Australian Steampunk Short Story Competition

Oct 15, 2010 16:32

Greetings ^_^

I hope it's okay to post this here.  I wanted to share this competition with everyone.  It's a steampunk short story comp with a twist, and it's only open to residents of Australia and New Zealand.

The stories you weave for the competition will need to embody the height of steampunk - all that is daring and unique and sweepingly epic about it. This will be the first step in a battle of the two great punk genres. Next years competition theme will be cyberpunk. When both comps are complete we will choose a selection of stories for our next anthology. As yet unnamed, it will be a flip book with two covers - cyberpunk on one side, steampunk on the other. So this year, represent steampunk with everything you’ve got, because next year it’ll be cyberpunks turn.

All the details and entry guidelines can be found here.

My most humble thanks for reading.


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