anyone want to volunteer to take care of feral cats?

May 20, 2015 13:00

plymouth and I volunteer with a group called The Purrfect Catch, which does fostering and adoption for cats that are OK around people, and trap / fix / manage-in-place for ferals. We go and visit one of our local colonies once a week to feed them and keep an eye out for any developing health issues, or new cats that may need to be fixed / vaccinated / etc.

One of the volunteers who handled two stations along the SF Bay Trail, in South San Francisco and San Bruno, recently dropped out due to health issues, so the management of the group is looking for one or more volunteers who live in that area who could handle visiting a feeding and shelter station on any of Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Any time during the day is fine, though before full dark is preferable. (The person who's dropped out was retired, and had been able to handle all three.)

If interested, I can put you in touch with the head of the group.
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