his left arm. Oddly, it seemed to work -- he didn't do anything immediately to intervene in the fight, and he seemed more amused by my presence than angry enough to dislodge me, even when I punched him in the face a few times. He did eventually seem like he was planning on bashing my skull in against one of the tables, but I don't remember what happened next - except that for some reason, that damned trophy looked a lot like a safety pin after the hero was done bending it.
The next portion of my dream was in another one of those pre-fabricated trailer things, except that this one was apparently outfitted to be a sort of two-classroom school . I know this most clearly because apparently, I was a teacher there, and someone had destroyed all of the papers there -- an angry student, perhaps? -- and sprayed the classrooms with multiple two and three-liters of soda (grape, lemon-lime, and generic Dr. Pepper). It was a real mess, and I did my best to clean things up (and preserve as much of the remaining soda as possible. What? I like Dr. Pepper.)
My dream was getting more abstract at that point, because the next part I remember involved a large underground basement, with a plexiglass floor over a display area below. Below me were the bodies of hundreds of men and women in various states of repose and undress, motionless, seemingly lifeless. The person next to me was talking about this being a model of every one of the victims of... the rest escapes me, because as I was watching, with a curious sort of horror, the figures began to move. Many of them seemed familiar somehow, like I should know who they were or at least recall having seen them before, but I couldn't quite put my finger on how or where. I remember looking closely at one pair - a shirtless gentleman biting into the throat of a woman with a very low-cut, practically medieval dress. As she was bit, she stared up at me with a look of happiness and revelation, and as the man withdrew, blood began to flow from the bitemarks in her neck, and she smiled a fangy smile. And then I woke up.