Feb 12, 2004 00:27
It's been a while since I updated. I write in this journal the same way I read "free reading" books...I go for long dry stretches without any updates or reading any books...then gobble up 2-3 within the span of a few days.
The last few weeks have been...well, I'm still waiting for the semester to "settle"--and it hasn't yet. I'm not at the point where I feel comfortable with the workload...yet I shouldn't be as stressed as I am. I go for days of doing almost no work at all--and weeks when I barely do anything else. *sighs* I need to find some medium, some stability...
And I need to make more time for my friends. Sophie and I never seem to make our busy schedules work out--even for a cup of coffee, despite being in the same dorm. I want to check in with Monica--to see how things are going with her, at least...but though we often see each other, it's never a good chance to talk. John and Z I run into on a regular bases...same with Shawn, since he's in my class. I haven't seen the ALU girls since last semester--they're still trying to get their act together :)
There's half a dozen people on campus who intrigue me...yet I never have the chance (or the opportunity) to get to know them better. *sighs* I need an extra 5 hours in the day.
The bright side of the past week is that I've been getting out more. The philo majors and Z went to the mall last week...it was a bit hectic, but definitely fun. I've been dragged into two movies on campus...*grins* I'm glad I went. The Magdelene Sisters was disturbing and definitely a bit biased, but it was a great movie and gave me something to think about. I also went to La Boheme today with Adrian...apparently, the junior class got a massive discount on the tickets.
It's been a long time since I went to the opera. My parents are extremely unwilling to spend extrenous money...but they do believe in making sure that I'm cultured, so I've had my share of opera/play/ballet/musicial experiences. When I was young, it was boring--I mean, how many 6-year-old like listening to the opera? The older I get, the more i appreciate the experience...and appreciate them, for introducing me to it. *slight smile* It was a great performance...the play is the original version of Rent (like Romeo+Juliet/West Side Story...or Madam Butterfly/Miss Saigon). I suspect that I might like Rent better...though there's humor in this story, it's harder for me to relate to the characters. *grins* Still, I enjoyed it...
And I need to learn Italian. Add that to the list...right under Greek and French, but above Latin.
Nothing is going to get done this weekend. Dance is on Friday...if Adrian is well enough to go. Saturday is Valentine's...we're probably going to dinner, which I owe him from the night before. There's 2 movies on Saturday that I want to go see...Sunday is playing catch-up.
And dear God, don't I have a Logic test coming up?
Repression: If I don't think about it, it's not real for me :)