Breaking Euchronia News: LIVE TESLA COIL! ... 3 days to go!

Dec 29, 2010 16:53

Greetings folks,

We have some amazing, last-minute news: we will have a genuine LIVE TESLA COIL display at Euchronia! This has been quite a thing to organize and we didn't want to announce it until we were pretty sure it would be happening, but we can now confim that senior Physicist Ed Bondarenko, former head of the Telstra Research High Voltage Lab, will be doing live Tesla Coil and Electrostatic Leviation displays throughout the earlier part of the evening, so you'll want to make sure you come early to see this fantastic display of SCIENCE!

We're also quite chuffed to note that we were listed this past weekend as the featured pick for New Years Eve in the Sunday Age: even the city's $2.5M free fireworks display didn't merit that honour!

We also have two new fine artists added to our already amazing bill: Christopher
James Percival
from Perth and Robo von Bismark from right here in Melbourne, with some more amazing artworks for your viewing pleasure. Christopher has also produced some amazing signage work which you'll see around the venue on the night, as well as our spectacular programme book, all new ALTV membership cards (which can be collected on the door) and sundry other designwork. In addition, we also have two new performers to announce: Nikolai and Scarlet will be entertaining you with Fire and Brimstone (or similar - we expect it will smell better) as you enter the venue, so keep an eye out!

We also wanted to make specific mention of our top-billed dance performer, Magdalene from New Zealand, who will be performing not one but two awesome acts. Her first will be more burlesque and Absinthe-themed (ooh la la!) but the second will be her famous Cenobite dance, sure to enthrall and amaze, and as seen at Torture Garden (UK) and the Christchurch Fetish Ball. (This second act is not for the fainthearted and so we're featuring it toward the end of the evening: well worth sticking around for!)

Finally, we can now announce our Drinks Menu for Euchronia, including a range of vintage themed cocktails with recipes from the turn of the century and beyond, and the prices - well, see for yourself!

If you're still looking for sartorial inspiration, please check out our What to Wear and Where to Get It pages. Importantly, for those of you who're keen to add a Holostatic Aetheric Discombobulator or similar to your accoutrements, we have a much more open policy this time around, and will be permitting prop weapons - but please ensure you read the policy carefully.

Please note that tickets can no longer be posted out to you (in case they don't reach you on time), but you can either come in to Wildilocks, Peril Underground or Of Science and Swords to buy your tickets in person up til close of business on the 31st, or you can buy online to pick up on the door from! You can also purchase from Moshtix either online or at any Moshtix outlet up til 6pm on the 31st December. (Limited door sales will be available, with preference for ALTV members.)

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!
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