Sep 21, 2005 19:19
-Well things have been going good here. Still trying to get in the swing of this with school. There is so much more to some of my classes than I orginally thought. It's so hard trying to get everything in line with each other. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning but I'm actually just a little behind.
-Well I have a Organic Chem test Thursday night and a Biology lab quiz the same night. Then on Friday I have a huge ass Biology test and then I have a sociolgy quiz and 2 one pages papers to write. It seems like I don't have enough time to get all this stuff done. I know its all a matter of spending the right amount of time on each thing.
-Other than that school is going good. I'm actually enjoying my Organic Chem class and the lab. We got to play with some cool stuff last night. The TA is really cool and laid back which makes things a little easier especially since the lab is so late at night. My Contemporary Social Problems- Sociolgy teacher is really cool. She's one of those teachers that makes you feel like your opinion matters and she stimulates open discussion so the class isn't just her talking. But I've also come to learn some interesting things that have changed the way I look at some of the social problems we have.
-Well other than school I've just been working. It seems I've been working my butt off but it always seems that way when you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day for everything you have to do and that is about the way I feel right about now. I can't wait for this weekend to get here where I can sit back and relax to a degree and do something fun. I've often wondered what it would be like to just be able to go to school and not have to work. I mean yeah it would run up huge student loans but at the same time it would give me all the time I needed to study and do anything else that I needed. Maybe one day I'll know what its like. Maybe. Well I need to get back to studying my Organic Chem for my test tomorrow. Hope everyones day was good!!