If you stopped by sprints tonight, you may snag the following as a thank you:
The AIM room and the Java Client competed.
Who was the victor?
Round 1: The winning room is.... the AIM room!!!! Good job guys!!!
You may snag:
Round 2: The winning room is....the JAVA room!!!! Way to go!!!
You may snag:
Round 3: The winning room is...... the JAVA room!!!!! Woohoo!!
You may snag:
Round 4: The winning room is..... the JAVA room!!!! Yay!!!
You may snag:
If you wrote at all, then you're not a loser. Grab your condolence prize:
Side Note:
I would love to hear your feedback on what you thought of the double running of the chat client and AIM room. I'll take the good and the bad!