Costuming muse wants me to hurry up...

Jun 03, 2011 23:49

Not sure how coherent I am going to be since I am really tired...

But any how...

My muses want me to hurry up and finish cleaning up.  They want me sewing again.  Though I am not quite sure what the point is since I have no clue when I will be able to afford to go to a con again.  But they want me to sew costumes.  While I can't go and buy fabric for some of the stuff, I do have most of the necessary fabric for some of them.  Now I just have to get time to work on them.

Haven't gotten as much done as I should of on the model/statue re-make projects.  I just haven't been as motivated to work on them since last Saturday when I got majorly creeped out.

Nothing like being by yourself at night in the BASEMENT when you hear the sound of a hard-soled shoe walking across the floor above you.  First thought was "oh, the parents are back" and then I wondered why they weren't calling to me.  Then I went upstairs and discovered they weren't home.  Thought about it for a bit and went back downstairs.  Grabbed the best thing I could use for a weapon- an old t-square.  Anything better- I was either afraid of damaging or was upstairs.  Then proceeded to check the entire house, turning on ALL the lights and checking all the locks.  Even after finding nothing, I was still spooked.  The twits setting off the illegal fireworks weren't helping my nerves that night either.  Didn't calm down until the parents came home.

Going to have to get back to working on those projects though.  And finish sorting through the stuff I have done there.  Some stuff will be kept for charity auctions- I already have stuff for Balti.  Don't know if I will find other stuff to send to other cons.  I am going to have stuff to go to the Goodwill/Salvation Army.  I might have a box of stuff friends can go through.  There's going to some stuff that people are surprised that I am getting rid of.  And yeah, some of this stuff I COULD get good money for on ebay but I just don't feel like dealing with that hassle right now.  Letting it go to someone who would like it or have it benefit a charity, is fine with me.
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