I bought a car this week. It's 2.5 years old and white, which I am informed is SOHotRightNow.
I get to pick it up on Wednesday. I was going to pay the whole thing with credit but then my gran died. So she's paid for the vast majority of it. Thanks granny.
My granny never learned to drive. She said she could never see the point of going all the way round a roundabout if you could see it was clear, so would just drive round it the wrong way to get where she wanted. After that my Grandpa refused to teach her.
But it means I can do things like:
Take stuff to the recycling centre / tip
Do car boot sales
Visit family and friends when Stu is working
It's going to be very cool.
The big clear out continues.
I think the car will help with this too as I have an extra HOUR at home in the morning and half to a whole hour extra at night. I will also drive past a charity shop on the way in so can load bags of stuff to go.
Stu has got into the swing of being more ruthless. He's happy to get rid of army stuff, and old medical books.
By mid month I will have freelancers so I can take time off and get my writing finished and after that I'll be back crafting.
It's all win!
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