Mar 22, 2004 07:59
I've been sick for almost all of last week, and I'll likely be out for most of this week as well.
Monday: bad reaction to meds,left class early (only one class)
Tuesday: Still nauseous, decided to take the day off, figuring I could make it up later (4 classes)
Wednesday: went to my only class, felt decent
THURSDAY: Blacked out on my way to class, fell down 4 times on the stairs, hit my head a few times, passed out on the bathroom floor. Security called, sent to Health Services, stayed their until the night with IV's. No fever, no nausea, just dizziness and shaking.
Friday/Saturday: a little weak, occasional vertigo, but felt pretty good. Caught up on some work--not nearly enough.
SUNDAY: woke up with a fever, sent to Health Services,kept there until closing, when they sent me to the ER to bring down the fever...told I have a viral infection and would be out for the rest of the week. Nausea, dizziness...flu-like symthoms.
Monday: still fever, higher than ever...
It's been one HELL of a week..and I haven't even started on catching up on my work...still too dizzy to read, much less write.