[From Barbies to Words] Happy Veteran's Day!!

Nov 11, 2009 20:54

I thought I would take a moment to thank the many service men and women
out there serving along with the veterans who have previously served in
the service.

The military has always played a strong part in my life. I grew up on
an Air Force base as a military brat. My father served over 20 years in
the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in Charleston for all of those
years. I was born and raised here - much of that time on the local air

I have seen and heard many things as a military brat. I have seen
different levels of security take effect as our country was under
attack in 2001. I have known several men to go overseas to serve in our
country's time of need. I could list ways the military has affected me
for a while, but I want to keep this brief so that you can enjoy your
Veteran's Day.

I have also known the joy of being close to my family. When your
friends are changing each year because your school is highly comprised
of military families, you start to grow closer to your family. With
time, you learn to bond and become really close to your immediate
family. They are the only ones that have been there for me through
thick and thin each and every moment of the way on my road of life.

As a daughter of a veteran, I feel it is only right to take this day to
honor him. I would like to tell my father that I love him and
appreciate all that he does for my sister and me. Thank you daddy.
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